The Underworld Detective

Chapter 596: Weird Death

Biquge, update the latest chapter of the criminal hunter as soon as possible!

Huang Xiaotao opened the second video. When the picture appeared, she pointed me to the location on the map. This time, the location was far away from where Jia Mou died. I couldn't help wondering: "Why are the security guards not on duty? "

The chief explained: "You don't know, there are many precious exhibits in the museum, so security work is the top priority, and you can't be paralyzed at all! Four security guards will be on duty every night in the museum. Foolproof. "

I asked, "Will the patrol route be known to outsiders?"

"It's impossible, it's all my oral explanation, and it often changes. Unless they reveal it, outsiders can't know it. Then again, whoever is OK will ask about this, unless someone has ulterior motives." The chief replied.

It seems that the security in the museum is not the same as the security in the community. Security is a profession often encountered in the process of solving a crime. The security of the community is generally not high, and the long-term rest is not good. Are not very good. I glanced at the wall, with a picture of all the security guards on it, and I could see that they were all full of energy and red, obviously the treatment was good here, and it was not easy to come in.

I said to the section chief: "Thank you to get all the security files."

The chief was startled: "So, do you suspect that there is a ghost? It must be the little king who disappeared that day! Comrade Police, this guy usually has the habit of petty theft, repeatedly teaching, and working hard, but he again It's the nephew of the new curator, and the villain has his will. I can't take him anymore. "

I quickly shook my head: "No, no, I don't doubt anyone, I just look around."

After the section manager left, Huang Xiaotao looked at his back quietly and said, "This section manager, there is a lot of drama!"

I said, "The door is closed, let's discuss while watching."

Just because of the talk, the video was temporarily pressed. I tapped the space bar to continue playing. A blank picture showed two people, a tall man in a security uniform, and a man in a trench coat and a hood.

I sighed in disappointment: "Do these bad guys like to wear it like this? Can't they have a little personal characteristics?"

Huang Xiaotao echoed: "Yeah, yeah, why not shave your head, make a 'bad guy' in your forehead, or shabby Mozigan's hairstyle, then our police should have more peace of mind!"

Sun Bingxin laughed: "Bad guys also have their own aesthetics, maybe they think it's cool!"

There is no doubt that this person can't even see the gender, and the person who only revealed one back is what Huang Xiaotao said, a suspected murderer. In the picture, he slowly walked towards the security guard, that is, the second deceased person, Lee. He looked extremely panic and kept backing, his hands waving up and down like driving away flies, his mouth opened and closed exaggeratedly, it seemed Is screaming.

From this perspective, it is completely unclear what the killer did or what he was holding in his hand.

After the murderer forced Lee to the corner, he turned and disappeared to the left. I pressed the pause and asked Huang Xiaotao that he hadn't captured the murderer's face?

Huang Xiaotao said, "The shot was taken, but the picture is very blurred. I'm asking the technical center to repair the picture. The killer seems to consciously avoid the camera."

I nodded: "It's not surprising. Maybe I stepped on it during the day to know the exact location of the camera. Anyone in a museum can come in."

Sun Bingxin asked: "Can you find the daytime surveillance to see if the killer was photographed?"

Huang Xiaotao groaned: "This kind of labor-intensive and time-consuming work without any technical content, I went back and asked Wang Yuanchao to pull a group of police school students to do it. The strength of our group should still be used on the blade!

Sun Bingxin laughed: "Sister Tao is so bad!"

Huang Xiaotao said bluntly: "Everything we need! I also provide them with some valuable practical opportunities, and at the same time let them experience the boring and boring police work, and now they have time to change careers."

I know Huang Xiaotao is not just talking about talking to a police academy to help him practice his name. She has done more than one or two such shameless things.

I continued to watch the video, Li kept waving his hands and backed away, and gradually disappeared to the right of the video. Huang Xiaotao switched to another video. At first I saw nothing. Huang Xiaotao reminded: "Look at the ground."

I looked on the ground and saw that Li Mou was walking forward on the ground, holding a handkerchief on his nose and slowly crawling from left to right.

I was surprised: "What are you doing? Avoid the invisible flame?"

Huang Xiaotao said, "Don't you say it, it's really acting."

I must look at her: "Do you really think he's acting?"

"No, just say it. Actually, we discussed it before you came back. It was a little hypnotic." Huang Xiaotao replied.

I shook my head sternly: "This is not hypnosis, this is hallucination."

"Is there a difference between the two?" Huang Xiaotao asked.

Let me give an example. For example, the hypnotist told the hypnotized person that the onion in his hand was an apple. The hypnotized person really ate it as an apple and even tasted sweet. But in the case of hallucinations, people who produce hallucinations can imagine apples in the air and eat them.

The human brain's perception of the outside world is transmitted to the brain through neural pulses, suggesting that these signals are distorted, turning black into white and hard into soft, but in any case, the hint is inseparable from the real thing of. And hallucinations produce signals out of thin air. For example, after seeing drugs, you can see colorful colors and hear strange sounds!

Hallucinations are illusory and have no foundation, and human beings have no means to manipulate hallucinations. However, Jia and Li in the video both seem to see something very specific and very credible. I really can't imagine how this can be done.

Li Mou disappeared into the picture, and I asked him where he went. Huang Xiaotao explained: "He killed himself. The next picture was not taken, but there were photos."

Huang Xiaotao flipped a photo from the phone. It was a metal water tank. Li curled up like a baby, her body was soaked, her eyes were bulging, and her mouth was a weird smile. Huang Xiaotao said: "We looked around and found Li's body in the water tank on the rooftop. All signs showed that he had climbed the ladder by himself ..."

"Suicide again?" I said with emotion.

"Technologically, it is really suicide. But for us, there are cases of crossing the fortune cat and killing magic sound as a reference. We have reached a consensus that there are indeed ways to make others suicide, so we will use these three Human death is regarded as: murder! "Huang Xiaotao replied.

I nodded. If it wasn't treated as murder, there would be no way to file a case.

I took a deep breath and said, "Let's look at the third dead man."

Huang Xiaotao opened the next video. As soon as he came up, he saw a person wearing a security uniform kneeling on the ground, moving his hands up and down constantly, performing mechanical movements, only his back could be seen in the picture, and people who do n’t know what they thought He is controlling.

Staring at the picture for a minute, I stared, "What is he doing?"

"He's squeezing his intestines." Huang Xiaotao said calmly.

At this time, the man in the picture fell to the side, his body twitched and stopped moving, and a large pool of blood and filth slowly dripped under him ...

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