The monthly pass hasn't arrived yet, and Jiageng has also been sent. What should I do if I suddenly feel that I am losing money?

嘤嘤嘤... Ask for a monthly ticket recommendation ticket and subscription!

Then ask for compliments...

Include some text.

In fact, the content of these family banquets, three chapters are just right, and five chapters are a little more. But it was so interesting that I wrote it all in one go and made my stomach hurt from laughing at what I wrote, so I didn't want to delete it.

About that joke, you are welcome to say that I made it up myself. Haven't seen it anywhere else? Niubi not?

And these days, some people are dying to ask: They are all geniuses of Qianlong and Gaowu, how can there be such a thing as licking dogs? Are there still people who don't know what's right?

Hehe, I wanted to reply to this a few days ago, but it was not good in the chapter. The single chapter is fine, because it will be deleted tomorrow.

Just one sentence: Now, in the top universities of modern times, are there geniuses? How much do you lick your dog? How many levers? How much is unknown?

Some people also say that the mainland is like a sieve, and then I ask everyone to substitute it again. Now the modern... cough, do you need to go on?

I recommend it, the book-chasing app I've been using recently, [Change Source Artifact APP] to cache and read books and read aloud offline!

It's pointless to say that.

Let's talk about the fact that your combat effectiveness is not good today... Anyway, it won't be up to me, right?

So, I am at a loss.

So ask for compensation.

Various tickets, compensation...

huh huh...



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