The Underworld Detective

: See father-in-law

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I quickly picked out all the nail fragments in the meat filling, and put them together, and finally about half of the nails, because they were cooked, the nails were a little whiter than usual.

Huang Xiaotao's face was wrong, such a large piece of nails could not be accidentally dropped by the employee when cutting the nails, but only the whole nail was pulled off.

Huang Xiaotao picked up the plastic bag and shouted, "Oh my God, Gui He Yuan's buns. I was eating the other day. Am I so unlucky? I have tasted human meat buns for the second time in my life. Song Yang, are you sure of this nail Is it human? Will it not be pig? "

I explained: "Human hands have evolved over millions of years. The shape and structure of nails are different. The cloaks of cloven-hoofed eyes are much thicker than this. This can only be human nails."

Huang Xiaotao covered his mouth and recalled about the buns I had eaten. I raised my hand and said, "Don't worry, we have determined that the buns are not human flesh. This nail was mixed in from the back and was crushed by a meat grinder. Into the filling. "

Huang Xiaotao said: "So, there must have been a murder in Guihe Garden. Let's go to the scene!"

I said, "Isn't I going to your house today?"

Huang Xiaotao said: "It doesn't matter, dear, let him wait a while."

I smiled bitterly, that was not a bad impression on me, but there was a murder case, whether it was me or Huang Xiaotao, it was impossible not to look at it.

When we walked out of the city bureau, we found that the reporter had already left, and didn't even leave a name and contact information. However, this is no longer important. Huang Xiaotao and I drove to Guihe Garden. This is a very old retro shop. There are antique tables and chairs in the lobby. Upon entering the shop, the shop assistant dressed as Xiao Er greeted with smiles: Please, look at the tea! "

Huang Xiaotao showed the police officer's card: "Call your manager, we have some questions to ask."

Due to the sensitivity of this case, we couldn't ask too much, so the manager thought that something had happened in his restaurant, and he was extra careful and polite in front of Huang Xiaotao.

I offered to take a look in the refrigerator, and the manager immediately agreed.

I looked around in the refrigerator and asked Huang Xiaotao to close the door and use it to return to the soul, but there was no sign of murder. Huang Xiaotao wondered: "The problem is not in the restaurant, is it the meat factory?"

I nodded. "It looks like this. You didn't eat human meat buns."

"Thank goodness!" Huang Xiaotao patted his chest, and thankfully said, "I'll ask someone to check it first."

After she called to explain, we went to her house as originally planned. I thought that Mr. Huang would live in a high-end villa. It turned out to be just a residential area.

The community is quite large. After I came in, I drove for a long time. I asked casually, "Not yet?"

Huang Xiaotao was happy: "It's been a long time ago. This area is my dad's property. When he bought a house, he thought that the location and the environment were not good. So he asked the developer to build one."

I was shocked. I ca n’t imagine the rich world. Huang Xiaotao added: “I do n’t mean to show off wealth. My dad is my dad, I am me!”

I said, "No misunderstanding, you will always be a heroic policewoman in my mind!"

Huang Xiaotao pouted her mouth smallly: "Are there no beauty and cleverness?"

So I changed my tongue: "Beautiful, smart, beautiful policeman."

We came to the bottom of a unit building and took the elevator to the top floor. The place where Father Huang lived was an apartment with more floors. Huang Xiaotao took off his jacket and pressed the doorbell. A nanny opened the door and said with a smile, "Miss is back, this is ..."

"My boyfriend!" Huang Xiaotao said proudly, holding my arm.

I said hello, the nanny said: "It's a good man, and the old man is waiting for you in the restaurant."

The living room can only be described as low-key and luxurious. It is not what I imagined in the room full of Jin Bisheng. At first glance, it looks very ordinary. The most conspicuous place at the door is not a astronomical oil painting, but a family portrait. Huang Xiaotao is only eight years old. She is a cute little girl with a doll in her hand. Her mother is a dignified and beautiful woman with eyebrows and yellow Xiaotao is very similar. The room is full of solid wooden furniture, and the coffee table is made of a whole log. It is a whole black gold sandalwood. It takes 100 years to grow so thick. The market price is staggering.

Huang Xiaotao looked at the family portrait and sighed: "Since my mother died, my relationship with my dad has become more and more distant. It is not a big contradiction. I just don't want to inherit his career."

There was a sound of slippers, and Mr. Huang came out of the room. His spirit was very tough. A pair of eagle eyebrows slanted into the horns, giving a sense of self-indignation. After seeing me, he laughed and said, "It really is you, Xiao Tao. The girl was secretive with me, and the last time I saw you, I knew that your relationship was unusual! "

I said politely, "Hi uncle, Xiao Tao often mentions you to me."

Mr. Huang waved his hand: "There must be nothing good, come, come in and sit!"

I handed the gift of meeting to me, which was a bottle of French red wine, only a few hundred dollars. I ca n’t afford to buy too expensive, and in front of Mr. Huang, swollen face and fat give a gift, but it looks very pretentious.

Mr. Huang smiled and accepted the gift, and invited us to the restaurant. In the restaurant, the light is bright, and a table has been set up on the table. Looking at it, most vegetarian dishes are available. Alkaline ... "

Huang Xiaotao interrupted him: "Dad, you are here again!"

Father Huang laughed: "Sorry, Xiao Song, don't be restrained, just sit down and eat."

I ca n’t be restrained. The next meal is basically Mr. Huang asking me what I answer, and I try not to make a sound when I eat.

Although the old man is vegetarian, Huang Xiaotao and I are grilling steaks.

Mr. Huang is not polite to me. Huang Xiaotao said that her dad admires capable people, but he does n’t care if the other person has money. People in his position do not care about these external conditions. No matter how rich the other party is, it is impossible to have him in Nanjiang City.

After chatting for a while, Mr. Huang suddenly said: "Look at my memory, patronize and talk, Xiao Song, do you drink?"

I repeatedly refused: "No, uncle, I won't!"

"How can a man not drink? It is a rare joy today to have a drink with me."

I had no choice but to respect myself. When the old man turned to the wine rack to get wine, I glanced at Huang Xiaotao with a bitter smile. Huang Xiaotao advised: "It's OK to drink a glass."

The old man took three goblets and Huang Xiaotao protested again and again: "Dad, I still have to drive! One of my criminal police captains was arrested by the traffic police and it was funny!"

The old man said, "A glass is not a problem. This wine was delivered by a friend of mine. It is not available on the market. I usually do not want to drink it easily."

There is no label on the wine in his hand, and the liquid inside is light brown, leaving only half a bottle.

At the time, I didn't expect that this seemingly ordinary bottle of wine would involve an incredible case.

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