The Underworld Detective

Chapter 486: Overbearing aunt

Biquge, update the latest chapter of the criminal hunter as soon as possible!

"First!" Song Heting erected a finger: "Get married as soon as possible, and the wedding will be run by the Song family. If you want to talk to your in-laws, you will definitely be able to afford the Song family."

Both Huang Xiaotao and Mr. Huang were shocked, and Song Xingchen turned away in shame.

"Second!" Song Heting looked around at everyone. "You must add a son to the Song family within one year, and you must give birth to a boy within three years. If you can't, you will be taken off. It is best that you take action tonight."

Huang Xiaotao slaps on the table: "I disgusted you the most, such a woman, who was oppressed by my life and ran out to oppress others. Would a female police officer who stood in my place, Huang Xiaotao, be the tool to have children in your eyes?"

Song Heting smiled and asked me, "Is she usually mad?"

I don't know how to answer, Huang Xiaotao grabbed his coat and called out, "I'm full, use it slowly."

"My dear, your daughter is too under disciplined!" Song Heting snorted coldly.

Mr. Huang embarrassedly smiled, not knowing what to say.

I saw Song Heting picking up the tea cup and throwing it with a slam. The tea cup was completely embedded on the oak door, only a few centimeters away to hit Huang Tao, but I know that it is impossible for her to make a mistake.

Huang Xiaotao was naturally frightened and stood there afraid to move. I shook her head slightly at this woman. This woman is a control freak. Don't violate her in person.

"Give me back!" Song Heting said coldly.

I desperately winked, Huang Xiaotao moved back, and there was no blood on my face when I sat down.

Song Heting said casually about the third article: "Third, the wedding is held in the Song family. According to our rules, after the marriage, you two stay in the Song family and you are not allowed to work again."

I couldn't help it, "Aunt ..."

"Song Yang, according to our agreement, you must train me for the next generation of Wen and Song heirs."

I said politely, "I never promised!"

Mr. Huang could not help but cough: "This ... Madam, can you discuss what you said? I have always respected Xiao Tao's personal wishes. As a parent, I can't force my child too much, right?"

Song Heting laughed: "I ask you, my family, which is important, responsibility and personal?"

"This score," replied Father Huang.

"You don't know, Song Yang inherited the mantle of his ancestor Song Ci. He is the only survivor of the Song and Song dynasties. If he has a three-pronged and two-short, the masterpiece of the Song family will disappear completely. I don't like forcing people, and I have made great concessions for the whole family. I hope Ling Yuan accepts these three conditions. "Song Heting explained.

"We can negotiate again!" Father Huang laughed dryly.

"I didn't come here to negotiate today. There is no room for negotiation. Your answers are only yes or no! Goodbye!"

After speaking, Song Heting got up and left, and Song Xingchen whispered, "I'm sorry."

After people left, the atmosphere in the room was weird. I said, "Uncle, these don't represent my personal will."

"Understand! Understand!" Father Huang said with cold sweat, "I can see that she is also a strong woman, and I respect your aunt."

Huang Xiaotao suddenly laughed. I asked her what she laughed. She said: "This kind of dog blood plot in a TV show actually happened to me. Today is really an eye-opener. Your aunt is really amazing."

I was embarrassed and said, "You don't know what I went through that time, she almost forced me to marry that cousin ..."

"Stop talking, eat first." Father Huang said.

"What to eat, get angry, pack it up and take it back for supper!" Huang Xiaotao said.

So Mr. Huang asked the waiter to come in and check out, but the waiter said that the lady who had just left had already settled.

Mr. Huang went back first. Huang Xiaotao and I were crossing the road outside. She was as depressed as me. She suddenly asked to drink and bought two bottles of beer at the store. We sat on the flower bed by the road, looking at the traffic on the road, Huang Xiaotao said: "Be assured, I won't have any prejudice against you."

I nodded: "Thank you!"

"But this request is too much, too much, it is really unacceptable." Huang Xiaotao took a sip of beer.

"For her, family heritage is better than everything." I sighed.

"Well, it really takes a lot of trials for two people to want to be together."

I laughed: "Are we going well?"

Huang Xiaotao suddenly looked at me and whispered, "Honestly, do you want a child?"

I shook my head: "I'm so young and don't want to be a dad, after 30 years old!"

Huang Xiaotao grinned, "You are a process-oriented person, aren't you?"

My cheeks became hot for a while, and I got the courage to say, "When ... do you know this process?"

She poked my face with her finger: "Haha, you have failed to learn." Then she said in a very small voice: "If you are serious ..."


I didn't respond for a while. When the reaction came, she found that Huang Xiaotao's face was already red. She touched her cheek and said, "I have drunk too much, yes, I still have something to go to the bureau."

"Don't drive after drinking!"

I called a taxi for her, and Huang Xiaotao waved and said 'see you tomorrow' after she got on the bus. After she left, I was still remembering that sentence, and a little virgin's heart was beating wildly. I have to take this step bravely.

When I returned to the store, Song Heting, Song Jie, and Song Xingchen were all there. The mother and daughter were visiting the store. Wang Dali and Luo Youyou were both silly. They whispered to me, "Who is this aunt who is like a woman?" Ah? So domineering. "

I smiled bitterly: "The debt collector."

I stepped forward and greeted Song Heting with a thumbs-up: "It turns out that you are doing this kind of business in the city and you are self-reliant. It's good. Go and find a tea house."

Song Jie held Song Heting's arm and said, "Mom, it's a rare trip to a big city. I want to eat KFC ice cream."

I thought she would refuse, but did not expect Song Heting but said: "Yes, Song Yang, lead the way."

We arrived at KFC and ordered some drinks. I said, "Aunt, you almost made things yellow? Do you know what Huang Xiaotao's father did?"

"I know!" The aunt drank a drink: "I will fight the unprepared battle of the richest man in Nanjiang City? In fact, what I said today is just to dismiss him, and to be a bully at the shop. It is difficult for you to be his son-in-law to avoid restraint. What I said, you do n’t have to follow it. The Chinese and Western weddings do n’t matter. You can do whatever you want after the wedding. The aunt is not a conservative person, but there is only one point ... ”

I said helplessly: "A boy?"

"And teach him all your skills." Song Heting nodded.

Song Jie interjected: "But Xunzi is so beautiful!"

Song Heting said disapprovingly, "It's far worse than when I was young, and I'm just a little bit better. Right, did you go to bed with her?"

The topic changed so suddenly, I sipped a drink, and Song Jie giggled beside me.

"It's all grown-ups, what's shy?" Song Heting said positively.

I wiped my mouth: "Aunt, can you inquire about privacy under such a large audience?"

"It seems not."

I noticed that Song Heting's eyes were red. She was observing my micro-expression with the pupil of the cave. I was completely convinced that this woman was too powerful!

"Hurry up, otherwise I will take tough measures." Song Heting said.

I just nodded: "Yes, definitely!"

"Hee hee, cousin blushed, and she was still a little virgin." Song Jie looked at the lively not afraid of big things.

There was a roar in my heart, I thought that Song Heting would never come to interfere with me in my life. Who knew that her magic claws had reached Nanjiang City. Originally, my relationship with Huang Xiaotao was developing smoothly, but now I have to bear such a big responsibility. It's really terrifying.

After chatting for a while, their mother and son planned to stay in Nanjiang City for a while, and I could only sigh, I booked a hotel for them on my mobile phone.

Before going to the hotel, they said they would go to the store to pick up luggage. As a result, Sun Bingxin came to me to play. When she saw Song Heting, she greeted enthusiastically: "Auntie, you are from Song Yang ..."

Song Heting's eyes lightened for a while, and Sun Bing looked up and down, "I'm his aunt, little girl, what's your relationship with Song Yang?"

"Green plum bamboo horse and colleague." Sun Bingxin replied.

Song Heting smiled with satisfaction: "There are few such girls who know how to be polite ..." I knew she was about to start again, and she asked, "What is your family doing?"

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