The Underworld Detective

Chapter 509: Fire Evidence Room (plus more)

Biquge, update the latest chapter of the criminal hunter as soon as possible!

Huang Xiaotao and I stared at the same time. I didn't expect that tetanus vaccine and gecko turned out to be of such significance. I haven't read these two kinds of key evidence in any version of the file. How could the killer know?

Huang Xiaotao asked excitedly: "Sergeant Nie, who else have you told these things?"

The old man was interrupted in the conversation, and he was extremely impatient, frowning: "I have never spoken to anyone. Although I am not wearing a police uniform, I am still a policeman inside, and I will keep these secrets. Tell outsiders. "

"But since we came in now, you haven't asked us to show our credentials!" Song Xingchen pointed out sharply.

The old man froze for a moment, and suddenly initiated a temper, asking us to get out. No wonder that when a person is old, he is just like a child. When he turns his face, he turns his face. Huang Xiaotao goes out without saying a word. I coaxed him for a while, and Huang Xiaotao came back with a soft bag in his hand.

As soon as the good smoke was seen, the old man was born, and Mei Mei put one on the spot. The incident that had just been hit was thrown out of the clouds, and he continued to tell.

On the night of the fire, he, Police Officer Xiao, and Police Officer Sun from Nanjiang City drank together. Police Officer Sun's case was a separate rented house because the 'other expert' had a weird temperament. The autopsy needed to be absolutely quiet. The evidence was also stored There.

The three were in a good mood that day. ‘Song Zhaolin’ was about to be convicted, and the people in Liangchuan no longer had to worry about it. Suddenly someone shouted a fire! Looking back, it was the room where the evidence was stored.

They hurried back immediately and found out that the fire was ‘Song Zhaolin’. Police Officer Sun shouted ‘Song Zhaolin’ and asked why?

The old man was afraid that the evidence was burned out, rushed in for rescue, and was smashed by a burning beam. After the rescue, he found that he was burned beyond recognition and could no longer walk.

What's even more desperate is that after a few days, all investigations against 'Song Zhaolin' were stopped and the suspect's hat was taken clean. Police Officer Xiao insisted on returning to death because he did not listen to the command. , Suspended.

Also, because ‘Song Zhaolin’ had suspicions, Nie Yalong ’s injury was not considered a public injury and he could not receive a pension. Although his colleagues donated a sum of money to cure the injury, but wanting to stand up again required 500,000 medical expenses, he couldn't open the mouth!

This case was left to nothing. After the experts from Nanjiang City left, Officer Xiao shouted "Injustice in the sky" three times in front of his fiancee's tomb, and then took medicine to commit himself.

The death news of the same robe deeply attacked Nie Yalong. In addition, he became a wasteful man. He can only live on a meager social relief fund, live a tidy life, and anesthetize himself with tobacco all day long to escape reality.

"Song Zhaolin" was at large, and she appeared in newspapers in all kinds of scenes. Whenever she thought about it, the old man hated it.

Speaking of which, the old man threw his fist and constantly hit the wheelchair. We were afraid he would hurt himself and stop it quickly. He gritted his teeth and cursed, "The one who killed my partner and ruined my life is Song Zhaolin. I will not spare him if I become a ghost!"

When I heard others insult my grandfather like this, I naturally didn't feel it. He hated my grandfather too much, so in the chaotic memory, even the suspect became my grandfather.

Although I don't want to expose the old man's scars anymore, in order to know the suspect's name, I still have to correct his memory. I asked: "At that time, the experts from Nanjiang City had one surname and one surname?"

The old man shook his head and I asked, "Is the surname Song?"

"I don't know, I can't remember."

"What are the characteristics of 'Song Zhaolin', does he live here now?"

The old man frowned and recalled, talking about the characteristics of the suspect, but talking upside down. One is a tall one, another is a low head, one is a dead fish eye, and another is a mung bean eye.

Huang Xiaotao sighed in a low voice: "It's useless, people with Alzheimer's have memories like a pot of porridge, they don't know who is who ..."

I was unwilling to pass the packet of Zhonghua and said, "Thank you, old man, hold this packet of cigarettes, and I will put them under the bed?"

The old man waved his hand: "Hide well, don't ask the nurse to find out, let's talk again!"

When I used to smoke, I stole the notebook quietly and held it in my arms. Huang Xiaotao looked in his eyes and revealed a knowing smile.

We got up and said goodbye. After I went out, I said to Song Xingchen: "When my grandfather died, there seemed to be no legacy left. I was too young at that time, and I did n’t know what his account was. I can ask my aunt to help him check his life The flow of funds? "

"Yes ... but are you sure?"

What Song Xingchen meant was that Song Heting knew about it. I'm afraid to step in. I thought about it and said, "Give a reason, say a police foundation wants to verify it."

Song Xingchen shook her head with a smile: "This excuse can't fool her, I'll just say it!"

"All right." I nodded.

Huang Xiaotao asked curiously, "Why suddenly check this?"

I exhaled, "I don't believe my grandpa is such a cold-blooded person. Just make sure, or I'll be upset."

Huang Xiaotao patted my shoulder: "I want to say a superfluous word, no one is perfect, no one can be right in a lifetime, you don't need to feel too blame for it."

I couldn't speak, just sighed. When we came outside, a man came face to face, and said with a grin: "Several of them? It's not going well, my dad is so confused."

It turned out to be Nie Yalong's son. I didn't have a good impression of him, and now that I'm not feeling very well, I said bluntly, "Is there anything wrong?"

He rubbed his hands and smiled, "Don't hide a few, in fact, I have important information here, if you are willing to pay a thousand intelligence fees ..."

Huang Xiaotao shouted, "You talk to the police about intelligence costs?"

He snorted: "Beauty, you bluff me less, my dad was a policeman all my life, I still do n’t understand this, I do n’t know what case you are investigating, but it definitely has nothing to do with my father, it has nothing to do with me, so I have Obligation to provide information free of charge. "

I said, "What intelligence is worth a thousand?"

He licked his tongue: "My dad has been very popular these past two days. I have seen three people in succession. Want to know who they are?"

I can guess with my toes. Two of them are screenwriters and directors who came here. Who is the third? Presumably it doesn't matter too much. I laughed: "Sorry, I don't want to know. Keep it for yourself. Maybe I can sell for a higher price in the future! "

We are leaving. The man panicked and reached out to stop us and said, "Do n’t do it, this information is really nobody else except you. My dad has seen 'Song Zhaolin' the day before yesterday!"


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