The Undercover Villain Transmigrates, The Female Protagonists Are Worried

Chapter 348: Take The Fire Out Of The Cauldron! How Do You Deal With Tiandao Child?

Although the Tiancan Ancestral Land has not moved the entire clan, news has been released that the supply of Immortal Weapons from the Tiancan Ancestral Land will be reduced by 60% since most of the artifact refiners in the clan have moved to Qin Tianjiao's world.

The elixir refining is gone, and artifact refining has reduced the supply by half, directly causing the prices of elixirs and Immortal Weapons on the market to skyrocket!

The original price of a bottle of elixir has more than doubled!

These immortal cultivators discovered that the Immortal Crystal in their hands was worthless!

Immortal Weapon is fine, but elixirs are a necessary resource!

The big forces are better off. They have their own Alchemist and artifact refining divisions. Although the supply will be greatly reduced, they will not directly run out of food.

But those small and medium-sized forces are out of luck.

"Holy Lord Taiyin doesn't care about human affairs! He has taken away all the Alchemists. This is going to cut off our roots!"

"Who says it's not the case! Now one Longyang Pill sells for one thousand Immortal Crystals! Damn it, I can't do what I want without the Longyang Pill!"

"Uh... Brother, I have an idea that can help you. How about I do it for you? You saved a thousand Immortal Crystals in one night. Just give me five hundred... Fuck, don't do it. ! The reason why the sale cannot be concluded is..."

Suddenly, the voices of three thousand Daozhou crusade against Qin Tianjiao could be heard!

But within two days, a rumor began to spread in Sanqian Daozhou.

Qin Tianjiao's world is open to 3,000 people from Daozhou, but the quota is limited, only 10,000 people!

"My seventh aunt's eighth aunt's brother-in-law's daughter married a pure-blooded Dragon Race. I heard that Saint Child's world has more fairy energy than China! There are treasures everywhere! There are many resources. Ah, a stone falling from the sky can smash several thousand-year-old Spirit Medicine!"

"It's not just the thousand-year-old Spirit Medicine. I heard that other people's spiritual pets can get a bottle of elixir every month!"

"Isn't this too much? Are we worse than animals?"

From condemning Qin Tianjiao, everyone quickly changed direction and began to rush to Qin Tianjiao’s Fairy Mountain to sign up!

"One: Taiyi Golden Immortal cultivation level and above."

"Two: Under a thousand years old."

"Three: Those with rich combat experience will be given priority."

"Four: Special talents such as alchemy, artifact refining, formation master, etc. are limited."

"Five: Anyone who meets the conditions this time will receive the Supreme Grade Cave Mansion."

At this time, a large jade plaque had been erected outside the mountain gate, which stated the requirements for this open quota.

Especially the fifth item makes those who come here excited!

With the continuous development of Qin Tianjiao's Shinto, the god's throne is no longer a stranger to the people of the three thousand states. It can be said that having the god's throne is deeply tied to Qin Tianjiao, and it is Qin Tianjiao's own!

Not only will you get a god statue, but you will also get a Supreme Grade Cave Mansion!

There are only 10,000 places, but there are more than 100,000 or millions of people who have come to sign up!

In order to compete for the position in front, chaos suddenly broke out.

"Tsk, tsk... they are all good leeks." Qin Tianjiao smiled with satisfaction.

All these 10,000 places were snatched up, which he had expected since he cut off the supply of pills to 3,000 states!

This is called having breasts and being a mother!

This time it was 10,000 people, and after a while it will be 50,000!

Of course, the salary gets lower as you get further down the line, but if you can't stand up to Three Thousand Daozhou, the cultivation environment will get worse and worse!

One will wax and wane, and once all the talents from the three thousand states are brought into the Dual Pupils world by him, the luck in this world will plummet!

Tiandao can no longer train a Son of Fortune who can compete with him, and Tiandao himself can't do anything to him, Jie Jie Jie~

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The only ones left in front of Qin Tianjiao are those large Immortal King-level forces. They have inheritance and foundation. If they are left in Sanqian Daozhou, after this period of pain, they will be stronger than now after adapting. .

So Qin Tianjiao used thunderous methods to deal with them!

Either enter the world of Dual Pupils obediently, or wait to be exterminated!

The 10,000 people Qin Tianjiao wants this time are not given for free. With these 10,000 people, his Zhoutian Star Formation can be called a complete body!

It can be said unceremoniously that he can destroy whoever he wants among the three thousand states now!

Taiyin Immortal Palace

Taiyin Immortal King was sitting in the hall, with his legs crossed and his hands on his legs, holding his chin.

She has been sitting in this place for countless years, but now she can't sit still!

Sitting in this lonely hall, she felt waves of coldness spreading from the inside out, and she desperately needed the warmth of an embrace with two attractive pectoralis major muscles. . .


Taiyin Immortal King sighed, that traitor was now very proud, and that world was becoming more and more prosperous. As the lord of that world, even the Immortal Emperor would not change him.

Although the Immortal Emperor is powerful, he cannot completely control a world like Qin Tianjiao.

Besides, with Qin Tianjiao's level of perversion, it wouldn't take long to become the Immortal Emperor.

"Whose little daughter-in-law is this? If others knew that Taiyin Immortal King would also feel sorry for himself, I wonder if he would laugh out loud."

Taiyin Immortal King's little face became brighter visibly. "Which of your eyes sees me feeling sorry for myself?"

Qin Tianjiao said with a smile: "I saw it with all three eyes. You still have a nemesis. Let's deal with her. Taiyin Immortal Palace can also start arranging the relocation."

Taiyin Immortal King’s eyes suddenly lit up!

With Qin Tianjiao's help, isn't it easy to deal with that woman?

If her man helps her, it doesn't count as bullying her, right?

The two of them walked together and left the main hall. Qin Tianjiao said: "Are we really going to fly? Isn't it very unworthy? Where is your rabbit? Come over here and let me ride it."

Taiyin Immortal King said angrily: "Pervert!"

Qin Tianjiao expressed his injustice! He is really just riding, with absolutely no other intentions...

Qin Tianjiao had no choice but to release his Twelfth Grade Karma Red Lotus. The pressure of the Innate treasure shocked even the Taiyin Immortal King!

Where did he get such a treasure?

There are so many secrets in this bastard!

Even though the curiosity in his heart was already scratching his head, Taiyin Immortal King still resisted asking. Everyone has their own secrets, especially the practitioners.

When two people are getting close, if the other person doesn't take the initiative to talk, don't get to the bottom of it.

Being confused is also a state.

Qin Tianjiao took the Taiyin Immortal King into his arms and sat on the Twelfth Grade Karma Fire Red Lotus. The red lotus was extremely charming...

"Look at how curious you are as a baby... Where can I get such a treasure? My biological father gave it to me."

"You... biological father?"

Taiyin Immortal King is in a mess. Tiandao is your adoptive father, and now there is another biological father who is the ultimate treasure?

"Yes, in fact, I have been hiding my identity, just because I don't want you to feel too inferior. In fact, I am the son of Great Dao.

Hey... I thought I could get along with you by hiding my identity, but I was wrong. I am so good. Regardless of my identity, I am still as dazzling as the scorching sun! "

Qin Tianjiao raised his head at a 45-degree angle, his eyes filled with loneliness after becoming invincible...

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