The Underworld Detective

Chapter 262: Death of Uranus

Biquge, update the latest chapter of the criminal hunter as soon as possible!

Qi Sheng was full of the dean's death at the time, and didn't care too much. Later in prison, I wanted to understand that Wang Yizhou was crazy about machinery, far superior to human beings. Human life was not worth mentioning in his eyes. He was an extremely anti-social personality in his heart.

Wang Yizhou said before: "From the perspective of mechanical structure, the human body is a failure."

After the dean's death, the police's attention was focused on Qi Sheng, because the plagiarism of the dissertation was known to the whole school, and everyone knew that Qi Sheng was hostile to the dean!

Qi Sheng dealt with the police in a scorched manner, at this time Wang Yizhou was not honest again. It seemed that the demon in his heart was released. He used his invented torture to kill the orphanage teacher who had abused him as a child and often beat his biological father.

Qi Sheng knew about the three murders from beginning to end, but desperately took his suspicion to himself. When the police asked him for evidence not present, he apparently did not say, and the police's suspicion became more and more serious.

He feels that he is dead, but Wang Yizhou has a bright future, and it is worthwhile to exchange his old life for the future of his lovers!

As a mentor, his mood at that time was very complicated. He hated iron and steel, and felt that Wang Yizhou's distorted heart was forced by this society. The fault was not on him. He told Wang Yizhou: "If you really want to do this in the future You can only punish the bad guys, but it must be fair! "

On the day he was taken away by the police, he saw Wang Yizhou scratching his head in front of the police car, and suddenly burst into tears, feeling that his sacrifice was worth it. It was just unexpected that Wang Yizhou became more intensified in ten years and had no principle.

After listening to it, I asked, "Did you really think of it? When you were helping him, you should know what kind of mistake you made!"

The old man sighed: "I understand everything, but I just can't do it. He is a mechanical genius that is hard to come by for a century! Perhaps he can rewrite the history of human science and technology in this life, which can make our country leap forward for more than ten years and no longer face the United States. He mocked and blocked Japan with technology to realize the real dream of a great power. In that case, what about a few people who died? The atomic bomb invented by Einstein killed so many people, but his achievements were unprecedented. Are the millions of people dead more important than one Einstein? "

I said, "I think there is something wrong with your thoughts. The difference between you and Wang Yizhou is that he put it into practice, and you don't! You compare him to-Einstein, it is an insult to Einstein, your love He didn't make any inventions that benefited mankind at all, so he did one thing, live broadcast to kill and earn money! "

Huang Xiaotao said, "But you should be glad that if you have a problem in your mind, it doesn't break the law. We will quickly reverse your case and return you innocence."

The old man waved his hand and sighed: "Forget it, don't turn it over, I haven't lived for a few years. What can an old man who has squatted go out to do? I know what the prison is, and when he comes in, I at least You can take care of him for a few more years. "

Huang Xiaotao and I chatted a bit. The old man was ... sick!

He was unwilling to reverse the case himself, so forget it. Before leaving, the old man clenched his fist: "Excuse me, help!"

I asked, "What?"

He pushed the Chinese cigarette over: "Is such a good cigarette smoked by a prisoner? Do you think I can smoke a few here? Take the outside kiosk for a few red tower hills."

Raising my hand, I agreed and went outside to change a few Hongta Mountains. When I came back, I passed the compound. Suddenly someone shot the barbed wire again. Looking back, Deng Chao's smiling face was staring at me across the barbed wire.

Deng Chao laughed, "Yo, so much smoke, is there mine?"

I asked, "You smoke now?"

Deng Chao laughed: "Don't you say you smoke a cigarette for five minutes less? You try it in there, and you're dying tomorrow!"

Deng Chao was more polite to talk to me this time. Seeing that his face was pale, it was estimated that he had just been released from the confinement room, and even crazy people would be polished very smoothly in this place.

I asked, "Do you regret it?"

Deng Chao laughed: "regret, regret every day, I should have killed you!"

I sarcastically said, "It's as if you have this ability."

Deng Chao whispered, "Tell you a little secret. It won't be long before we can meet. Remember to give me a feast."

Huang Xiaotao pulled my sleeve: "This guy is crazy, let's go!"

I turned away and saw a prison guard on the road. I stopped him and opened a cigarette. I took out two packets from it and said, "Help me, these two packets, one belongs to you, and the other to the barbed wire. Prisoner, he is my classmate. "

After the prison guard left, Huang Xiaotao said, "Why are you so kind and give him a cigarette?"

I said, "Classmates, I won't see you anyway."

I gave Qi Sheng the cigarette, I told him to do it for himself, and I left with Huang Xiaotao. After getting in the car, Huang Xiaotao suddenly became untruthful, came over, his body was close to me, and his eyes were charming, and said, "Out of the wild country, what is the bold idea of ​​Detective Song?"

My thoughts were too daring, but I was still restrained. I didn't want my first time to happen in such a strange place at the gate of the prison, so I said, "Go to your home tomorrow and practice!"

Huang Xiaotao pressed her face very close, she breathed like a blue orchid, and her pair of clear pupils looked like spring water. I was forced by her to move backwards, my back rested on the seat, my heart beating wildly, and she said, "Dare you come to kill you!"

I nodded: "I'm afraid of death, I must come!"

After returning, there are still a lot of things, and Wang Yizhou has been handed over to the judicial organs. His case is hard-won, and the prosecutor is expected to break his head. It is because the defense lawyer is not easy to find, which is not our concern.

After smashing the live broadcast in depth, the national police teamed up to arrest all the anchors who broke the law. When the website founder Xu was transferred to the detention center, he arrogantly shouted: The organization will definitely save him out!

But he thought wrong.

One week later, he was tried by the Supreme People's Court of the People's Republic of China.

The criminal suspect, Wang Yizhou, committed the crime of intentional homicide, the crime of undermining public safety, and the crime of assaulting the police. The crime is extremely serious and the means are extremely cruel.

Sentenced to death and executed immediately!

The criminal suspect Xu Youwen, committed the crime of illegal business, incited to commit terrorist activities, and violated public safety.

Sentenced to death and executed immediately!

According to the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, the suspect Li Derong is exempt from litigation in view of the death of the suspect Li Derong.

The remaining criminal suspects are accomplices and sentenced to ten to fifteen years in prison.

The gold lord behind Deep Broadcast is indeed the mysterious criminal organization, but this website is just a money-making tool for them. They don't care about the life and death of the website, Xu is not as important as Kong Hui ...

I think I can finally take a good rest and finish a major event in my life. However, tonight Huang Xiaotao called suddenly and said solemnly, "Song Yang, Deng Chao is dead."

I stumbled for a while, and suddenly realized that her tone was not right, and asked, "How did you die?"

"The fight was fought and I was stabbed, but that's not the point! The point is ..." On the phone, I heard Huang Xiaotao took a deep breath before he said, "The vehicle that transported his body had an accident on the road. His The body disappeared mysteriously! "

I instantly realized that Deng was beyond prison!

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