The Underworld Detective

Chapter 514: Here comes the sword!

Biquge, update the latest chapter of the criminal hunter as soon as possible!

Huang Xiaotao said: "It's not necessarily killing. It may be the same as last time, someone was fighting and yelling."

Having said that, since we have heard it, why not ignore it? So we went to the footbath club, came to the second floor, and surrounded a lot of people outside a private room. Huang Xiaotao showed his credentials and let them flash away.

A woman said, "Comrade Police, you have to testify for me, the death of that man has nothing to do with me!"

As we stumbled, Huang Xiaotao waved and said, "Go ahead and see!"

We walked into the booth and saw a man paralyzed sitting on the sofa, his head tilted aside, his feet soaked in a wooden barrel, the water in the barrel was still hot, and his finger was holding a cigarette that was about to burn out. .

A closer look, this man turned out to be Nie Yalong's son!

The pupils in his eyes were spreading rapidly, his face was reddish, and the blood vessels in his neck burst. I had an ominous hunch, so I put my ears on his chest to listen, and as I expected, his heart was taken away.

It's this kind of god-like killing technique. The murderer is undoubtedly the sword god!

I took out the cigarette from the deceased's hand, extinguished it in the ashtray, a ray of cigarettes floated on the wall, and some reflections appeared indistinctly. I immediately called, "Close the door!"

Huang Xiaotao went to close the door. There were only three of us in the room. I had a piece of mussels on my body to remove the smell of clothes after the autopsy. I put it in the ashtray, took out the lighter from the man's arms, lit it, and smoked continuously against the wall.

A line of words appeared on it: "Jiangbei Residual Swords, People's Crimes!"

There is a line below that says, "Song Yang, you already know the truth, but you still don't want to believe your grandpa is guilty."

This line of words only appeared for a few seconds, and then slowly disappeared, but it still lingered in my heart, making me feel cold.

Sun Bingxin asked, "Why did he kill this man?"

Huang Xiaotao replied: "The sword **** must have known that he had swallowed the money."

Sun Bing said in surprise: "He's got so much information, we just know it, don't we ..."

The three of us exchanged horrified eyes, Sword God was monitoring or eavesdropping on us, Huang Xiaotao calmly said: "Call the police to deal with it! I stay and stare, you go back to the hotel and search for it. The room may There are cameras, taps and the like. "

She called Wang Yuanchao and asked Wang Yuanchao to come immediately. Sun Bingxin and I left first. When I returned to the hotel, I dialed Song Xingchen's number. He immediately came to the corridor. I said, "Don't turn on the lights, search our room, there may be surveillance equipment."

Song Xingchen went to his house. I started searching from my house, but found nothing, and then we went to Sun Bingxin and Huang Xiaotao's room. The room was dark, and I let Sun Bingxin stand at the door.

After searching the room, I finally found a gadget under the sofa, which seemed to be an eavesdropper, and I packed it in a bag of evidence.

After turning on the lights, Song Xingchen and Sun Bingxin both came in. I told Song Xingchen what happened. Sun Bingxin said, "Call out the hotel's monitor."

I nodded: "Go!"

We came to the hotel's security room, called out the surveillance, and quickly looked at all the times when we were not in the room, but no one was found to come in or out.

At this time, Huang Xiaotao called: "Song Yang, there is a camera opposite the murder scene. Wang Yuanchao and I are watching the surveillance."

I said, "We're watching the hotel too!"

She laughed: "It seems that we are in the same pace, but this monitoring did not take anything. The time of the incident, that is, half an hour ago, the monitoring suddenly turned off. When I checked, I found that it was the same as the monitoring in the nursing home. , Got a groove in something! "


"Yes!" Huang Xiaotao agreed before I finished speaking.

It seems that my grandpa who Nie Yalong saw was actually dressed up as a sword god, this guy is just like a ghost, leaving no trace of wherever he goes.

As I thought, I kept pushing forward. The hotel's surveillance showed no signs of passive hands and feet. This camera is facing the entire corridor. If anyone comes to our house, it cannot be photographed.

Suddenly I had a flash of light: "Who else has entered the room except us?"

Huang Xiaotao replied: "The cleaner ... and the screenwriter and director!"

I shouted, "Yes! The sofa where the eavesdropper was found is the place where the director sat. Wait a minute, I'll look them up."

I quickly searched on the computer. There was no information about them on the Internet, and I didn't know whether the film and television company they belonged to was too famous or did not exist at all.

Right now there is a faster way to confirm, I said, "Let's go to their guest house and figure it out in person."

Huang Xiaotao replied: "Okay, the police are here, and Wang Yuanchao and I will hurry over!"

The three of us rushed there first. While waiting, Song Xingchen picked up a small stone from the flower bed and threw out his arm. I saw the camera on the telephone pole next to it move slightly.

It turned out that Song Xingchen shook his head and sighed: "It's really difficult! This person's tricks are better than mine."

Sun Bingxin said: "Why didn't he directly break the camera? It's not easier to break the camera than to miss it, is it just for the show?"

I laughed: "Isn't it a bad idea to expose himself? He didn't want to reveal his whereabouts."

Everything about the sword **** is always an unsolved mystery to me. I asked Song Xingchen: "Are there any martial arts or weapons that can remove the heart without damaging the skin?"

Song Xingchen shook his head: "As far as I know, no."

At this time, Huang Xiaotao and Wang Yuanchao arrived. We went to the guest house together and asked the front desk staff. The defendant said that the two of them were gone today. What's his name? "

The front desk staff found it for a long time, and showed us that the names of the two were false. One of them was Xiao Gang and the other was Xiao Lie.

"Xiao?" I suddenly understood: "They are the offspring of Officer Xiao. They came here to get revenge!"

Huang Xiaotao gritted his teeth and said, "It's so bold, we actually lied to our heads. We must not let it go. Hurry up and stop them at the train station!"

We immediately went out and stopped two vehicles. On the road, Sun Bingxin said, "No! The time of the second murder was that they were in our house and had perfect evidence of absence."

I'm thinking about this problem, and I don't have an answer at the moment, but this coincidence is deliberate, and it's a bit connotative. In fact, it is not a magical thing to manipulate the time of death. It is possible to use temperature differences, bacteria, and antiseptic potions. There must be some tricks in it.

I said, "Control people first, then go to the scene!"

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