The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 798 Faith!


Under the fierce murderous intent, the color of the sword net became a little darker, and the killing power was almost boundless. With a heart-wrenching sound, it actually broke through the flesh and blood of Ghost Sanniang!

Although it's just a few points.

But it still broke open.


She glanced at the sword net and said thoughtfully, "To enter the Tao through killing? It's quite interesting."

With her strength, she could easily crush Gu Han to death, but she didn't expect that she would be injured by Gu Han's sword now. Although it was a small injury, although it was insignificant, it still hurt her!


Suddenly, a cold shout rang out. Just the sound alone shook the extremely lethal sword net to be riddled with holes and almost half of it was broken!

Ghost general, Ming Ling!

The life and death of Ghost Sanniang.

The other ghost schools didn't care, but he didn't allow the other party to make any mistakes. Even if the injury was only a trivial one, it still made him panic.

The ghost energy is stirring.

Wearing blood-red armor, he teleported to Gui Sanniang's side, his tone even more uneasy, "...are you okay?"


Gui Sanniang seemed to be disturbed and was a little unhappy. She said calmly: "No need to make a fuss, this ferryman is of great research value..."


Before he finished speaking, he was suddenly interrupted by a voice that contained monstrous murderous intent!

Amidst the loud roar, the tattered sword net was repaired again. In addition to the scarlet color being a little brighter, it actually had a faint yellow color, and also brought a strange and cold power.

The power of underworld!


Ming Ling then looked at Gu Han, "Huang Quan?"


As if to confirm his statement, Gu Han's figure kept shaking, and a shadow of a surging river appeared faintly behind him. The river was roaring and roaring, almost trying to sweep everything away!

Death in the underworld!

When fighting Kuishan, he only borrowed the power of Underworld, but at this time, he actually summoned the shadow of Underworld. The power was infinitely greater. Almost instantly, all the ghosts in a radius of 10,000 feet were transformed by Underworld's killing power. For the sake of nothingness, even those at the bottom of the ghost schools are on the verge of collapse!


Under his only remaining rational control, those from the Shen Fang tribe were not implicated in the slightest.

Underworld Killing was extremely lethal, but the cost of forcibly using this magical power was also extremely high. Almost instantly, Gu Han's body was completely shattered!


Gu Han's voice changed from the clear and clear voice in the past to extremely cold. Covered by the ghost face, the blood in his eyes almost condensed into substance!

"Okay, okay!"

Ashu was the most sensitive to the power of the underworld and wanted to escape for a long time. After hearing this, he immediately split into more than a hundred vines, tied up the remaining tribesmen and fled away into the distance. Anyway, covered by the power of the underworld, the entire area was covered by the underworld. Without the ghosts, it naturally doesn't have to worry about being surrounded.


Leng Yushu did not leave.


Ming Ling said indifferently: "With such little strength, you try to use the power of the underworld. If you don't hurt us, you will die first!"

"grown ups."

One of the Bone Ghost School sneered: "You are still injured. You are a little ferryman. Why do you have to come here in person? Why don't you let your subordinates deal with him..."


He gave Ghost Sanniang a vague look.

In the past, he was the number one ghost school under Min Ling, but since Ghost Sanniang came, he has become the number two, and his hostility towards her is naturally not small.

"Back off."

Ming Ling glanced at him lightly.


The ghost school didn't dare to say anything more.

Although he was severely injured by Yue Qing in his early years and his injuries are far from recovered, Ming Ling thought that he could control all the situations on the field, so he naturally did not want to let Gui Sanniang down.

far away.

Looking at Gu Han, who still had no chance of winning, Ashu shivered in fear, causing the branches and saplings to tremble, "Master, we must win...otherwise Ashu and I will be unlucky too..."

"Underworld killing?"

"The way of killing, when combined with this magical power, really complement each other."

Gui Sanniang called out the name of Gu Han's magical power very accurately, shook her head and said: "You are more suitable for this magical power than anyone else, but it is a pity that with the killing power you have mobilized, there is no way you can be a concubine. ”

Underworld killing?

The ghosts were shocked.

Naturally, the ferryman has more than one magical power. The name of "Underworld Killer" is as loud as thunder. There may not be many ferrymen who have mastered this magical power. This is the first time for them to see the true appearance of this magical power!

And this magical power is just like its name. In terms of killing power, it is definitely a nightmare in the hearts of countless evil spirits!


Seeing that the underworld shadow summoned by Gu Han was getting clearer and clearer, Ming Ling couldn't help but remind him: "Although the power he can exert is limited, you still have to be careful."

The implication.

Don't screw up.

Ghost Sanniang glanced at him appreciatively.

He is a talent that can be made. If he is carefully cultivated, he will definitely be an effective general in the future.

Different from other evil spirits.

Underworld Ferry, Underworld Sacrifice, Underworld Killing... She has seen almost all the ferrymen's magical powers, and the real Underworld Killing can kill almost everything!

"That's all."

She stared at Gu Han and sighed: "Although you have almost no comeback, I still can't be careless... I won't play anymore!"

The scene is controllable.

Naturally, she can play however she wants.

But now... she felt that Ming Ling's words made some sense. If she really capsized in the gutter, her face would be completely lost.


As she spoke.

Her ghost claws slashed violently, instantly tearing a huge crack in the sword net wrapped around her body. The dark ghost power on her body rose up and collided directly with the Huangquan phantom!

In the violent roar, the space collapsed inch by inch, and the Huangquan phantom actually had a tendency to dissipate!


With another roar, the Huangquan phantom solidified again, and even had a tendency to turn into substance. Although Gui Sanniang's offensive was strong, facing the endless Huangquan power, she had a tendency to be unable to resist for a while!


Gui Sanniang smiled contemptuously, "Today, I'll let you see what the real Huangquan power is!"


As he spoke, the dark ghost energy in the sky stopped for a moment, then the clouds and smoke disappeared, and in its place, there was a phantom of a river, which directly covered the entire world, and it was also the phantom of Huangquan!


Compared with the one summoned by Gu Han, this phantom was more than ten times clearer!

The river roared and the bones rose and fell. In the middle of the river, there was a huge monument that exuded an eternal and vast meaning, and there was an ancient seal character written on it.


"What a pity."

Gui Sanniang put away her playful heart. Although her appearance was extremely ugly, she had a faint sense of majesty. "Such a potential ferryman will never have a chance to grow up."


"It's over."

"The master is going to die."

In the distance, Ashu said to himself in despair, "Grandpa Shu... is really going to die..."

Beside it.

The remaining members of the Shenfang tribe knelt down and prayed silently again, but this time the object of their prayers was not the stone statue... but Gu Han, who stood in front of them like a mountain and fought desperately for a way out for them!

At this moment.

Gu Han has become their belief!

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