The Unconventional Legend

Chapter 405: Nian Nian cat is here!

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"I understand."

Zuo Xiaoduo realized instantly.

The basic law of this world is that a big fist means a big reason. As long as your fist is big enough, everything is the last part!

Dad, I must bear in mind your teachings and suppress all dissatisfaction with an iron fist!

In the villa, Zuo Xiaoduo accompanies his parents to talk and drink tea, and then asks some martial arts questions - Zuo Xiaoduo wants to explore his parents' background.

After all, seeing Wu Yuting this time, her mother's knowledgeable side, as well as her disdainful and indifferent expression, made Zuo Xiaoduo faintly feel that something was wrong.

It seems that I underestimated my parents and my mother?

However, the result of this trial still left him confused, even more confused than before.

This time, Zuo Changlu and Wu Yuting were very uncharacteristic, without any cover up, no matter what questions Zuo Xiaoduo raised, they could immediately answer them, and also let Zuo Xiaoduo perform the exercises they had learned several times. , Kung Fu, moves...

Then it is commented one by one, which is very different from the previous low-key.

And no matter what level of martial arts, Mom and Dad explained it casually, from shallow to deep and from deep to shallow.

In Zuo Xiaoduo's opinion, with the level of my parents, it would be too subservient for me to be a professor at Gaowu Academy!

Many teachers go over and over again and talk about the saliva, but they can't understand what they don't understand. In the eyes of their parents, it's not a problem at all. In a few words, they can explain it to the point where even children can understand...

This...this is really awesome!

If such a talent is to be a teacher... Then the whole world can't be full of geniuses, right?

Zuo Xiaoduo chatted easily inside, while Gao Qiaoer worked hard outside.

And now this time...

Zuo Xiaonian, wrapped in frost, hurried all the way from Shangjing, and this meeting was about to reach the Fenghai realm.

Dog Da actually hooked up with female classmates... and a few!

Zuo Xiaonian's anger along the way has not calmed down.

Humph, lied to me for so many days!

Dog, if you don't give me an're dead!

Even if your parents are there, they can't save you!


Gao Qiao'er worked hard.

This time, the things Zuo Xiaoduo took out were basically all high-quality goods.

After all, it was already a reserved item after a big wave of scouring the sand, and there were basically no ordinary items. There were many elixir and spiritual plants that were valuable items in the market outside.

In addition to those Demon King Pearls that were not taken out, even some heavenly and earthly treasures were taken out.

The more Gao Qiao'er estimated, the more frightened her heart became.

There are too many things, and the value is too high, so high that Gao Qiaoer can't imagine it, it is unbelievable.

Several accountants, several appraisers, and two old auction house shopkeepers who came together were already dazzled by this meeting.

In the beginning, I saw some super-advanced things and asked Gao Qiaoer, why don't you keep such good things for your own use? Has the host neglected?

But the number of similar things reached a certain limit, and everyone gradually became numb. No matter how unbelievable it was, they had to believe it.

After Haoyitong was busy, Gao Qiaoer greeted everyone to take a break. On the coffee table outside, Zuo Xiaoduo had already prepared a few pots of good tea.

"This is a fortune that breaks the sky... Miss."

An old shopkeeper of the auction house had a trembling beard. After working in the auction house all his life, it was the first time he had seen so many things at once.

But there is something strange about it.

Such a master, so rich and so arrogant, how could he have saved so many star soul stones?

Isn't it good to save the Star Soul Jade directly?

Look at it, just those star soul stones can build a real hill!

Hard to understand.

"These, our family can finally reap five thousandths of the profits."

Gao Qiao'er said lightly: "All accounts are made public in the most authentic way. I don't want anyone to stretch out their hands here, and once they find out, they will destroy their clan!"

"The old man understands."

Many people understand this truth.

It was possible to call the eldest Miss Gao family and the future head of the Gao family to deal with the transaction, and they just left people out...

It goes without saying how terrible such a person must be.

Whoever is greedy for this kind of person's money is an idiot.

Of course, when the real benefit reaches a certain point, it is not impossible for fools to appear, so Gao Qiaoer still has to beat him over and over again!

If there is still a problem with the lowest amount of money, Gao Qiaoer feels that she can kill herself to thank Zuo Xiao...

Moreover, this 5/1,000 commission is actually quite awesome!

At half past eleven in the morning.

Zuo Xiaonian rushed into Fenghai City like a whirlwind.

Still 呲la tore open the sky and got in, the whole person was like a white smoke, straight to the Qianlong villa area.

Zuo Xiaoduo has hardly been breathing all the way, so she can only concentrate on it now!

Kill the puppy!

Kill the puppy!

At this time, in the Qianlong Gaowu villa area, inside Zuo Xiaoduo's villa; the dishes ordered by Cangtian Yipin have arrived.

Gao Qiaoer set four tables.

Including one table of the highest quality, it was sent directly to the room, and the other three tables were left to eat outside.

As a partner, Gao Qiaoer was naturally invited by Zuo Xiaoduo to have dinner; Gao Qiaoer was embarrassed, but finally Wu Yuting personally came out to invite and went in holding hands.

Four people gathered around the table, and Gao Qiaoer diligently worked before and after, and finally finished.

Just sat down to eat.

With a sudden exclamation, the entire villa seemed to have entered into a cold sky, and an icy aura enveloped it.

Immediately, there was a sound of breaking through the air, and a slender figure, like a fairy descending to earth, appeared in front of the villa door.

Zuo Xiaoduo was standing up and looked at the door in disbelief, but saw that the door was suddenly opened.

A graceful figure, who was thinking about it, appeared at the door.

A warm smile appeared on Zuo Changlu's face.

Hey, the little padded jacket of the head of the family is here, and finally there is a helper.

Wu Yuting had a look on her face, "It's not what I expected, I know this girl's heart the most, but the speed of this girl's arrival still surprised me. ’ It’s that kind of smile in which everything is in control.

When she sent a message in the morning, she expected that this girl would definitely be anxious, and sure enough, it was clearly a life-threatening rush to come.

Looking at the frost and coldness in his body, he was full of murderous aura, and Xiao Duo decided that he couldn't get any better!

Damn, what a blessing you ask yourself.

Looking at Gao Qiaoer who was sitting at the table eating, Wu Yuting instantly knew another thing, another subtle change.

The puppy is in trouble, big trouble is coming!

"Wow ha ha wah..."

Zuo Xiaoduo shouted in surprise.

When Gao Qiao'er turned his head, the moment he caught his eye, there was only a burst of dazzling, shocking and moving.

From her eyes, she could see that the person who came was a snow fairy from the sky. She was cold and noble with ice and snow all over her body, and she was cold and cold with the broad cold and bright moon, and suddenly appeared at the door.

The face is stunning, the figure is bumpy, the body is slender, the jade body is slender, the white clothes are better than the snow, just standing at the door, right in front, but like on the top of the snow peak that no one can climb, quietly blooming Snow lotus.

Eyes, nose, face... The face is clearly soft to the extreme gentleness; but the temperament has turned all this gentleness into coldness, so she is right in front of you, but you will still feel that she is a fairy in the clouds .

She is so aloof, so clean and transcendent; she is clean from the inside to the outside, not stained with fine dust, even if the world is mortal and the sky is dirty, there is nothing that can contaminate her cleanliness.

"There are such beautiful women in the world!"

Gao Qiao'er, who always prided herself on her beauty, couldn't help but be amazed.

There are countless beautiful beauties in the world, and Gao Qiaoer is also a very outstanding beauty, but there are very few who can reach the level of Zuo Xiaonian in front of her. And with such a face and such a temperament, Gao Qiaoer can be sure as soon as they meet: There is only one person in the world!

You must know that Gao Qiaoer is usually quite conceited about her appearance. Even in Fenghai City, there are often people who praise Gao Qiaoer as the number one beauty in Fenghai.

However, at the moment of seeing Zuo Xiaonian, a feeling of inferiority and inferiority naturally arises in his heart.

That feeling is probably: unbearable to compare, the difference is too far, only the high mountains stand up, and even jealousy can't be jealous...

Could ants be jealous of dinosaurs?

After Zuo Xiaonian entered the door, out of a woman's intuition, he saw Gao Qiao'er for the first time.

It's not that Zuo Xiaonian is not filial, nor that he can't see his parents, but... a woman's natural defense of her territory.

At a glance, a stunning beauty, very shrewd, very smart, very capable, and everywhere revealed a capable demeanor...

But Zuo Xiaonian's heart was instantly relieved.

"Cough, the threat is not too big."

Then I saw Zuo Xiaoduo with a happy face, jumping, laughing and shouting and rushing towards him.


With a snort in his heart, Zuo Xiaonian flashed Zuo Xiaoduo aside, and Zhuo Ran stood in front of Wu Yuting and Zuo Changlu: "Mom, Dad, I miss you so much..."

Zuo Xiaoduo fluttered in the air, Nian Nianmao passed by with an expressionless cold like frost in front of him, and the spring flowers bloomed immediately when he arrived in front of his parents; Discord...

Standing on the other side scratching his I can't understand it, why ignore me?

I really didn't offend her!

"Just come." Wu Yuting smiled and glanced at her daughter meaningfully: "You girl, you are in a hurry all the way?"

Zuo Xiaoduo's face turned red, hugging Wu Yuting's arm and groaning: "Mom!"

Immediately, he smiled and said, "I had a mission not far away, and I thought I would come after the mission, so when I saw the news from my mother, I rushed over immediately. It is important to have family reunion for the mission. ."


Wu Yuting said in her heart: I believe you, depending on the degree of condensed energy in your body and the calculation of your own cultivation, if you hadn't galloped all the way from the Jiuzhongtian Pavilion, the old lady would be blind. .

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