The Unconventional Legend

Chapter 366: Do not move!

Minister Ding's face was ashen and his eyes were like electricity; he circled around the faces of all the students in the school.

All Qianlong Gaowu teachers stood upright next to the classes they were teaching, in a standard upright posture, and listened without moving.

Many of them are thinking.

We also talk about these things every day and emphasize them every day.

It's not that we don't pay attention to children's battlefield education.

But we can't educate students in a way that kills one person a day.

But... in front of Minister Ding, none of these reasons exist!

As long as some of your students have such naive thoughts, you, the teacher, will fail!

There is no reason!

"Results of the second lottery! Qianlong Gaowu's third grade class two, ranked second!"

"The opponent is, the second team ranks 19th!"

Under the stage.

Gao Qiaoer and Li Chenglong both looked surprised.

He couldn't help turning his head back suddenly. He glanced at each other and saw the deep doubt in the other's eyes.

"The guess is wrong!"

"Yes, how could the murder happen to the second team?"

"Isn't the second team from the Star Soul Continent? Impossible!"

"But the King of Central Plains is here... could it be... or why did you wait so long?"

"Look further."

The two quickly voiced a few words, then immediately turned their heads and looked at the stage intently.


Xiang Bing's face was flushed, his eyes were fixed, his fists were clenched tightly, his teeth were rattling, and he made a sound like eating broad beans.

There was a tsunami-like sound all over the place, and almost nothing was heard.

There was only one thought in my heart: this pair of dog men and women are flirting with each other again... scumbag! Scumbag! I'm furious……

Xiang Bing is only a tiny inch away from a direct eruption...

on the stage.

Vice-principal Liu picked up the roster, found the name, and read: "Qianlong Gaowu, third grade second class, the second one is Chen Tang! Infant becomes a high-level!"

Over there, the youth in Tsing Yi held the roster and said indifferently: "Team 2, the nineteenth one is Wang Xiaoma! Infant becomes a high-ranking person!"

On the surface, they are two people who are evenly matched.

Moreover, the name is very strange, people stunt.

The former one is called Iron Maverick.

And this one is called Wang Xiaoma.

How random is this name!

But this time, no one laughed.

Because everyone has realized that these people? I'm afraid every one of them is a slaughterer who has been fighting for a long time and has been fighting for years!

I really don't know? Where did these people come from?

And those names? What iron maverick king, Ma Yunyun, 90% of them are fake names.

on the stage.

Hearing the name 'Chen Tang'? The King of Central Plains had a pale face, but he was startled again.

My whole body was stiff!

Is it so coincidental again?

The next moment? The King of Central Plains' eyes were filled with a look of anger and panic.

Although it disappeared in a flash, that emotion did exist.

Chen Tang walked out slowly with a solemn expression.

When he heard his name? He couldn't help thinking? Should he admit defeat?

But once he admits defeat, his life will be over, at most he can only be a martial artist in the arena, and there is no future at all!

Military and political circles are all blacklisted? In the future, what can be achieved?

As a martial artist in the arena, if you really make achievements, it will be easy to be targeted.

A word of admit defeat?

I can not be reconciled!

I still have my mission!

Chen Tang pursed her lips and jumped onto the ring.

In front of him is a young man with the same tall and straight stature with a dark face? Just like the iron calf before him, his face is expressionless; on his back is the same as that iron calf? A thick-backed machete!

And the same reticence.

If it weren't for the completely different faces, just looking at the momentum and temperament of the two people would almost make people think that they are a pair of twins.



The two of them bowed separately.

Immediately, the war started immediately.


After only two moves!

Wang Xiaoma withdrew the knife and stepped back: "Accept!"

In front of him was Chen Tang's corpse, which had been broken into two pieces.

The blood was slowly spreading in the arena; and on Chen Tang's face, which could no longer change, there was only horror!

Two knives!

The first knife severed Chen Tang's weapon, and his body flew, and the second knife, cut in the waist!

"The second team, the second team wins! Qianlong Gaowu, lose another game!"

Minister Ding's voice was mixed with unspeakable regret.

Over there, the King of Central Plains trembled for a while, then suddenly stood up, his face turned blue, and said, "Master Dongfang, Uncle Ximen...Uncle Beigong...Minister Ding, this king is a little unwell... Why don't I go back for a while... …”

Commander Ximen turned his eyes around, his eyes were as sharp as a red-hot steel needle, and said lightly, "What's wrong?"

Zhongyuan Wang Qiang laughed: "I haven't been on the battlefield for many years... Now I'm being rushed by blood, and I feel very uncomfortable. It's really unbearable."

Commander Ximen narrowed his eyes and said indifferently, "You can't do this. Back then, when your father roamed back and forth in the sea of ​​blood on the mountain of corpses, he didn't say that he was like a fish in water, at least he didn't change his face. In your current state, at that time. If there is a change, how to respond?" ⑦⑧The fastest update on the entire Chinese network ωωω.⑦&㈧zω.cδм

The King of Central Plains was pale: "Xiao Wang is probably in the back all the year round, and he is too pampered, embarrassing his ancestors, and laughing at his generosity..."

The Eastern Commander turned his head, lowered his face, and said slowly: "As a prince of the royal family, he has been nourished by the people, and when he sees blood, he reacts like this. Son, how can I lead the world? If there is a day to go to war, how can I expect you to lead the way?"

The King of Central Plains: "I..."

Commander Bei Gonghao was even more rude, and said, "Jun Taifeng, I have a piece of advice for you, watch it honestly, get used to it as soon as possible, the sooner you get used to it, the better."

The King of Central Plains gasped for breath, the veins on his forehead throbbed, and his hands clenched tightly into fists.

The three commanders all looked at him coldly, not paying any attention to his actions.

On the arena floor, the blood was dazzling and the smell was pungent.

After a moment of indifference, the King of Central Plains finally took a deep breath again, laughed, and said: "Several handsome Jin Yuliang said, this king has been taught, so let's look at it carefully, the ancestors have been bleeding for thousands of years, This makes the rear stable, how can my generation be so bad!"

His face actually turned from pale to rosy, and even seemed to be somewhat calm.

Commander Ximen said lightly: "Today is just an inspection, or it's a cut-off. After that, it's nothing to do with you. I still remember that before your father's life and death battle, he seemed to have a feeling, and he once came to me for a drink. . We talked a lot that night."

The King of Central Plains had a calm face just now, and some blood surged again. He took a breath and said, "I don't know what my father said?"

Commander Ximen said: "Your father was drunk at the time, ask me, Commander, do you know that as a prince of the royal family, even if I don't go to Beijing, I can be prosperous and wealthy in this life and live happily ever after; then why should I go to the battlefield? fight?"

The King of Central Plains pondered, "Then what?"

Commander Ximen said, "Then I also asked, why? Your father said...the previous king had only two heirs. Although the imperial power in mainland China is far less than that of the previous dynasties, the status of the royal family still remains. Noble, still high above."

"So, the throne is still the position that the emperor's heirs flock to."

"Your father said that if he stays in the capital, it will only cause disasters; even if he doesn't want to be in power, there will always be people who will try to get him to be in power and force him to be in power. Because only when he is in power, will there be new heroes from the dragon, Only then can the current meritorious family be suppressed for a while, and those who want your father to ascend the throne will have the opportunity to become the new top power class."

"Your father said that if you stay in the capital, you will inevitably die sooner or later; even if you are not persecuted, you may not be tempted."

"Because there are too many people who want to be in the position, and people's hearts have always been strangely measured. Those people are inextricably linked with your father and king. Even if they don't let go, there may not be a day when the yellow robe is forced to be added; and Once you let it go, the process will only go faster."

"That's why your father said, I only hope that after me, the royal family will decline; but I can save a life for my descendants with my iron and blood."

"You said that your father's reputation, status, martial arts, cultivation, strategy, command, wisdom, any aspect is enough to be the commander of an army, but just to avoid it, you can only be a deputy commander."

"But in those years, too many hard battles were fought by your father!"

"The first prince of the royal The invincible **** of war in the mainland, the legend of the immortal soul of the star, is the illustrious achievement of your father. Do you think you can get it casually?!"

Commander Ximen said lightly: "No matter what you do, no one will touch you now; it's not because of your high status as the king of the Central Plains, nor because of your royal family's noble status, but just for the all-powerful God of War back then. !"

"For the illustrious military exploits of the year, immortal exploits!"

"In order to have a chance to survive, but because of the increasing number of supporters, the more loyal people, the increasing prestige, and the gradual threat to the throne, the generation of war gods who are willing to fight and die with all their henchmen! "

"Having the ability and wisdom of a commander, but willing to be a general who charges into battle, having the opportunity to directly overtake the commander and becoming a king of the left and right, but willing to die in battle in order to stabilize the hidden dangers... a generation of princes !"

"That's our commander in all directions, the person we admire the most! He was in the Western Army back then, and he was also my most iron brother!"

The King of Central Plains turned pale again, and murmured, "I didn't do anything."

Commander Ximen said indifferently: "That's why this time, I will come here in person. I just want to watch you with my own eyes and watch you watch these battles! You... and sit down!"

He rolled his eyes, and the cold light shot out, his eyes were like two long swords of a hundred battles slashing out fiercely, captivating!

With this kind of vision, he stared into the eyes of the King of Central Plains and said word by word, "No, yes, move!"

The King of Central Plains sat down slumped, the expression on his face suddenly became abnormally gray.

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