The Underworld Detective

Chapter 600: Seventh spine

Biquge, update the latest chapter of the criminal hunter as soon as possible!

I asked Sun Bingxin to touch the seventh spine below the deceased's neck. She fumbled for a while, her expression changed, and she said, "Broken!"

"Yes, it was not only broken, but it was also carefully plugged back." I asked Song Xingchen: "Is it possible for a Xiwu person to break a person's spine, which is instantly fatal?"

Song Xingchen replied lightly: "Not only are people who practice martial arts, as long as they have a certain amount of hand strength and have sufficient understanding of human tissues, even you can do it."

"Really?" I frowned.

Huang Xiaotao said in surprise: "Song Yang, do you mean that the deceased was killed by a broken spine. Are you sure that it was pulled by the palm?"

"Post-mortem umbrella!"

Sun Bingxin and I turned the body over, Huang Xiaotao turned on the ultraviolet light, and I opened the post-mortem umbrella. Sure enough, traces of pinching appeared on both sides of the seventh spine of the deceased. What is frightening is that the murderer was caught between **** and pulled out sharply. This killing method is really the same as pinching an ant.

The human spine is not only the pillars of the entire body, but also responsible for protecting the shell of the central nervous system. When the spine is severely torn, the nerve bundles that pass through the foramen will also break, and organs below the chest will stop working, making people Choking to death immediately.

I just checked the blood of the deceased with a trick, and found that the oxygen content in the blood is extremely low, and the color of the blood is different from that of arterial blood. This proves that the deceased was hypoxic before being punctured, so the spine was broken. Before puncturing.

The murderer had apparently killed the deceased, but repeatedly inserted him with a knife, which was an interesting contradiction.

I asked Song Xingchen: "Is this person strong in martial arts by pulling the spine with two fingers?"

Song Xingchen nodded: "At least 10 years of internal training."

"Oh ... I seem to understand that the murderer didn't want to reveal his identity and expose his high martial arts! Maybe he used to kill people like this. After killing the security guard, he wanted to hide it, so he carefully pushed the spine back. In situ, then disguised as being stabbed to death, the difference between the stab wound and the spine injury is less than a minute, and it is easy to be misjudged. "

Huang Xiaotao laughed: "You want to say, but can't escape your eyes, right?"

I also laughed: "I don't mean that."

"Wait!" Sun Bingxin cried, "Isn't the murderer a more convenient means of killing? He doesn't even need to touch the body to make others commit suicide."

This is asking me, yes, ah, so easy to use the killing means do not use, why do you use crude physical means to kill.

No, it has now been determined that the killer was four people, maybe this was not the same person.

I asked, "Well, what about the three security corpses before?"

Huang Xiaotao said, "Where is it in the morgue? Would you like to see it?"

"It doesn't hurt to see whether there is a clue or not," I replied.

Suddenly, Sun Bingxin said, "Brother Song Yang, I remind you of one thing. From the time you got off the train to the present, you haven't run out of water, will your body be unable to support it?"

I forgot about it. When she said her stomach, she started to scream, and I smiled, "Let's eat after the inspection! Song Xingchen was involved."

"It doesn't matter." Song Xingchen didn't care.

Huang Xiaotao said: "The body was handed over to you. How can the construction site just be a murder case. I will bring someone to investigate again. Now the information is updated. I think I can find witnesses around the museum.

"Wait a minute!" I stopped them: "Uncle Wang, please investigate one thing. I want to know what the three dead were most afraid of during their lifetime."

Sun Bingxin wondered, "Brother Song Yang, why do you ask about this?"

"Well, this is just one of my conjectures, let's talk until it is verified!" I smiled mysteriously.

Wang Yuanchao nodded his head and left with Huang Xiaotao. Before leaving, Huang Xiaotao said, "Tonight may be busy. You should go to dinner after you have performed the autopsy."

I made a 'receive' gesture.

Sun Bingxin and I went to get the three security corpses, and I went through the process in the usual way. The corpses themselves were not really suspicious. No matter who they looked at, they all committed suicide.

But one thing caught my attention. The hearts of the three corpses were a little swollen, which proved that they were in an extremely excited state before death. Whether this excitement is fear or something else depends on laboratory tests.

I asked Sun Bingxin to take blood samples from them and test the hormones in the blood.

Sun Bingxin put the test sample in the instrument and waited for the result to take two hours. At this time it was more than eight in the evening. Sun Bingxin proposed to go out and eat something. Say I'm back. "

"Haha, please surprise him!"

We picked a hot pot restaurant. Sun Bingxin told Wang Dali to come out for dinner. Wang Dali always bought Sun Bing's account. After receiving the phone call, he came here. When he saw me and Song Xingchen, Wang vigorously widened his eyes stupidly, and then called out, "Woche, Yangzi, when are you back?"

I laughed: "I won't be back for a while."

"Listening to your tone, why it seems like you have to leave for a while." Wang said vigorously.

I waved my hand: "What do you want, no."

After a long absence, Wang Dali was very happy. During the chat, I asked what case I was solving now. I was inconvenient to disclose. Wang Dali said aggrievedly: "Well, now I am an outsider, and I will not even tell me the progress of the case ..."

I cursed: "You are less arrogant. When you let you know before, you talked around the world, but it hurt me!"

Speaking of which, I suddenly remembered that I was framed by Li Wenjia because Wang Dali leaked my identity. Although there is no clear evidence in this case that Li Wenjia is related, I always feel that there is some potential connection with her. .

Don't show a second Li Wenjia! I silently pray in my heart.

After eating and drinking, Wang vigorously asked me if I would go back tonight, and I said it would depend on the situation. I've been running around recently, and the shop hasn't taken care of it. I inevitably feel a little guilty, so I promised: "Strongly, after I've been busy for a while, you and Luo Youyou will take a trip and I will take care of the shop."

"Ah, forget it!" Wang vigorously waved his hand: "Yangzi, don't you always think about me or something, there is me in the store to take care of you, you are destined to be a serious person, tell you to sell sanitary napkins in the store every day I I ca n’t bear it. Besides, I can say that there is no country without a country. Only when the law and order are stable can we ordinary people live and work in peace, right? ”

Sun Bingxin was delighted: "This dialogue is the same as the husband who doesn't go home all the year round, as well as the main room of the hard-working girl."

Don't say, it's a bit like it, I'm a bit embarrassed.

Wang Dali played on this occasion and said leisurely, "Yangzi, don't you recognize another good brother outside?"

I smiled bitterly: "No, no, my good brother has always been you."

He couldn't help but cover his chest: "Then I'll rest assured, you can go with peace of mind, I will take good care of the store."

Sun Bingxin laughed: "You two will go to the Civil Affairs Bureau tomorrow to get a 'good brother' card!"

At this time Huang Xiaotao called and she lamented: "Song Yang, it seems I really have to buy a lottery ticket."

I was startled: "What happened?"

"The curator is dead, come quickly! I'll send you the coordinates."

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