The Underworld Detective

Chapter 542: High-altitude electrocution

Biquge, update the latest chapter of the criminal hunter as soon as possible!

Huang Xiaotao and I rushed to the scene immediately. The location of the crime was between the two buildings. However, the police at the scene sealed off the entire open space between the high-rise buildings and did not put a pedestrian in. I wonder if this too exaggerated?

Although Police Officer Ren was as big as Huang Xiaotao, he looked very mature. He came out with a cigarette in his mouth and shook hands with me: "For a long time, I have always heard that consultant Song will break every case. Such a legend But it's cheaper for my sister and sister, I really envy, envy, hate ... Come, smoke! "

As he said he took out a pack of cigarettes, I declined. Huang Xiaotao covered his nose and said, "Ren Cong, as long as I see you, you are either smoking or on the way to buy cigarettes. You really want to be thirty Lung cancer? "

As police officer swallowed the cloud and misted, he said frankly, "You have misunderstood me. I don't smoke for eight hours a day."

Huang Xiaotao heard a twitch on her cheek: "Go, don't put poison here, who wants to smell your second-hand smoke!"

Police officer smiled: "Okay, don't smoke."

He threw the cigarette on the ground and extinguished it, leading us in and walking to the open space. I asked the corpse, and any police officer reached out and pointed his finger upwards. Huang Xiaotao and I looked up, and they were surprised and didn't close their mouths for a long time.

I saw a person hanging in the air wearing a uniform of a high-rise exterior wall cleaning staff and a hard hat. He was suspended in midair by two fixing ropes, leaning back on his neck, and the whole man was slightly swirled by the wind in the air.

I finally understood why the area was completely closed. The police officer explained: "The alarm received half an hour ago was a phone call from an office worker in this building. He saw the cleaner hanging in the air. Constantly bumping the glass, feeling strange, so I opened the window and asked if he was uncomfortable? But he found that the other party did not respond at all and his hair was smoking. "


Police officer nodded a cigarette, ignored Huang Xiaotao's white eyes, and continued: "The policeman also heard the small voice of Zi La Zi La from the deceased, and his hands and feet were shaking. He did not know this. People are dead or alive, but they still call the police. "

A police officer waved at a policeman who handed over a telescope. I took it and glanced up at it. The deceased's hands and feet did not shake, but a thin smoke rose from his clothes.

Then I noticed that the metal buckle used to hold the rope from time to time emitted a small arc, and I immediately understood and called out: "It was electrocuted, and the current is still in the path."

Police officer nodded: "Consultant Song is really experienced. We didn't know it until we went up. I have sent someone to look for the switch."

I asked, "Is this case related to the case three days ago?"

"I suspect it is serial killing," Sergeant Ren squinted.

I asked knowingly: "One died in the sky and the other died on the ground. The methods are completely different. How can you be sure?"

"By feeling!" Replied Ren.

"Have you dissected the last corpse?" I asked.

"Sorry, I have dissected it, but the remains are still intact. If consultant Song wants to see it, I will take you there later."

At this time, a police officer received a phone call and he looked up. Two policemen had cut off the power and were putting the body down. Police officer Ren commanded it on the phone. The body was placed slowly, and it was estimated that it took a while. While I was doing this, I said to Huang Xiaotao, "Let's take a look at the top floor!"

We got on the elevator and came to the top floor. This is the 34th floor. The wind is particularly strong. Looking at half of the city of Nanjiang, I can't help but sigh, "This is the land where I shed youthful blood."

"You are poorer now than before!" Huang Xiaotao laughed.

We walked over and the two policemen were putting on a rope. I was afraid that they would scare them suddenly. I greeted him softly and then asked, "This is a nylon rope. How can there be electricity?"

A police officer explained: "A copper wire was wrapped around the rope, both of them, and the other end was connected to a power source."

Huang Xiaotao was surprised: "This killing technique can also be thought of."

The power supply was turned off and cut off. I squatted down and checked. The power supply was an ordinary 220 volts. The resistance of the copper wire is relatively large, plus the length of the wire, I estimate that when passed to the deceased, the current is not large, only about tens of amps.

High voltage can kill people instantly, but such a small current is more cruel. The deceased was suspended in the air and slowly electrocuted to death, which is tantamount to cutting a meat with a blunt knife.

I walked to the edge and glanced at it. I was very scared at such a high level. My heart fluttered, and I glanced back quickly. Huang Xiaotao asked, "What are you looking at?"

I replied, "Experience the murderer's vision."

Huang Xiaotao nodded: "Yes, to prepare for this, the killer must have come up and turned back and called any police officer to look for surveillance."

We went down below, the body was placed on a tarpaulin, the deceased was about 20 years old, or maybe 18 or 9, with pale skin, tight muscles, cyanotic lips, and a slight metallic luster on the body surface. This is Metal molecules in the conductor are ionized and enter the blood.

When I opened my clothes, I found that there was a circle of electric burns on the abdomen and waist. The skin in contact with the conductor had burned into coke, and the two eyes of the deceased had been 'cooked' by electricity and appeared white! When I opened the mouth of the deceased and saw his tongue hard, a hot air came out of his throat, and even the water in his internal organs was evaporated.

The cause of death was undoubtedly the electric shock, and it was the rarest type of electric shock. It was slowly electrocuted by a weak current! This usually only happens to elderly people with limited mobility, which also opened my eyes.

"A little bad!" I said to myself.

"What's wrong?" Huang Xiaotao asked.

I didn't explain. I asked her to take the autopsy umbrella from the car. I took out the bones and listened to the body of the deceased. He was not injured during his lifetime, and his internal organs and ribs were intact.

I noticed that he was wearing a uniform and a tool belt for wall and glass. He took out seaweed powder and sprinkled it around the neckline, buttons, and cuffs. There were fingerprints on it, but it looked like the deceased left behind from the direction. of.

I used my mobile phone to take pictures for evidence, because I often took pictures with my mobile phone, so I changed a 10 million pixel one a while ago.

After a while, Huang Xiaotao brought the autopsy umbrella. I untied the deceased's clothes, exposed a chest, and said to her, "It is very likely that nothing will be detected this time!" Then I opened the autopsy umbrella and covered the shadow of the umbrella. On the skin, there were no fingerprints on the skin, but a ripple-like pattern appeared, covering the entire chest densely, and it is conceivable that it is the same in other places.

Huang Xiaotao exclaimed, "What's going on?"

I explained: "The positive marks on the autopsy were left behind by bioelectricity, but the deceased's body was full of electrical current, which disrupted the bioelectricity, so nothing was visible."

Huang Xiaotao laughed: "I thought your treasure umbrella could be tested. It turned out to have weaknesses. Don't let criminals know about it, otherwise there will be more corpses in the future."

I blinked: "You know what I know, it seems we have to check the last one!"

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