The Underworld Detective

Chapter 484: Invitation from Mad Kitchen

Biquge, update the latest chapter of the criminal hunter as soon as possible!

Yang Xingdong was desperate and screamed panickingly: "You folks will not understand."

"What do you understand? Eating people is elegant art?" I said scornfully.

Yang Xingdong laughed wildly: "After thousands of years of human evolution, only humans are the most advanced ingredients in the world. This is my belief in six crazy chefs. One day, all humanity will accept it! My only sin is to make mistake Time. "

I was disgusted for a while: "Six mad kitchens? You're less bragging."

"I'm six crazy chefs. I'm a fake six crazy chefs!" Yang Xingdong raised his hands and shouted hysterically.

"Don't talk nonsense to him!"

With a wave of Huang Xiaotao, he directed the two passersby to slowly shrink and surround him. The special case team has the right to hit the gangsters on the spot, but of course we still have to catch it. As we approached slowly, Yang Xingdong knew that the situation had gone and knelt on the ground and raised his hands.

Wang Yuanchao stepped forward and handcuffed him, Huang Xiaotao said, "It's finally over. I'll invite everyone to eat hot pot when it's over!"

The crowd cheered for a while, and then a scent of strange fragrance drifted into my nose. The others also smelled, and they sniffed their noses and asked, "What smell?"

"Don't breathe!" Song Xingchen said loudly.

As soon as the words fell, everyone fell down one by one, and even I was hit. I felt weak all over. There was only one person standing still, it was Louis Liu, with a weird smile on his face, and that strange scent was floating out of him.

"Who the **** are you!" Asked Huang Xiaotao.

Song Xingchen pulled out the Tang knife. At this moment, two laser beams passed through the dust in the room and locked the head of Huang Xiaotao and me. Me, my friends will shoot. "

Song Xingchen stopped in front of him gritted teeth.

Louis Liu turned to me and said hello: "Song Yang, my host asked me to say hello to you!"

"Who is he?" I asked.

He took out a card and threw it in front of me, exactly like what I saw on Yang Xingdong's desk, and he said, "Six mad kitchens!"

"It's him! My idol!" Yang Xingdong shouted, "I know he will come to me. All of the things I do are in tribute to the idol, haha, haha, no one wants to arrest me."

Louis Liu slowly walked towards him, patted Yang Xingdong's shoulder lightly, and suddenly took out a dagger and plunged it into Yang Xingdong's abdomen.

Everyone at the scene widened his eyes erratically, and Yang Xingdong's expression was even more shocked. Huang Xiaotao loudly ordered Song Xingchen to stop him, but Song Xingchen interrupted his knife and said he was unwilling to interfere.

In front of my safety and the life and death of the suspect, he will only choose the former.

"Why ... why ..." Yang Xingdong's eyes widened, and tears came from the corners of his eyes.

"Yang Xingdong, do you know the guilt?" Louis Liu said slowly and erected three fingers: "You have three counts! First, you impostor mixed into six pole feasts; second, you stole the host to treat the VIP And forget it, and use it to commit your boring crime; third, and the most unforgivable, you pretend to be the owner's name and corrupt his reputation. "

Yang Xingdong snorted and said, "Isn't Mad Kitchen Madden recognizing me?"

"Your understanding of food is so vulgar and unworthy to enter the palace of gourmets, this is what the host gives you!"

Louis Liu turned to me with a smile on his face: "I was shocked. The owner has always loved feathers. I was afraid you would confuse this vulgar guy with him, so he sent me to deal with it. In addition, he has something to do Detective Song said that the host appreciates your talent very much. If you did not die in the hands of the copper-smelling guy, on March 3 next year, you will be invited to a six-pole feast, only those who are appreciated by the host I have the opportunity to participate, and I hope Song Dashen will appreciate it. "

Speaking, Louis Liu pressed his chest down with his hands and smiled at me, saluting his other hand still on the handle.

I was speechless. The development of the situation was completely beyond my imagination. For the first time, I saw a criminal who came out to take care of his own affairs because he was dissatisfied with imitation.

Louis Liu turned to Yang Xingdong, and his expression instantly switched back to ruthless: "As for you, the host says that you are just garbage, but you are not useless. The host wants to taste something on you."

After that, his knife was pulled down fiercely, and Yang Xingdong's belly was **** dissected, and the entire liver was pulled out from it, and his hand was still trembling.

"I accept this!"

Louis Liu threw the knife, took out a piece of paper, wrapped the liver carefully, and then turned to leave. He threw a small bottle without looking back and said, "This is the antidote, let them smell it. Just fine. "

When Song Xingchen raised his hand and took it, the laser beam aimed at Huang Xiaotao and me disappeared. Huang Xiaotao said, "Catch him!"

"No!" I sighed helplessly: "Let him go first, there will be opportunities in the future."

There was a sudden burst of laughter in our ears, and I saw Yang Xingdong, who was ripped open, stretched out his **** hands, and kneeled at the back of Louis Liu: "Please tell Master Cook, it is my pleasure to eat his liver Hahaha, I am one with Mad Kitchen, my humble life will become eternal. "

Huang Xiaotao and I stared at each other staggeringly. Such an avid admirer has never seen it in my life.

Yang Xingdong was taken to the hospital half an hour later, and died of ineffective rescue. Before he died, he still had a contented smile on his lips. The man was crazy to the bone.

At six o'clock that night, all the members of the task force sat in the conference room, and the atmosphere was low. Although what happened during the day hurt everyone's enthusiasm, we were not idle that day.

Boss Mu ’s wanted order has been issued, the driver who transported the body for the club has also been arrested, the deceased's confirmation work is still in progress, and Wang Yuanchao found Louis Liu, who was **** in a big flower in a room in the airport hotel This time it is true.

Louis Liu is a Chinese-American who does not speak Chinese at all. After being rescued, he took a sip of "What, the, f-uck" and has now been placed in the embassy. This has greatly reduced our impression of the FBI!

"I can't think of it!" Huang Xiaotao smiled and shook his head with a bitter smile: "The dog trainer, Huang Quan buys bones, six crazy chefs, and the BOSS organized was delivered like a big gift bag."

I said, "There may be another four. It seems that this group of people have their own criminal characteristics. The guy said," If I didn't die in the hands of the copper-smelly guy, "I was probably referring to Huang Quan. Bone people, it seems that their division of labor is very clear, and it is not yet the turn of six crazy chefs to deal with us. "

"When I think of what the special team is about to face, I feel scared!" Huang Xiaotao's words made everyone startled. How could she, as the team leader, say such words.

But then she opened her eyes and clenched her fists. "But at the same time, I was full of energy. When I thought of competing with such an opponent, I was so excited!"

I nodded: "Yes, no matter how they are packaged, they are criminals in the final analysis and will definitely be arrested by the police."

Huang Xiaotao stood up and stretched out a hand. Others also stood up and folded their hands together. Huang Xiaotao said, "Come on!"

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