The Underworld Detective

Chapter 394: Laparotomy

Biquge, update the latest chapter of the criminal hunter as soon as possible!

Sun Bingxin cut open the dog's belly, and everything inside was exposed. She frowned, "Well! What is this?"

I said, "Human feces, dog food, and a piece of fresh meat."

After the stool was digested, a large amount of amine gas was released, and the sourness could not even fight me. It was really spicy eyes.

Fortunately, we have included filthy dan, so as not to be overwhelmed at that time, such things as nausea are different from person to person, we don't feel anything psychologically, and we don't feel nauseous physically. Sun Bingxin and I are relatively big, but it just feels stinky, Huang Xiaotao can't stand it. I cover my nose and take a few steps back, and I wave my hand: "Do something else first, don't stare here."

Huang Xiaotao instructed: "You have finished processing!"

I ordered: "Come on, let's check the shit!"

Sun Bingxin laughed: "Don't say such disgusting words."

In a dog's stomach, that piece of meat is hardly digested, and dog teeth have no chewing function, mainly cutting. The meat was swallowed whole, and I saw some white powder on it, which seemed to be poisonous rats.

We put this piece of meat in the evidence bag and took it back for the technical team to deal with.

The next point is feces. I dipped it with a cotton swab and said, "The color is slightly darker, softer, and has no particles. I feel that this person's internal fire is weak and the liver is not good. It should be caused by long-term smoking and drinking."

Sun Bingxin picked up a small ball and followed, "There are still undigested shrimp, rice grains, and green peppers."

I said, "This person is a little constipated. It should be staying up late for a long time, and the peristalsis of the stomach and stomach is irregular. This seems to be shrimp fried rice."

Sun Bingxin nodded: "The shrimp is quite big."

We opened the belly of the other Tibetan mastiffs one by one. I saw Sun Bingxin indifferent throughout the whole process, and I was slightly surprised: "How good is your psychological quality?"

Sun Bing said, "Isn't Brother Song Yang the same?"

I laughed: "The dead thing is an object in front of me, and there is nothing disgusting about the dead thing."

Sun Bing said, "Our anatomy class is often taken with other grades, and the unkind and smoking schoolgirls told us all kinds of disgusting jokes. At first I was disgusted and I did n’t want to. I vomited several times, but gradually gradually Get used to it ... "

I asked, "What disgusting jokes."

Sun Bingxin spoke several times. I just smiled. She saw me unaffected and offered a magic weapon: "Brother Song Yang, do you know that **** can cure the disease?"

I thought for a while and said, "In the Compendium of Materia Medica, there are a lot of animal excrements used in medicine."

Sun Bingxin shook his head and said that it was not that. Some people have no probiotics in their intestines and cannot digest food. One type of probiotic therapy is to break the stool of healthy people and irrigate the patients. It is not through the mouth, but a nasal tube is inserted into the throat from the nasal cavity to the intestine, and then a few kilograms of stool are poured into it. In order to ensure the survival of probiotics, it is still warm.

With that said, Sun Bingxin laughed, tears came out, and I waved my hand: "Don't say it, I can't take it anymore ..."

Later, we found a dark red liquid on a piece of feces. Sun Bingxin was excited. "It's blood!" She immediately took a cotton swab to collect it and put it in the evidence bag. We finally had the DNA of one of the murderers.

This job has no technical content, it is mainly tiring. After standing up, we both got back pain and back pain, Sun Bingxin said with a sprinkling, "Song Yang brother help me pinch my shoulders!"

I said, "I'll help you later. Get rid of the dog's body. Didn't you notice that everyone was walking around us?"

The Tibetan mastiff's body was dead and heavy. I packed it in a bag and called over a few policemen to drag it outside, find an inconspicuous place and dig a pit directly to bury it. I took out a small incense burner and filled it with a piece of fragrant Liang Xiang to smoke on me and Sun Bingxin to get rid of the odor.

I pulled out my phone and checked something, Sun Bingxin said back to me, "Help me pinch my shoulders!"

I said, "Wait a while, I'm watching if there's a takeaway nearby."

Sun Bingxin cried in surprise: "Do you order takeaway here?"

I laughed: "The killer has eaten shrimp fried rice. It may be a takeaway, but in places where the birds don't shit, restaurants don't give it!"

I ordered all the shops with shrimp fried rice, confirmed the payment, put away my mobile phone and ordered: "Turn around!"

Sun Bingxin jumped like a bunny and jumped in front of me. I reached out and pinched her shoulders for her. Sun Bingxin closed her eyes and made a very comfortable sound. At this time Huang Xiaotao came over and made a snoring gesture to me after seeing it, asking me to let go, she pinched for Sun Bingxin.

After pinching it twice, Sun Bingxin obviously felt something wrong, and looked back and said, "How do you change people?"

Huang Xiaotao sneered coldly: "Do you have any comments? You kinda enjoy it, you can do such things during working hours!"

Sun Bingxin said: "We have finished the post-mortem examination and found the DNA of a murderer."

At this time, my cell phone rang, and more than a dozen restaurants said that the location was too partial, and returned the order. Only one was willing to accept the order. This is a French restaurant with its own takeaway.

I said, "I'm sorry I ordered one."

Huang Xiaotao has no interest in taking out food: "You can eat it by yourself. I don't have an appetite now."

At this time, the phone rang. It was called from this shop and told me that it was too biased and difficult to find. Let me go to a nearby reception station to wait for the deliveryman. It took about 20 minutes.

We plan to go together, Huang Xiaotao instructed the others to clean up the scene and take the evidence back for testing, and then the three of us got in the car.

We came to the reception station, and after a while, a takeaway came on a battery car and asked, "Who ordered the fried rice with shrimp?"

I said it was me, Huang Xiaotao showed up his credentials and said, "We are police and are investigating a case. Ask, did you deliver meals to this address before?"

The takeaway nodded: "Send it!"

I asked, "Can you describe the appearance of the person taking the meal?"

The takeaway recalled that the man was wrapped tightly, and because he could not see his appearance at night, it was obvious from his hands and eyes that he was older, probably in his forties. I was a little surprised to hear this description, which was not quite the same as I had speculated.

I asked, "How many meals?"

The take-out took out his mobile phone and turned it over, and showed us that the person ordered six meals, including fried rice, snail risotto, pasta and beer, and asked for six dishes.

It seems that the people who took the meal were other than the four murderers. The delivery man complained that it was already dark at that time, and he had to go to this place where the birds didn't **** to deliver food, and they were all nervous.

Asking him to send a shrimp fried rice so far, I felt a little guilty, and gave him a hundred dollars: "Tough work, this is a little intelligence."

The takeaway was pleasantly surprised: "Are there any intelligence fees? Thank you, I'm leaving now!"

He had just stepped on the battery car, Huang Xiaotao received a text message, and she watched the cell phone suddenly called the takeaway.

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