The Underworld Detective

Chapter 548: Burned to death (additional)

Biquge, update the latest chapter of the criminal hunter as soon as possible!

As for Huang Xiaotao, I can only say, "I can't say for sure."

We came to an artificial hill. I had buried a body here, but Huang Xiaotao didn't know about it. Seeing that it was almost nine o'clock, the onlookers were eagerly looking forward, looking uneasily, plainclothes police officers kept confirming the safety of the various areas in the intercom.

I was staring at my mobile phone like a drum, and at 9: 1, nothing happened. There was a cry of disappointment from the crowd--

"Fake, we've been fooled!"

"Well, how is this possible? You don't even see the police."

"A waste of time."

At this moment, there was a sound of falling water, and I looked at the artificial lake not far away, as if someone had fallen into the water. However, the person who fell into the water was violently emitting white smoke and a purple-blue flame, and a large area of ​​water around it seemed to boil and bubbling. The person who fell into the water was struggling between water and fire, calling for help and tearing his heart. The scream of a cracked lung was an incredible scene. All the people around him were frightened, but no one dared to go to save him.

"Something happened!" Huang Xiaotao exclaimed.

She showed her ID, pushed the crowd away and approached quickly, I followed her, and other casual clothes nearby were also approaching quickly. When we managed to squeeze to the edge of the lake, I smelled a smell of burnt flesh. The person in the water was still on fire, and the color of the flame had turned red. He floated on the water without any movement. Burned to death.

The crowd burst into a pan and rushed to this side. Many people raised their mobile phones and cameras, and almost didn't push us.

Huang Xiaotao and I shouted desperately to tell them to step back, but the people behind were scrambling to crowd forward, and the crowd came over like an uncontrollable mudslide. I felt a panic in my heart, so we would be squeezed into the water , Or being trampled alive.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The three shots were deafening, and the crowd stopped. I saw any police officer holding a pistol and shouting, "Dear citizens, we are criminals, please don't crowd any further!"

Huang Xiaotao sighed: "The runaway crowd is terrible, and I don't know if this is part of the murderer's plan!"

With the concerted efforts of the police, the crowd was finally dispersed, and everyone was exhausted before the investigation began. I looked towards the heart of the lake, the body was still floating in the water, the upper body had been burnt into coke, my mouth was open, my eyes were bulging out, and I was looking at the strange infiltration.

Huang Xiaotao asked, "How did this happen? It was burned to death in the water?"

I explained: "In the beginning, the color of the flame seemed to be metallic sodium. Sodium and water will react violently and release high temperature and high heat, and this fire is inexhaustible with water, and it will burn more fiercely."

Huang Xiaotao frowned and shook his head: "Everyone is so smart, isn't it good to use it in normal places?"

How to get the corpse upset us badly. The corpse should carry a lot of sodium, and there may be a part of it unresponsive. If the corpse is turned, it may burn again and cause injuries.

Police officer Ren found a pleasure boat and planned to send someone to fish in the lake. I stopped and said, "Wait a minute!"

I quickly went to the supermarket outside and bought a bottle of olive oil. I gave it to the salvage staff and asked him to use oil to separate the water around the body. Then he reached for the fish. The police officer exclaimed: "How come this idea came up? ! "

Huang Xiaotao proudly said, "He has so many ideas. You haven't taught it yet."

I was embarrassed and smiled, and using this trick, I finally recovered the corpse with no risk. What does this corpse say, if I leave it elsewhere, I may have to think hard for a long time before I figure out how he was killed.

The lower body of the corpse was intact, but above the waist it was burnt into coke. Some scorched fibers were solidified on the corpse, leaving little fat left. Making it look thin and dry, his arms tightened into a fist shape, his joints were completely burnt, and his face was frozen with fear and helplessness before death.

The corpse's pants looked a bit bloated. I carefully untied the belt and found that the deceased had two life-saving rings on each of his thighs, the type that automatically inflates after falling into the water. The buoyancy of the four life-saving rings forced him to sink. Going down, the body floated to the water and was burned to death.

The clothes on the body were scorched. It seemed to be a green uniform. I found a "Ming" character on the scraps on the back and looked very familiar.

When I opened the uniform, I found that there was something sewn into the clothes, and it turned out that there was a piece of sodium in it, which had not fully reacted. A slight accidental contact with water would cause secondary combustion.

"A witness said that the deceased rushed into the water on a bicycle. There was a large green plastic basket behind the bicycle, and something Ding Ling was ringing inside."

I immediately responded and called out, "Milk bottle, the word on the deceased's uniform should be 'Guangming Dairy'!"

Let the deceased play such a grounded milkman. There is no doubt that it was the person who did it. The captain said angrily: "It's too great. When the milkman came in, he should notice something wrong."

Huang Xiaotao wondered: "No, the deceased rushed into the water by himself. This is suicide, not murder!"

I shook my head: "This is not conclusive yet, what if it was forced into the water?"

I noticed that there was a vertical incision left in the neck of the deceased before his death, and there were several coagulated blood spots on it, which proved that the wound was just left. Although I don't know what its role is, it is obviously related The death of the deceased is of great relevance.

I listened to the bones, and nothing was too abnormal. It was a normal sign of burns. I plan to open my stomach to look at the contents of the stomach, call Sun Bingxin and ask her to wait for us in the bureau.

I asked the captain: "By the way, do you have pictures of the six club members on hand?"

"Yes! Just a moment."

He asked for a tablet from his staff and showed me the photos, which were found in the household registration database by name. Because there are many people with the same name and the same name, the police screened them based on their age and place of origin, and contacted the people around them one by one to confirm that they were missing. This is a reliable reference for now.

I slowly flipped over these six photos, and suddenly stopped when I saw one of them. Huang Xiaotao asked me what was wrong, and I cried, "This boy may be the son of Ms. Zhang yesterday!"

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