The Underworld Detective

Chapter 440: Open coffin

Biquge, update the latest chapter of the criminal hunter as soon as possible!

I thought for a moment and asked the village chief: "When did that tree become a **** tree?"

"I don't know. Actually, as a village cadre, I have always held a resistance to this superstition activity in the village. But everyone believes this, and I have no choice but to respect it. I don't believe in a **** tree. "The village chief said helplessly.

The village chief, who was receiving the soles of the shoes, said, "Old man, you forgot, the tree glowed at night that year, and everyone said that the tree **** had appeared."

The village chief remembered: "Oh, it's a year or three!"

"One or three years?" I groaned for a while. It was not exactly five years ago. The so-called big tree glow should be the phosphorus emitted from the corpse, and ghost fire is a principle, which shows that someone hid in the tree before that Dead.

The village chief said, "Boy, why are you so interested in this tree?"

I didn't want to be too public for the time being, so I said, "Nothing, I'm just curious."

The village chief had to stay with us for dinner, and we finally resigned. When I came outside, I was at a loss for a while. This case was a bit difficult to handle. I couldn't touch the body, and the identity of the deceased could not be determined.

With things in my head, I walked silently around the field, Song Jie said with a smile: "What's wrong with him, is he crazy?"

Song Xingchen explained: "Thinking about the case."

Song Jie suggested: "Cousin, accompany me to catch sparrows on the mountain and play!"

I said, "You two, let's go play. I'll take a stroll here and meet at my aunt's house at noon."

Song Jie cheered, "See you at noon!" Then dragged Song Xingchen away.

I spent an hour thinking, and suddenly I saw the hill where yesterday was the night of marriage, and saw lonely graves. I suddenly had a flash of light. No one has disappeared in the village for five years, but someone must have died. Will the body be one of the dead? In this case, a grave must be empty.

After thinking about this, I quickly walked back to the Song family's old house. Song Heting, who was picking vegetables at the door, saw me and asked, "Are Xiaojie and Song Xingchen not with you?"

I said, "Aunt, to investigate this case, I have to do one thing, and I will go up the mountain to open the coffin at night!"

Song Heting's hand stopped for a moment, raising his eyebrows: "If this is known to the villagers, you must not ask the teacher to blame?"

I explained: "I don't need to open the coffin. I just need a Luoyang shovel. Will it leave traces for the autopsy?"

Song Heting said: "Be careful, don't be seen by anyone. Luoyang does not have me here. There are some iron sheets in the backyard. Do it yourself!"

I am very fortunate that Song Heting supported my action. When I came down to the backyard, I made a Luoyang shovel with a ladle and a bamboo pole, and tried it on the ground. It really worked.

This class is again in the evening. After dinner, when I heard that I was going to go up for a post-mortem examination, Song Jie was eager to follow us.

The three of us went out to feel the darkness, we all have a holey pupil, and no lighting equipment is needed. When he came to that graveyard, Song Jie said, "There will be no ghosts!"

I laughed and said, "Are you afraid of ghosts, aren't they the Song family?"

Song Jie pursed his lips and said, "I'm not like you. I face the body every day, Song Yang cousin, have you seen a ghost?"

I nodded. "I've seen it."

"Let's hear it ... forget it, go back and talk about it ... no no, say it during the day tomorrow!" Song Jie closed his ears in fear.

I picked up the homemade Luoyang shovel, hit the head of the grave, dragged the soil to sniff, and confirmed that the body was buried below. Then I used the same method to explore all the tombs and found no empty tombs. I said to myself, "No, why are all the dead bodies buried, are there any other graves?"

Song Jie said: "Everyone in the village is buried here. Going up is the grave of the ancestors, you are going to steal the tomb of Song Ci?"

Song Xingchen cursed: "Little Nizi, who hasn't covered her mouth, beware of a thunderstorm falling on your head."

Song Jie laughed: "Hee hee, I hide behind you and want to hack together!"

I was naturally in no mood to laugh and sit on a grave and think. Is there any blind spot that cannot be achieved?

After sitting for a long time, Song Jie dangled in front of my eyes and asked, "Thinker, aren't you cold?"

I said, "Go back and get the tools and prepare to open the coffin for autopsy!"

Song Jie said in shock: "Don't you have all tested it? Why open a coffin."

I said seriously: "Excluding everything that is impossible, the rest is the only possibility, there is absolutely one less body in these graves, I'm sure!"

The two exchanged their sights, and Song Xingchen said first: "Song Yang, you have to think twice before you go, as long as the villagers see the ancestral grave be graved tomorrow morning, this case can't be investigated ..."

I nodded: "Rest assured, how to open a coffin without being found is more experienced than a grave robber, and I only need to open three graves."

Song Jie asked, "Why?"

I said, "It's just my guess at the moment, and I won't be late until I verify the guess."

Song Jie yelled madly: "You guys really like to sell offense!"

When we got down the mountain, the Song Heting couple had fallen asleep. In order not to alarm them, Song Xingchen jumped to the wall and threw a pick and a shovel from there. Song Jie took it very lightly, and then Song Xingchen turned over silently.

Back on the mountain, I asked Song Jie: "You have bone burial rituals here. Show me which graves have been taken."

Song Jie pointed out one. I walked over and took a look. Instead of shovel immediately, I completely shoveled a piece of turf from the back and pulled out a hole. In order not to damage the shape of the tomb, I did this very carefully, and it took about half an hour to pull out a square hole where I could put my hand in.

The graveyard in the middle of the night was dead, the forest behind was shrouded in night mist, and some strange movements came from inside. Song Jie was a little scared, holding Song Xingchen's clothes and saying: "Fortunately, I'm not Wen Song, I don't want to do this kind of thing . "

I laughed: "What is the fear of the dead, the dead are the most honest."

Song Jie frowned: "Your bravery! Little girl admires it."

I knelt down and reached into the hole to dig out. Song Jie was frightened. She hid behind Song Xingchen and leaned out her head, whispering, "Song Yang Tang, aren't you afraid that there is a hand inside to catch you?"

I'm not afraid of being caught by ghost hands, I'm afraid of touching a slippery snake, but generally snakes only drill holes in winter.

I felt a fluffy thing, and it squeaked away. It was a vole, and I was relieved, because there would be no snake when there was a vole.

Finally, I touched a hard object, reached into the other hand, and slowly pulled out a clay pot from it.

I lifted the cover of the jar and slammed the bones into the open space. I lay on the ground and began to concentrate on the bones. Song Jie asked Song Xingchen: "Is he so abnormal?"

Song Xingchen shook his head: "No, it's more abnormal than this!"

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