On the small wooden boat, Nami raised her head slightly and looked at an “island” not far away, her pretty face full of surprise.

It’s not so much an island as it is… It’s an island-sized building!

It’s like the one of Moonlight Moriah, a terrifying three-masted sailing ship for a day.

It’s just that the area of the naval headquarters is much larger than the terrifying three-masted sailing ship.

Moonlight Moriah’s ship was compared to the headquarters of the Navy.

That’s a complete comparison of an apple and a watermelon.

There is no comparison between the two at all.

The magnificent and magnificent military architecture is presented in Nami’s eyes.

This is completely different from what is seen in the newspapers.

Or rather sensory differences.

It’s like you see the Earth from a picture and think that’s just the Earth.

But once you get close to Earth.

Or you’re right on Earth.

You know how huge it is.

On the huge pier of the naval headquarters, there are still one warship after another, including small warships, medium warships, and large warships.

The largest number of medium-sized warships, a large one, is breathtaking.

The number of large warships is the smallest, but the size is huge, each large warship of the naval headquarters can carry 1000~1200 naval soldiers, and can also carry a large number of weapons and ammunition.

The number of small warships is a compromise, but it is just as important because it is fast enough.

When chasing pirates, small warships are generally used.

Countless warships were parked on the pier just like that.

Namina was stunned to see it.

How much does so many warships cost?

How much does it cost to maintain it every year?

As a fan of wealth, she couldn’t help but secretly calculate in her heart, and finally she was shocked to find that this amount was so large that she couldn’t calculate it at all!

Is the headquarters of the Navy so rich? Not…… But it’s normal to think about it.

After all, the headquarters of the Navy is a very important department under the World Government.

And the world government is simply not short of money.

This means that the Navy headquarters will not be short of money.

There should be no problem in maintaining the maintenance of these warships.

Let’s be honest… Nami still has a dreamlike feeling.

What has happened for more than a month.

She was a little overwhelmed.

It has only been less than two months since she went from a little girl in the East China Sea to stepping into the headquarters of the Navy.

All sorts of things are going on.

For example, destroy the hegemon of the South China Sea.

Anger Doflamingo.

Kill Foxy the Silver Fox.

Extinguished moonlight Moriah.

These things can be said to be getting bigger and bigger, destroying the matter of moonlight Moria… Nami had a hunch that it would not take a few days for this incident to spread throughout the sea.

After all, Moonlight Moria used to be a sea thief who hung Doberry!

It is also one of the seven martial seas of His Majesty, and one of His Majesty Seven Wuhai died.

And he died at the hands of the admiral of the navy headquarters.

This kind of thing is definitely a newspaper headline!

Even the headlines for days!

The speed of the small wooden boat is very fast, probably because the hull is small and the various obstacles it is subjected to are not large.

It didn’t take long for the headquarters of the Navy … It’s already close!

And the Sengoku and others who were on the thick walls.

I have also walked to the dock of the headquarters.

The eyes of both sides looked at each other.

You can already see your face.

Nami, who was still holding a navigation chart in her hand, looked at a group of navies on the dock in front of her stunned.

Those navies are all burly and cloaked in naval justice.

At a glance, the rank is not low, and the status is extraordinary.

And Nami didn’t guess wrong.

The identity of this group of navies…

Truly extraordinary.

Minimum Lieutenant General!

Supreme Marshal!

At this time, Nami suddenly found that Mr. Rona next to him also set his sights on the admirals on the shore.

Looking at the expressions and eyes of both parties, it seems that they know each other.

Suddenly, a hearty laugh came.

It almost didn’t startle Nami.

“Hahahaha! The old man knows that you kid can’t die so easily! You don’t know, at that funeral five years ago, this old boy of the Warring States still cried, hahahaha! ”

Those who dare to say the five words “Warring States Old Boy”, you don’t need to guess to know that it must be Karp.

Although Karp only has the rank of lieutenant general, he has a very good relationship with the Warring States.

Once a comrade who fought side by side on the sea.

Hunted down those pirates on the sea together.

Hearing this, Rona smiled softly, looking at Karp dozens of meters away, he said helplessly: “Old man Karp, aren’t you afraid of being beaten by Mr. Warring States?” ”

Old man Karp? Karp…… Karp! Naval hero, Vice Admiral Karp!

Nami was suddenly startled, and she looked at the white-haired navy on the shore in surprise.

Unexpectedly, Lieutenant General Karp was waiting for Mr. Rona here.

That’s right…… Mr. Rhone is an admiral.

So Lieutenant General Karp is waiting here.

It doesn’t seem to be a rare thing.

“Hahahaha, it’s okay, it’s okay, this old boy of the Warring States is busy with this and that every day, and he doesn’t have time to practice physical arts, and it is estimated that he can’t beat the old man now.”

Kapu laughed and picked his nose, completely ignoring the black-faced Sengoku next to him.

That seemingly heroic but actually unflattened appearance made Warring States show a few green tendons on his forehead.

Karp, this old bastard, actually said this.

Don’t you know it’s humiliating?

But there seem to be a bit of a lot of people here.

I could only resist the urge to beat him up.

After taking a deep breath, Sengoku calmly looked at Rona on the small wooden boat and said with a smile: “The position of the fourth senior general of the navy headquarters, the old man has left you five years, it’s time for you to sit in that seat.” ”

Rona smiled dumbly and put his hand on Nami’s shoulder, making Nami stunned.

Immediately afterwards, the figure flashed, and the two people who were originally still on the small wooden boat.

In an instant, he appeared on the dock.

Sengoku and the others are already close at hand.

Looking at that familiar face, it evoked a lot of memories of Rona.

Among them are some elite lieutenant generals, who were once under him.

“Huh? Brother Rona, did you bring this girl with you? ”

At this time, only listening to the strange voice of the yellow ape, it suddenly sounded.

The girl he said was naturally “Nami”

When inside the windmill village.

The yellow ape has seen Nami. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations,

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