The Underworld Detective

Chapter 234: The bloodiest website in history

Biquge, update the latest chapter of the criminal hunter as soon as possible!

Afterwards, the woman insisted that the son-in-law was raped. In addition, the reporter saw with his own eyes that the son-in-law had no words at all, and could not cry.

Needless to say, this is definitely a set of bald heads. The underworld's means of whole person is really clever. A little trick will let Wang Gongzi carry a **** pot.

In fact, this is not much. I have seen a dossier of a triad framed police. The underworld shot and killed a person, dug out the bullet and replaced it with a warhead in a policeman's gun, and put a piece of clothes touched by the police with a fingerprint on it, and then put some police hair on the scene and forged it. Some fake footprints are totally proof. Although later innocent Zhaoxue, the policeman had committed suicide with a sharpened toothbrush in jail.

It's terrible to offend the underworld!

The Prince Wang shook the prison door vigorously: "Xiao Tao, I was framed by people. Those people are collusion. It must be this boy!"

Huang Xiaotao glanced at me in surprise and said, "You must have done it for me."

The prince shouted, "Because I last night ..."

He stopped talking, and I laughed: "What happened to you last night, should you tell the truth and let the police study it!"

Rape is fake, but it is true to buy a murderer. He didn't dare to say anything but just looked at me with an angry look.

Huang Xiaotao shouted coldly, "Give me honest!"

We turned and left, and the Prince Wang still shouted in the back: "Little peach, I'm innocent, you have to believe me!"

Huang Xiaotao asked me what happened last night, and I told her things 151, Wang Dali also proved for me, Huang Xiaotao laughed: "This boy, deserve it!"

I said, "Which crime are you going to convict him?"

She replied: "The time is running out and you have no time to control him, so let's **** the case. Anyone has evidence and evidence."

Mr. Wang stayed in the office for only one morning, and was released on bail by a lawyer at noon. At that time, I was passing by the corridor. When he and I passed by, he said coldly, "Did you tell her! "

I tit-for-tat: "You can't tell anyone if you do it?"

He gritted his teeth and threatened, "Next time I'll find someone to pull your tongue out!"

I didn't think too much at first, when the Prince Wang came to the door, suddenly realized something, and immediately stopped him: "Stop!"

The words are the seeds of the heart, and what a person has touched will be revealed invisibly. To give a simple example, the boss of our dormitory is a cadre of the Student Union. Once Wang vigorously asked him how to write the "committee" of "aggrieved".

Wang Gongzi wouldn't say anything about pulling his tongue out for no reason. I faintly think he has something to do with the case we are solving.

I walked in front of the Prince, launching Tongyou's pupils, and asked, "Where have you seen pulling tongues?"

Although Prince Wang's cover was very good, he still showed a trace of confusion. He whispered, "I don't know what you're talking about, it's inexplicable!"

I asked again, "Is a person wearing copper armor walking on the fire? Does this picture seem to have met?"

Wang Gongzi bit his lip, and his forehead slightly felt a cold sweat: "I still have a lot of things to deal with. I don't have time to chat with you like this hanging silk, and say goodbye!"

I shouted, "Stop!"

For a moment, Wang Gongzi's eyes were like mice seeing cats. I was extremely convinced that he was related to the case.

The lawyer interjected: "Comrade police, my client does not have to answer any questions you have, I will answer everything for you."

I said, "This is another case. You are only representing the **** case. If you want to speak for him, show me the authorization agreement, otherwise it will be a provocation to the Chinese police!"

The lawyer was silent for a while, and people always asked me to get an arrest warrant. I never thought I could use this method to make things difficult for others.

I called a few passing policemen to bring Wang Zizi in. Huang Xiaotao was discussing the case with several police officers in the conference room. When I saw Wang Zizi brought in again, she raised her eyebrows and asked, "What's wrong, go out I'm back again in less than five minutes. Is it in the palace? "

I said, "He has something to do with the serial killings that are currently under investigation."

Upon hearing this, everyone's eyes changed and they didn't go to any training room. A policeman pressed the Prince directly on the chair. Huang Xiaotao said, "Explain, are you involved in the case, or is it just the audience? "

Wang Gongzi's face was as white as paper, his whole body shaking like a sieve, and his mouth was still stubborn: "I refuse to answer any questions until my lawyer returns!"

Huang Xiaotao slaps the table angrily: "Give me a hard word, do you know how the police cleaned up the prisoner?"

Prince Wang was shocked: "That's illegal, you have no right ..."

Huang Xiaotao shouted: "It's a big deal that I can't wear my police uniform! I will surrender to you after I have packed up!"

Wang Gongzi finally acknowledged: "I ... I recruit, I recruit!"

Huang Xiaotao sat back, and I noticed that she rubbed her hands underneath. The frightening intimidation just now was probably half-truth, half-truth, and knocking on the mountain was always her speciality.

Wang Gongzi explained that he was actually a member of that live broadcast site. The site was called in-depth live broadcast, which was specially designed to put some exciting things on the Internet. Huang Jianmen, which caused an uproar on the Internet, was in front of the pediatrics of the live broadcast creator.

This website is very secretive and there is no publicity. It is similar to the club system. Members introduce members. Wang Shaocong was introduced by friends and came up to find some excitement. Every new member has been mixing for a long time before they have the right to see more exciting content.

Two weeks ago, the website launched a very exciting live broadcast called 'Hell Trial'. The anchor was named Prisoner Blast. The content was probably like a chainsaw horror. A survival agency was designed to put some people with bad behavior in it. Let them escape inside.

The first issue is to put a man in a complicated organ, and it is difficult to describe by mouth alone. There are some retractable blades on that gadget. If you want to pull your legs out, your hands will be cut off. If you pull your hands out, your legs will be cut off. It is very delicate.

The man was arrested by the prisoner for trials because of abusing his mother. The man cried for a long time on the agency, and finally broke his hands before escaping.

That night, the website's click-through rate was all red, and the reward below was a reward, and the revenue anchor of the reward alone earned more than 2 million!

After watching it, everyone enthusiastically discussed in the discussion area, and they all felt that they were overwhelmed. This is the real in-depth live broadcast. I do n’t know where to eat shit, self-harm and self-abuse.

Seeing that everyone likes this series so much on the website, they decided to change the “Hell Trial” originally planned to be broadcast once a month to a one-week period, so Prince Wang witnessed last week ’s fire and this week ’s tongue-pulling.

After listening, there was a silence in the conference room. I asked, "Can anyone go in and watch?"

The king shook his head and said, "You have to pay a fortune!"

Due to the special nature of the site, each member must deposit a million dollars in security deposits to ensure that no secrets are disclosed. This rule determines that the members of this website are all super rich, and as a result, Wang Gongzi himself revealed it, making the most terrifying, **** and heinous live broadcast website in history officially surfaced!

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