The Unconventional Legend

Chapter 201: Depressed flood witch!

Zuo Xiaoduo and Li Chenglong were stunned!

There is a team of 12,000 people, and there is a deputy commander who has a higher level of cultivation. What is that... The Great Witch of Flood just used a hammer?

Zuo Xiaoduo swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said dryly: "That Great Flood Witch... so powerful? Is he really invincible?"

"More than awesome?"

Grandma Shi sighed: "At that time, it was the nightmare of the entire Star Soul Continent... It is said that even the Emperor of the Sky Survey and the Emperor Zhaixing... are not his opponents..."

Li Chenglong's face turned pale, and he said, "What about the Heavenly Kings on the left and right? You can always beat them, right?"

Grandma Shi rolled her eyes and said, "As a child, the right heavenly king among the left and right heavenly kings is the son of the Emperor Zhaixing... a generation later, they still do not have the strength to overpower their ancestors."

Zuo Xiaoduo only felt his scalp explode.

"Then this Flood Witch is really invincible!"

"He was invincible!"

Grandma Shi snorted and said, "No one of our generation of star soul warriors doesn't want to tear this Flood Witch into tens of thousands of pieces, but no one dares to deny that he is not number one in the world!"

"Really so powerful!?"

Zuo Xiaoduo was amazed.

"Go to school." Grandma Shi said, "Are you coming back for dinner in the morning? What do you like to eat? I'll make it for you."

Zuo Xiaoduo smiled and said, "I came back from grocery shopping and had a drink with Grandma Shi. Li Chenglong's wine is not good, so I don't like to drink with him."

"little monkey!"

Grandma Shi laughed and scolded: "Go! Work harder, the basics must be solid! The road ahead is stable and far, remember!"


Zuo Xiaoduo and Li Chenglong strode away.

Grandma Shi watched the two teenagers leave with youthful vitality, and couldn't help but smiled softly.

Such youthful vigor... It's really too much to see.

I can't say that after a few years, I will go to the battlefield and show my pride...

While the thoughts flowed, it was attributed to a low sigh.


Distant Witch League.

Heavenly Witch Hall!

deep underground.


A mouthful of bright red blood spurted out, tens of meters away.

A burly figure with loose hair, breathing heavily.

In his eyes, suddenly there was a fierce light.

"I've recovered my eyes!"

He was panting, looking extremely weak, and suddenly shouted up to the sky: "The surname is Zuo! I'm not finished with you!"

The eyes have recovered, and the body is slowly recovering, but occasionally it is still like that, and from time to time it is inexplicably weak.

This situation made the once invincible powerhouse, the Flood Great Witch, speechless.

Occasionally, a force rushed in crazily, and in an instant, it was stronger and stronger than before.

But in a few days, one's own strength will be drawn away a lot. This situation is completely passive and irresistible!

This situation has come back and forth, intermittently many times, making the Flood Witch unbearably miserable.

Red dust refining the heart, it is over.

His cultivation level has indeed risen by a rank!

But now such a speechless situation, but also followed.

There is an implication here, which is constantly providing the power of air luck, it seems that someone is accumulating air luck for themselves; but there seems to be a water pipe that is constantly pumping air luck out.

I made my own state stronger than the world for a while, and like a weak chicken for a while...

Although I have tried my best to use various methods to balance my state, although I have improved a lot from the time I just came back, but... this occasional state of extreme weakness is still impossible to prevent!

I can sweep three thousand miles away, and I can easily crush all beings within three thousand miles!

Even high-level warriors are no exception!

But after I'm done pressing, maybe I'll get a swipe over there, and I'll be able to fall from the sky with a snap!

In this situation, how dare you go out?

If at this time, if I encounter a similarly ruthless character again, I will be able to take the opportunity to kill me. If this method of death is used, it will not be laughable and generous, and I will hate the ages!

The Great Flood Witch felt like he was going crazy!

"The surnamed Zuo... You are so cruel! You are willing to use your son to trick me... I am... I am so..."

Shui Dawu was speechless to the extreme: "I've been coaxed by you for my birth ring..."

All of a sudden, it clenched the fist of the void.

But after a while, he began to gasp for breath again.

Since waking up, every time I think of this incident, the Flood Witch has an urge to grab the ground with his head!

Lao Tzu was pitted!

Really got scammed!

The pit is miserable...

"Boss, what's the matter with you?" A flaming man walked in.

"It's okay!"

Hong Shui snorted coldly and said, "I advanced with a secret technique. Although I succeeded, it needs a period of stabilization. If I want to completely consolidate my state and return to a strong state, I am afraid it will take ten years!"

"ten years?!"

The person who was covered in fiery red immediately fell into a sluggish state.

Looking forward to the sky and looking forward to the earth, I finally brought your old man back, but you said that it would take ten years to recover...

I couldn't help but reminded: "Boss, the current situation is very strange. We are not only being drawn from luck, but your godson is also making up for your luck. In fact, it's not a matter of being cheap and losing money. What... If your godson will achieve great things in the future... What he feeds back to you must be much bigger than what he has been drawn from now... uh..."

The flaming man spoke eagerly, but he stopped talking.

Oops, too much to say!

The last thing the boss doesn't want to hear right now is his **** son...

"Old man, no, need, need!"

Shui Dawu looked at the fiery red man in front of him, his eyes seemed to be smashed on his face, and he said word by word: "Also... you are not allowed to do it in front of me in the future! Son! Son! Understand?!"

"Understand, understand..."

The red-hot man nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

I thought to myself, you are such a godson that you recognize yourself. At that time, you were still crying with relief, as if you had picked up a big treasure. You were grateful to others, snot and tears, and gave away the ring of life... …

Now it's not uncommon to say...

Hmph, I'm ashamed to mention your scandalous things!


A sledgehammer suddenly appeared, and with a bang, the fiery red person in front of him was immediately smashed by a hammer, only to hear the furious voice of the Great Witch Shui: "What is your face and eyes! What are you thinking in your heart!!!"

The Flood Witch is pissed!

In fact, he can also feel that the luck that he has been sucked out is far inferior to the luck that is fed back; his godson is really the son of destiny, there is no doubt about that.

This is indeed self-benefiting.

But now the question is...

The two sides are hostile!

Before Hongchen Lianxin died, he had been favored by others, and he had to end his life in filial piety. This was a huge cause and effect that could not be repaid!

The reason why it is said that it is impossible to repay is because this move makes up for the only shortcoming of my world's refining heart: no queen!

It's just being sucked out of luck by the backlash of that big formation, just waiting for your own strength to come back, a cut off, you can finish!

Where did it take ten years?

But the problem will also become, I simply accept the other party's benefits!

Well, it's time to accept the benefits of being a godson!

The godson has a lot of luck, and he keeps making his luck stronger.

This is equivalent to this life... more and more owed to others?

But still can't refuse, can't resist, can't even think about it!

The status of the godson is determined, and the testimony of heaven and earth is equivalent to the continuation of his own life and blood.

Feeding yourself back is a matter of course, as it should be!

But the crux of the problem now is that you have owed others in the past life, and you owe them again in this life, and you will owe them for a lifetime.

It is equivalent to taking the benefits of others while constantly fighting against them and fighting? !

What a shame!

Da Wu Hong felt that his skin was not that thick.

Ten years is enough to get used to this state, and even to cultivate more powerfully. Then, you must return all of these, and then find a way to cut off this cause and effect!


If you go out to fight, you will feel uncomfortable, and you will feel guilty!

When you have reached your own level, human affection, cause and effect, how can you accept it so easily? Just cut it off?

And these are the key factors that directly affect the Great Dao!

"The surname Zuo is really insidious!"

The teeth of the Flood Great Witch Qi are about to be shattered.

And the Wumeng League side... I am too careless!

After coming back, I felt something was wrong, and even shattered the soul projection I had reserved in advance to find the reason.

On that day, Li Huo and Bing Ming happened to come to see him. They had already read half of it, but still didn't find any problem, so let these two guys accompany him to watch the soul projection, brainstorm and see what the problem is...

In the end, at the very end, these two **** watched a big show where they were calculated to turn the world upside down!

That day, the two guys almost died of laughter in front of them!

However, his strength did not recover that day, and it was when he was at his weakest that he couldn't drive these two guys away!

Not to mention the fire, even Bing Ming, the so-called Ten Thousand Years Popsicle, laughed in front of him on the spot...

When it came time to send out the ring of destiny, the two guys went back to watch after reading it, and watched it over and over, over and over, and again and again and again and again and again...


In their eyes From the status of the number one in the world, the invincible powerhouse in the world to the extreme transformation of the number one joke in the world, it only took a few minutes to change the past...

I remember yesterday that Bing Ming was not afraid of death and asked: Boss, if your son is encountered on the battlefield, will you do it? If suddenly the two armies are in front, he calls you a godfather...

Just because of these words, Bing Ming is still lying on the bed...the bones all over his body have been smashed by himself.

Goddamn bastard!

"The surnamed Zuo... You are good at calculating! You are good at calculating!"

The Great Witch of the Flood muttered to himself: "But so what? Don't say that you won't be able to come back in ten years. Even if you can come back, what can you do? Are you my opponent!"

"Even if you add upstream stars, it's not my opponent!"

"You're wasting your time!"

"As long as I see you, I will hit you first!"

"Your son is my godson, I can't touch him temporarily, but you are not my godson, but my great enemy! I want to kill you, I must kill you! Kill you, kill you, kill you ! …”

"Boss... If you kill your godson's biological father, it seems like a cough..." The Fire Witch who just came back muttered without fear of death.

"Go away!" A loud scolding like a volcano erupted.

A hammer!

The Great Witch of Fire is flying again!

There were intensive cursing voices behind him: "The surname is Zuo! You are despicable, you are shameless, you are obscene, you are a bastard, you, you... Lao Tzu and you are inseparable!!"

"Ah ah ah ah..."


The entire Soul Shaman Hall made of star iron flew into the sky and suddenly shattered!



[【update completed. 】


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