The Underworld Detective

Chapter 546: Suicide intervention group

Biquge, update the latest chapter of the criminal hunter as soon as possible!

I sent the video link to the old man and asked him to look up the publisher's information. Then the police officer called and said that just after the autopsy had been performed, a lot of soapy water residue was also found in the esophagus of the second deceased, proving that he had vomited.

I said that, and told him the findings here briefly. Police officer was surprised when he heard: "Suicide club? Is there such an organization? I wish I could get a list of members."

I said, "Yeah, unfortunately it's too secretive!"

"So consultant Song, how can the deceased join such a highly confidential organization?"

This sentence reminded me, yes, no matter how secretive the suicide club is, he always wants to recruit new members. I said, "Let's check the list of members and video sources. You continue to investigate the first two dead."

"Okay, thank you so much!" Police Officer Ren replied.

I had a discussion with Huang Xiaotao. If someone said that he was going to commit suicide, he would definitely follow the news online. Although the work to be done next is related to the Internet, there is not much technical content. I decided to come by myself.

Huang Xiaotao and I found an Internet cafe. The environment is good. After picking up the location, Huang Xiaotao ordered a bunch of drinks and snacks. I smiled bitterly: "Ms. Huang, are you working?"

"Eating is for better work! Come on, open your mouth."

I took a spoonful of pudding from her and smiled.

We searched online for "I want to commit suicide", "Where do I want to commit suicide" and "How to commit suicide". I couldn't figure out the way. I also got the enthusiastic help of many netizens and asked me what was wrong. This kind of persuasion made me cry and laugh.

Suddenly a stranger left a message on my Weibo: "Hello, we are a provincial suicide intervention team. I hope it can help you. Although the world is not perfect, we can still heal ourselves."

Huang Xiaotao came over and looked at him, and laughed, "I really thought you were going to commit suicide!"

I suddenly responded and said, "Wait a minute, why don't we ask the experts?"

Since such a group exists, they must be able to provide information about the suicide club, so I told the other party's identity and said that they wanted to know something and wanted to talk face to face. Then the other party gave me an address and a phone number.

We set off immediately and arrived at the suicide intervention team in Nanjiang City half an hour later. The team is located in a blue and white building, decorated very simply and comfortably, walked into a glass door and saw on the wall a certificate issued by the World Health Organization.

A lady named Zhang welcomed us and said, "Hello, you are Police Officer Huang and Advisor Song. I'll take a brief tour first!"

We followed Ms. Zhang. There were many computers side by side in a large room, and many staff members were filtering information on the Internet.

Ms. Zhang said, "We search hundreds of millions of times a day, grab keywords like 'suicide' in Weibo, space, and friends, and find young people who need help."

I nodded, no wonder he just found me.

Huang Xiaotao asked: "After finding it?"

Ms. Zhang explained, "We ask consultants to help them, listen to their troubles, give them advice, and help them rebuild their confidence in life. In fact, we have rescued tens of thousands of young people who plan to commit suicide since the establishment. Two follow me. "

We came to another room, which was divided into many single rooms, and some staff members were sitting in the single room and answering the phone. The sound insulation of the room was very good, but we couldn't hear the sound through the glass.

"These are our consultants, and most of the time we have led suicides over the phone," Ms. Zhang said.

I said with emotion: "Save one's life and win the seventh-level floating slaughter! This job is really meaningful and thank you very much."

Huang Xiaotao asked, "So this institution is of public interest?"

"It's completely public welfare. Most of the people who work here have experienced the loss of their loved ones. For example, my husband killed himself a few years ago because of doing business at a loss. For a long time, I couldn't get out of the shadows. I thought I would follow in his footsteps. It was this institution that gave me a second life. "Then, there was a flash of tears in the corner of Ms. Zhang's eyes.

It seems that the people here and the suicides have an inextricable bond. I suddenly had an idea whether the killer had ever stayed here before.

"What do you think of the suicides? Do you think they are weak and evasive, selfish people?" I asked, and launched the pupil of the cave very kindly.

Ms. Zhang replied: "No, it's not a day's cold to freeze three feet. When one wants to give up his life, he must have accumulated too many heavy burdens in his heart. I think they are very pitiful."

What she said was really sincere, and I silently closed my eyes.

We came to a clean and tidy office, Huang Xiaotao asked, "Thank you for telling us the information of the suicide club."


She brought up a folder on her computer. The suicide club was founded ten years ago. When it comes to it, she has to mention folk singer and writer Yu Yin.

Because of some unfortunate encounters in his early years, Yu Yin suffered from extremely severe depression. At the same time, he also has extraordinary talents and has a very high popularity among young people. On his twenty-fifth birthday, he suddenly said on Weibo: "I have depression, so I decided to die. There is no particularly important reason. You don't need to worry about it." Then the news of the singer and author Yu Yin taking poison to commit suicide caused an uproar.

Perhaps the name 'Yueyin' is just right, but the real influence of Yuyin is after his death, many young people go to his Weibo and post to commemorate him, or talk about their troubles, as a tree hole to escape reality .

One day ten years ago, someone said in Yuyinba that they wanted to commit suicide, but they did not expect to meet another 'common-minded' person. The two decided to set up a mutual help and suicide club, and soon recruited four people, imitating abroad The suicide club uses a lottery to decide who survives the aftermath and organizes the next mass suicide.

Unexpectedly, this club actually existed secretly for ten years. During this period, there were more than 100 young people who joined it and ended their lives throughout the country, which is really a sad thing.

Speaking of which, Ms. Zhang touched the scene and wiped two more tears. I remembered that Li Yanshi's book was written by Yu Yin. He was also a fan of Yu Yin. I asked, "Do you have a list of suicides? "

"Yes!" She answered so bluntly that we made a mistake.

Ms. Zhang explained that for these suicides, Yu Yin ’s Weibo and Tieba are pilgrimage sites, so they wrote a program to grab keywords every hour. In fact, all of these suicides left a comment below before the suicide, and the intervention team also sent them a message, but they ignored it.

After all, the suicides are just tired of the world. They are not mentally ill and criminals. They cannot be forced to stop them. Most of the time, the intervention team can only watch the tragedy happen but they cannot help it.

Having said that, Ms. Zhang operated on the computer and then printed out a list with all six suicides on it-Li Xieshi, Zou Yong, Jin Xin, Mi Ye, Wei Mumu, Xu Yu.

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