The Underworld Detective

Chapter 578: High-speed autopsy

Biquge, update the latest chapter of the criminal hunter as soon as possible!

I roughly checked the three dead and listened to their abdomen with bones. The corpses were frozen hard. I did not expect that the effect of hearing the bones was unexpectedly good. I listened, moved their joints, checked my eyes and mouth, and knew the cause of death.

I asked Song Xingchen to buy something for me, and he nodded and left. The police officer Hou who waited for a long time seemed a little impatient and frowned and asked, "Comrade, can you do it? If you can't, just say, why did you suddenly bring in a rescuer?"

I explained: "I didn't move the soldiers, just let my friends buy some materials."

"Really?" Officer Hou was doubtful. "Then you're talking about the time of death."

The question that Officer Hou asked casually was really a difficult point. The three dead bodies were frozen, the degree of dead body stiffness and the pupils were in contradiction. The dead body remained in a state of about a day and a half, but the pupils had already disappeared. It is characteristic of more than two days of death.

However, the degree of visceral decay is not deceiving. I replied: "More than 54 hours!"

Officer Hou thought for a while, and was surprised: "Sure, quite accurate! Are you blind?"

I smiled: "Yeah! I'll ask you something else."

"Okay, I'll listen."

I came to the deceased Xu Kaifu, and quickly explained while checking. The cause of Xu Kaifu's death was a knife in his throat. This knife cut deeply, cut off the trachea and esophagus, and judged from the wound to the right to the left. The murderer was a right-hander.

The knife was drawn from the front, which is quite rare, and the deceased was in an unguarded state when he was attacked by the knife, because I found out by listening to the bones that the deceased had his hands apart at the time, as if to Make a hug gesture.

However, after receiving the knife, the deceased did not immediately breathe out. He seemed quite frightened, took a step back, and used his left hand to resist. At this time, the murderer cut a knife again, and made a wound on his left arm and forearm, but it was actually a wound. When the deceased's arm was flexed, he found that the deep bone injury was actually a wound. Into a line.

There was a dent on the back of the deceased's head, which was knocked out on something when he was forced to fall backward. This dent was curved and felt like a railing or something. Why don't I think it was hit by a stick? Because the force-bearing surface of this dent is very uniform and lies on a horizontal line, unless the murderer pushes the stick with both hands and pushes forward, the right and left hands can strike such a wound without bias.

Judging by the degree of platelet clotting in this dent, it struck before death.

I listened to the limbs of the deceased with listening bones, and found that before the death, the legs were in a kneeling position, and the body was looking upwards. This was a very strange action.

The Chinese do not have the habit of kneeling in their daily lives, unless they are on a bed, so I guess the place where the deceased died was an iron frame bed. He knelt on the bed, leaned back, and put his head on the side of the bed.

After speaking, I looked back at the three of them. They all showed shocked expressions. Police officer Hou stammered and said, "Song ... Advisor Song, haven't you seen the scene photos?"

I said, "Absolutely nothing."

"Great! You said it as if you saw it at the scene. I admit that you do have two hits and admire it!" Officer Hou looked at me with full admiration: "Little Wang, go to the car and get my photo! "

I smiled: "Let's go on."

Officer Hou asked: "I don't quite understand one thing, why the dead body is blue and purple."

Of course I noticed that just by discerning bones through listening, I found that the internal organs of the deceased were also damaged to a considerable degree, and it should be a quite fierce fight with the same person.

I replied, "Hit!"

"But didn't you just say that the murderer accidentally attacked? The deceased was totally unguarded at the time. Isn't this contradictory? If the murderer had fought with the deceased, how could there be no guard?" Officer Hou asked his own question.

I pointed at the second body, and my younger brother Xu Kaiyi was also bruised, and I said, "The two brothers fought one another."

Officer Hou patted his head: "Oh, I didn't expect ... But why is this?"

I smiled slightly: "Let's analyze step by step!"

I'm not in the right direction. The brothers quarreled and got the benefit from outsiders. This case also showed a very familiar feeling. I seemed to see Chu Yan's delicate figure in the blood.

So, in the following words, I will have reservations. Of course I will not deceive Officer Hou, but I will not speak too clearly.

The younger brother's fatal wound was unusually clear. It was on the side of the neck and was cut with a sharp knife. I noticed an interesting point here. The weapon that left the wound was also a serrated knife.

This is most likely the weapon used in the previous case.

The knife on his brother's neck was pierced very deeply, and a blood spot could be seen on the other side, which proves that when the murderer started, the position of the deceased was 'steady' and it was very likely that he could not move.

And the knife went straight, I guess the deceased should be lying on the ground, the murderer squatted down, and stabbed him with a knife-this knife is a make-up knife!

Why do you say that? Because I found that the head of the deceased had dense scratches. I could find some white hard fragments in the gaps in the scalp, which should have been severely hit on the head by some ceramic utensils.

The blow was quite severe. The deceased went directly into a state of full body spasm. I found a lot of frozen saliva in his mouth, some of the corners of his mouth, and his teeth were bitten by his teeth. These symptoms are similar to convulsions. In fact, his head was severely impacted. Tonic state.

Although I had a vague impression in my heart, I still verified it myself. The vase on the head of the deceased saw that the hitter was taller than him, at least one meter eight.

I measured the feet of the first deceased with my fingers, and calculated in my heart that my brother's height was exactly eighteen meters!

In addition, the two had many injuries that echoed each other. For example, there were traces of scratches on the brother's face, and some blood stains could be found in the nails of the brother. The brother's belly had a footprint that was about the same length as the brother's feet; My brother's scalp has loose hair follicles, and my brother's palm has tiny traces of hair scratches.

The brothers grew up together, lived together, and later ran the mushroom business together. Presumably, the relationship was very good. Before they died, they beat each other like enemies who did not share the sky.

I thought, Chu Yan, Chu Yan, you are such a beautiful demon!

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