The Underworld Detective

Chapter 422: Bane King Dali

Biquge, update the latest chapter of the criminal hunter as soon as possible!

After coming out, Wang Yuanchao said, "I continue to find that **** steal!"

I replied, "Okay, then I'll go back first."

Let's just leave it alone. I went back to the store and didn't see Wang Dali and Luo Youyou. I called and asked, and it turned out that Luo Youyou had already rented a house. She told me the address.

I came to a neighborhood and found the basement. When I pushed the door, Sun Bingxin, Wang Dali and Luo Youyou were all inside. On the table were some snacks and a plate of rich men. There were also several sleeping bags. Sun Bingxin brought a whole set of laboratory equipment.

I was surprised, "Where did you get it?"

Sun Bing said, "I'm borrowing from the university laboratory, please collect more clues for me to test, otherwise I can't stay idle here."

I smiled and said what happened just now.

There is nothing to do here in the afternoon. Sun Bingxin proposed to go to the hospital to see Song Xingchen. I said no, the eyeliner of the dog trainer is everywhere. If we walk around casually, wouldn't it be right in his arms?

A few of them continue to play Monopoly, I am naturally not interested. I walked around the room, summarizing all the clues at the moment, thinking about the next action of the dog trainer, I vaguely felt that he was planning a big conspiracy.

Wang Dali has contracted the habit of smoking since he started business. He smoked three cigarettes in the afternoon, and the room was full of smoky smoke. Vice! "

Wang Dali said, "A man who doesn't smoke or drink is different from a eunuch?"

I frowned, "Grandson, who do you scold!"

Wang Dali waved his hand again and again: "No, no, I don't mean that, I mean someone else."

Sun Bingxin said: "Can't stand it, brother Song Yang, let's go for a walk!"

I promised. The two of us came outside and strolled around for a while. Wang Yuanchao called and told me: "Song Yang, an informant said that he had seen the thief. He came from Jiujiang. He is called Lightning Hand by cranes and rivers and lakes! All his cases are more than 10 million. Small cases are not interested at all. He is called Baibi Wucai because he has never been arrested, and more importantly, last year. He disappeared for a while. "

I asked, "Can I find him?"

"It's a bit difficult, this person's dragon is not at the end of it. I'll ask about it anyway!" Wang Yuanchao answered.

"Tough work for you." I encouraged and hung up.

Sun Bingxin asked me what was wrong, and after telling her, she jumped excitedly: "The witnesses are found, and Sister Tao will soon be innocent!"

I shook my head: "Don't be too happy, the gap between the enemy and me is very different. The dog trainer just played a small game, and we tried our best to resolve it. In case he seriously deals with us, I am afraid it will be really dangerous.

Sun Bingxin asked, "What do you think his purpose is?"

I did not answer directly, but said, "Yes, I will explain something to you. From now on you will send me a text message every hour. I will reply after receiving it. If I disappear, you will go to your dad. ! "

Sun Bingxin said in surprise: "Why are you missing?"

I laughed and said, "I'm not afraid of 10,000, just in case."

Sun Bingxin took my hand and said, "Brother Song Yang, don't be in trouble, otherwise my life will be bleak."

I comforted: "No, rest assured!"

We walked around, went back for dinner, and returned to our temporary shelter, only to find that Wang Dali was absent. I opened the door with an unlocking tool, and there were two leftover snacks in the house. I immediately dialed his phone number, but turned off the phone.

Sun Bingxin and I exchanged misaligned sights, rushed back to the store immediately, and asked the clerks again, they did not know where Wang Dali and Luo Youyou had gone.

I was so anxious that the disappearance of the two was definitely related to the dog trainer. I called Wang Yuanchao and Sun Hu to ask them to help find someone, and I went around with Sun Bingxin in several places that Wang Dali often went to.

Always found around seven o'clock, Wang Yuanchao called and said: "An old colleague from my anti-narcotics police said that a couple of men and women who had possession of drugs were caught around four o'clock in the afternoon.

I was frightened: "What?"

Wang Yuanchao said: "My colleague said that the discovery of half a kilogram of **** on Wang Dali was enough for him to be in prison for ten years!"

I asked, "How did the drug police know?"

"I was rushed after receiving the alarm." Wang Yuanchao answered.

I'm desperate, this is the dog trainer again, Wang Yuanchao said: "Tell me your position, let's go together!"

We made an appointment for a meeting place. After a while, a car from the Kung Fu King Chao drove up. We got in the car and rushed to the city's anti-drug brigade. Although this is also part of the public security system, I never came.

There were a few drug-sniffing dogs in the hospital who were being trained, and they looked very fierce. Sun Bingxin tightened my hands.

After Wang Yuanchao confirmed his identity, we were taken to a detention room and saw Wang Dali and Luo Youyou sitting in it. When Wang Dali saw us, he immediately collapsed and cried, "Yangzi, what is going on?" I went out for a meal in the afternoon, and suddenly a group of anti-narcotics police pressed me to the ground, and then found a white pack of white stuff from my pocket. "

I asked, "What time?"

"It's half past four!" Wang answered vigorously.

I sighed, "Don't I tell you not to go out? Why ran out to eat?"

Luo Youyou chuckled and said, "Sorry, Song Yang, I wanted to eat a snail soup from a nearby family, and Wang Dali took me out."

I looked helplessly at these two pig teammates: "Who gave you the drugs?"

Wang Dali's face was bewildered: "I don't know. We just chatted and we didn't notice who had approached."

I hate the indiscriminate scolding: "You pig teammate, stay here for two days, it's safe here."

After coming out, Wang Yuanchao greeted his former colleague to explain the situation. In fact, the other party also felt that this was strange. Somehow they found so many drugs from a boy, and the traffickers were not so ambitious, but they didn't do it. They promised to take good care of them.

When I got out of the anti-drug brigade, I received a call without a caller ID. After answering it, it really came from a dog trainer. He said, "Are you satisfied with this surprise?"

I replied coldly: "You are really a master of trouble!"

He said unhurriedly: "This is caused by yourself. You are not sincere to me, so I will punish you. I will meet at Jinlong Commercial Building at eight tomorrow morning. I hope you will come with sincerity this time. . "

I asked, "When are you going to play this game?"

The dog trainer laughed: "I am the ruler, I have the final say. By the way, tomorrow morning, if I find out that you have a small action, the sniper rifle aimed at your friend's head will shoot a bullet. Remember, you can only change your heart sincerely ! "

After talking, the call was hung up, and the call time was exactly 29 seconds. This person was really too cunning.

Wang Yuan said: "Song Yang, I will be with you tomorrow morning!"

I shook my head: "No, I'll go to the meeting with a single knife. What about the dog trainer won't take me for the time being, I will bring the positioner."

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