A few days later, the second half of the Great Voyage… That is, in the well-known “new world”, a large naval warship broke out of the sea, brought a monstrous wave, and appeared on the sea.

The film plated on the hull exploded in an instant, revealing the body of the naval warship.

And originally it was Fishman Island, which was covered by the Whitebeard Pirates, and now the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates there … Already replaced with the flag of the headquarters of the Navy!

Yes…… In such a short period of time, Rona stationed a fleet of Whitebeard Pirates on Fishman Island… Arrested for all!

Fishman Island, once sheltered by the Whitebeard Pirates, is now sheltered by the Navy headquarters.

As for traffickers who want to catch fish people or mermaids to sell.

Who dares to step into Fishman Island again…

Then be prepared to die.

Rona didn’t care who was standing behind the traffickers.

With a calm gaze on the undulating sea in front of him, Rona’s eyes showed a slight hint of memory.

Five years ago, he was also sailing in the New World, and then encountered a joint ambush by 5 sea pirates led by Bigmom Kaido.

Ultimately…… He was sealed by the unknown Devil Fruit ability for a full 5 years!

Until the bronze coffin fell to the East China Sea, until Nami pried the lid of the coffin open…

After being sealed for 5 years, he returned to the sea!

This time he returned to the new world, and there were three things he needed to do.

The first thing… It is to calculate the old accounts from 5 years ago.

The second thing… It is to end the era of sea pirates!

The third thing… Resolve grievances you see.

“All three goals are not easy… Especially the last goal, I am afraid that I will gamble a lifetime to complete it until the day I get tired of it. ”

Rona doesn’t know how long his life is, maybe hundreds of years? Thousands of years possible?

Even…… Probably longer? After all, there are too many possibilities brought by the immortal body!

Taking back the thoughts in his mind, he turned his head to look at Nami next to him, who was drawing her own navigation chart at this time.

And the drawing is clearer and more detailed than the nautical chart of the Navy headquarters.

One of Nami’s dreams… It is to draw the most complete nautical chart in the world.

She has now fulfilled only one percent of her dream.

After all, the entire world’s route, she can’t finish it so quickly.

Even the East China Sea, where she once lived… None of her complete nautical charts have been drawn.

For the chart of the East China Sea, she only spent half of it.

I have to say that she dreams of this…

It’s a long way to go.

“…… Call! It didn’t take long for Nami to breathe a heavy sigh of relief, put the pen in her hand aside, and look at the freshly baked one.

Seemingly satisfied with the nautical chart she had drawn, she couldn’t help but nod secretly.

Then this nautical chart was carefully placed in a wooden box.

The wooden box contains other nautical charts she has drawn.

There is a whole stack of more than a dozen centimeters thick …

At first glance, there are at least hundreds of drawings.

“Draw a map every two days, so that you can draw more than a hundred nautical charts a year, and go on like this… It may only take more than twenty years to paint all the nautical charts of the entire world. ”

After Nami muttered something to herself, she put the wooden box away.

Then I hurriedly ate something and started today’s training again.

Of course…… Her current training is more than just physical training.

Because Nami ate a Superhuman Devil Fruit.

So he re-developed a new all-round training plan for Nami.

This mainly includes the development and training of Devil Fruit.

Nami now trains her physical fitness in the morning, Devil Fruit ability in the afternoon, and various battle moves in the evening… Like hand-to-hand combat or something.

Only during the meal time did she have time to draw nautical charts.

Every day is very miserable… Well, no, it should be fulfilling!

Rona quickly withdrew his gaze at Nami, and he pulled out from his arms a wad of bounty orders that he had brought from the headquarters of the Navy.

These include the bounty of all the pirate captains in the New World, as for the bounty order of those pirate cadres… In addition to the cadres of the Four Emperors Regiment, he didn’t bother to look at the reward orders of the cadres of the other pirate regiments, let alone carry them with him.

“The bigmom thieves… Hell Pirates… Whitebeard Pirates… The Don Quixote family… The Colt Pirates… The Nolias Pirates… The red-haired pirates… Hundred Beast Pirate Group…”

Familiar names spat out of his mouth, and the tone without emotion was chilling.

These bounty orders are specially made by the headquarters of the Navy.

On the obverse is a photo of the pirate, name, bounty, age, characteristics, etc.

On the back is the crime committed by the pirate on the bounty order!

For example, Doflamingo of the Don Quixote family!

Human trafficking, arms trafficking, black eating, attacks on the navy… and other crimes, almost the entire back of the bounty order is full, making people frown slightly.

Rona put all the bounty orders away, and he muttered in a low voice: “What a bunch of scum!” ”

He doesn’t care if the other party is a pirate “recognized” by the world government.

He will not care about the name of the other party’s so-called “His Majesty the Seven Martial Seas”.

As long as it’s a pirate that Rona thinks damn …

He will never let it go.

Like Moria before!

Moonlight Moria is also a pirate recognized by the world government, even has the right to legally plunder, and is also a member of His Majesty’s Seven Martial Seas.

But what happened to Moonlight Moriah? His fate was death!

“Doflamingo … The first one! ”

Rona crumpled Doflamingo’s bounty into a paper ball and gently threw it into the sea with an expressionless face.

The paper mass is quickly soaked by the sea and then slowly immersed in the sea.

Expressionlessly, he said to the navy at the helm: “The target… Kingdom of Dressrosa! ”

The navy at the helm was stunned, then nodded seriously and said: “Yes!!” “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations,

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