The Underworld Detective

Chapter 517: Absence evidence

Biquge, update the latest chapter of the criminal hunter as soon as possible!

Xiao Gang explained in fifteen and tenth that the killing plan was calculated from the beginning, and the sedative used was also obtained from a relative who was a doctor. The first murder was not too skilled, and both were particularly nervous. At the time, Xiao Lie sent a whistle, and Xiao Gang was committing a crime inside.

Because the sedative did not achieve the desired effect, the victim woke up while shaving and peeling, wrestling with Xiao Gang, and ran to the balcony to call for help. Xiao Gang did not withdraw, she pushed her down, quickly packed the scene, and fled with Xiao Lie!

The two were extremely scared at that time. After the police found the body, they used the writer and director's identity to enter the city bureau to investigate. They wondered if the police would suspect them, and they just saw us.

As soon as I heard that we were experts from Nanjiang City, they were even more afraid, but Xiao Gang thought of a bold plan, let us make evidence for their absence!

He put forward his own idea, and met us in the stalls that night, and then quickly killed the second person, using the means on the fuse to change the time of death, and at the same time came to talk to us.

In the process of killing the second deceased, Xiao Gang originally planned to put on a condom to **** the deceased, but he was too nervous at the time and could not stand up, so Xiao Lie helped this.

Xiao Gang admits that it was all he did to seduce and kill the deceased. Xiao Lie only helped.

"I did all this. I admit it. Please let go of my cousin." Xiao Gang said, spreading his hands.

I was thinking about his words. There were obviously a few loopholes in it, and I sneered: "When you came to Liangchuan, why did it happen so coincidentally, and when you first murdered, you were panicked, less than ten hours . The second killing was done so professionally, is it possible without external help? "

Xiao Gang shrugged: "I don't know what you're talking about!"

I said, "A man with a mask helped you and put nail polish on the fuse. Such a brilliant idea is not what you think, but he taught you. Using us to make evidence of absence is also his advice, as In return, you put this in our room for him. "

After that, I pulled out the taps found in the room.

The moment Xiao Gang saw this thing, he became extremely tense, but immediately returned to calmness and said with a smile: "I don't know what you are talking about ... ah !!!"

I suddenly used Pluto's pupils for him, and it only took five seconds this time. Xiao Gang was so scared that his eyes were like seeing a ghost, and I forced to ask, "Don't you move?"

"No one helped me," he said stiffly.

I was wondering why the homicide was confessed, but the matter was unwilling to admit it. I asked him tentatively while observing his expression: "He won't let you say that? He threatened you?"

"No no!"

"Nothing, he didn't threaten you? Didn't you just say no one helped you?" I asked quickly.

Xiao Gang immediately panicked and replied, "I don't know anything, don't ask, don't ask!"

It seems that he really did not want to say that I exchanged a look with Huang Xiaotao. She made a gesture to the surveillance window, and signaled the police outside to take Xiao Gang first. I analyzed, "The sword **** must have pointed him secretly." , But he is not allowed to say it. "

Huang Xiaotao asked, "Why?"

I speculated: "From the point of view of Sword God, although these two women are the suspect's family members, they are not worthy of his own hands. This violates his tenet of killing only the wicked, so he only agreed to the two men to start. After the first case, Sword God noticed them, so the second case was completed so professionally. "

Huang Xiaotao said, "It's true that it is stolen."

We then interrogated Xiao Lie. His confession was roughly the same as Xiao Gang's, but there were some discrepancies in detail. Xiao Lie also said nothing about the help given by the sword **** secretly.

After the training, I asked the police to take the cups used by the two men to extract fingerprints. By comparison, the fingerprints on the eavesdropper were indeed Xiao Lie, and the relationship between them and Sword God had been revealed.

It was already three o'clock in the morning when I came out of the city bureau. Sun Bingxin was so tired that before I left, I asked the fat police officer to help me and investigate a person named Shen Lijuan. This night, I slept the best in Liangchuan. feel.

At nine o'clock the next day, the fat police officer called and asked if we should go to Ma Sanyou's house? I said of course, the fat police officer told us to wait a moment, he will send someone to pick us up.

After all, this is not an investigation. I just went with Huang Xiaotao. After a while, a police officer drove to the front of the hotel and took us to an old commercial street. The police officer pointed to a closed shop and said, "This is where Ma Sanyou used to work."

I wrote down the address and asked, "No one has rented this facade for twenty years?"

The police officer replied: "This street is already in a bad mood, plus the locals are aware of this, and they are too embarrassed. Who dares to rent the facade of the murderer."

Immediately afterwards, the police officer took us to an adjacent street and entered a community. The neighborhood is a red brick brick building with platanus planted along the way. This kind of neighborhood in the 1980s and 1990s can no longer be seen in Nanjiang City.

Ma Sanyou's home is on the first floor of the unit. When we came to the apartment, I noticed that the door frame had burned traces. The red paint on the wall next to it said "evil and evil, good and good, not not." The newspaper, "Time is not here", when the knocker next door hugged the child, "Who's looking for?"

The police officer said, "We are the police. Let's investigate some things. Does this family live now?"

"You guys are policemen!" Dasao was excited again and again: "Is this man living as a fugitive, I have long thought that he is weird and rarely shows up, even occasionally I do not say hello. Look at that wall, I ’m sure it ’s not a good person. About last month, someone threw me a burner at his door late in the middle of the night, and it scared me. Fortunately, the fight was timely! Hey, it ’s really troubling to live with such a person. If you are a fugitive, catch him quickly Let's go, save that one day he will be retaliated against and hurt our family! "

Listening to the accent of the uncle seems not to be a local. At this time, the door behind us opened, and the uncle quickly hugged the child into the house like a ghost.

We turned around and saw a pale face behind the security door. The man was about thirty years old, with unnatural skin and long hair, covering one eye, exuding a particularly gloomy, negative aura.

"Who's looking for?" He asked coldly.

"You are Ma Sanyou's son, Ma Qiaojun?" The police officer asked.

"You guys are endless. Those things were done by my dad. What does it have to do with me? For twenty years, what else would you do besides harassing us? Your police are just a bunch of pigs!"

After speaking, the door closed heavily, and the sound went through the corridor.

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