The Underworld Detective

Chapter 467: Mr. Huang is missing

Biquge, update the latest chapter of the criminal hunter as soon as possible!

We went to the forensic laboratory, and an assistant was looking into the microscope and saw us coming in, ready to say hello, Huang Xiaotao said, "Busy you, I'll take a bottle of glucose for case handling."

Huang Xiaotao took a small bottle, we can never drink here, or go back to Zengguyu.

I pierced the mouth with a little sterilized awl, poured some into the container, and tasted it with Huang Xiaotao. The results prove that our taste for glycogen is normal, but we are unable to take protein.

Huang Xiaotao said, "I remember that in the case we have done, there was a person who was mistakenly considered a vampire and had an allogeneic protein intake disorder. Is it that kind of disease?"

I thought of the pale vampire, shaking my head, "It's impossible. Impaired protein intake is a genetic disease, and it's not that you can't eat it, but it will have an allergic reaction. We just have a problem with our taste, noon We did n’t eat less meat. "

"Well, yes, why didn't you respond at noon?" Huang Xiaotao asked.

"Maybe the body didn't absorb the toxins at the time."

I thought about it for a long time and couldn't figure out what it means to cast this poison. Huang Xiaotao started to pack things, and suddenly he cried and covered his fingers. It turned out that I was accidentally pierced by the awl on the table.

I said quickly: "Don't bother, I'll find iodophor to wipe it for you."

Huang Xiaotao said indifferently: "No, little wound."

She grabbed her mouth and sucked her fingers. I said that it was easy to get inflammation, so I still found iodophor and wiped her. When I turned around, I suddenly realized that there was something wrong. I looked at Huang Xiaotao, and she asked, "What's wrong, suddenly I look at me with this look, there is something on my face?"

I said, "You just sucked your blood, didn't you feel sick?"

Huang Xiaotao shook his head: "No, there is protein in the blood?"

"Of course it is, and the content is very high!" I said.

Huang Xiaotao recalled: "Not only was there no nausea, it seemed to have a sweet taste."

I have a bad guess. To verify, I took a disinfected knife, cut my fingers apart, and put a little blood. I took it and took a sip, and the blood tasted extremely sweet, with an unparalleled sweetness.

I handed it to Huang Xiaotao, and she took a sip of the letter, covering her mouth in fright, and so on: "Oh my God, why is your blood so delicious?"

I shook my head seriously: "It's not my blood that's delicious, it's this toxin that is interfering with our taste sensations, making the brain think human blood is delicious."

Huang Xiaotao said, "But is the protein in the blood different from the protein in milk?"

"It must be different."

I think of the experience I just had at the steakhouse. The protein in human blood and beef blood should be said to have the same composition. Why is it so bad? Strictly speaking, every living thing has a unique biological enzyme, so the same kind of food eats the same kind, the body can distinguish it and secrete anti-inverse hormone to prevent this behavior.

Thinking of this, I said, "The problem is not with the bottle, but with the person who delivered it, and that person definitely has an unspeakable motivation."

Huang Xiaotao shouted, "I'll call my dad now!"

She dialed the phone, but was prompted to be unable to connect, and then called home again. The nanny Zhang mother told her that Mr. Huang went out with a friend at night, and Huang Xiaotao asked which friend was the one named Mu who gave the wine.

Hanging up the phone, Huang Xiaotao walked out of Bone Bone, I followed her to the technical office, and she asked the technician to check where Mr. Huang's mobile phone is now.

A mobile phone can certainly be tracked as long as it is on, but Father Huang ’s phone has no audio. Huang Xiaotao looked at me with anxiety, and I comforted her and said, “Do n’t be afraid, Father Huang has a natural beauty, no. Something will happen, and we will now start with the clues we can find. "

"Yes, let's check the bottle of wine and call Sun Bingxin for a test!"

Huang Xiaotao drove into the car and passed Sun Bing ’s house to hold Sun Bing's heart waiting downstairs. I said, "How did your dad agree with you coming out at night?"

Sun Bing said with a smile: "I said that Sister Tao had 100,000 urgent tasks, and I had to come. Who is calling someone special now? Case! Team! Become a member!"

I snorted: "False Edict."

Huang Xiaotao, who was driving, looked dignified, and she was completely out of mood now.

We came to Mr. Huang ’s house, and the door opened by Zhang ’s mother, I asked Sun Bingxin to take the whole bottle for testing. After all, it was the only clue right now. The fingerprints on the bottle and the place where the bottle was produced have the value of verification. I took a cup with a fingerprint sample of Mr. Huang.

When I went downstairs, Huang Xiaotao said to me, "Remember that time, Li Wenjia asked me to make a choice. Should I choose my dad to die?"

I know what she wants to say, "You don't have to feel guilty about it, it's the lunatic who forced you."

Huang Xiaotao shook his head and said, "How could I not be guilty. Since then I have always felt like an unfilial girl. I always want to do something to make up for my father. I hope he can do well. How can I know that he was involved in the case again ... ... "

Sun Bingxin said: "Sister Tao, my dad often doesn't come back at night, and it's fine."

Huang Xiaotao sniffed: "Standing and speaking without back pain, your father was hit by a car, didn't you cry?"

I hurried into a round field: "Okay, okay, don't think old and bad, just do what you can."

"Apart from testing this bottle of wine, what else can you do?" Huang Xiaotao asked.

I replied: "When I first walked into the room, I noticed that a few ties were thrown on the sofa, a pair of leather shoes were missing from the shoe rack, and the crutches that had been hanging on the hangers were gone. It should be a very formal occasion. At this level, at least it wasn't kidnapped, and his car drove away? "

Huang Xiaotao shook his head and said, "No!"

I said, "That means that a friend picked him up. It's impossible to go to a meeting in the evening, it might be to attend a private party, banquet or something. You can ask about it in your father's social circle."

Huang Xiaotao wondered: "But how can his mobile phone not track it?"

I explained: "Maybe there is a shielding device on the scene that shields the mobile phone signal, and some high-end clubs do this."

Huang Xiaotao was a little distracted: "You have a reasonable analysis, it seems my dad should be fine."

I was just comforting her words, it can't be all right, but not the kind of accident we imagined. That bottle of wine that makes the body's protein delicious and unusual is definitely not something ordinary people have the ability to make, and it definitely has any effect.

What I am worried about is that when Xiaotao Tao knows what Huang has done tonight, he will have to handcuff him!

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