One of the main reasons why assassinations work was because of the assassin's ability to deal an enormous amount of damage on an unguarded target that would more often than not kill the target.

And that particular ability rested upon one very foundational requirement.


The assassin had to remain undetected until the moment he strikes.

And as soon as the assassin made his move, more often than not regardless of whether he succeeded in killing his target, he would have to try and flee.

Assassins are not built to stand their ground and fight, and in most cases, their high value targets would be surrounded by powerful guards, which makes sticking around very dangerous for them.

However, albeit very rarely, some assassins were so up and away more powerful than anything that their targets and their target's minions could muster, that they could simply remain at the site of the assassination and unleash a full massacre.

These were the elite of the elites.

And the ones that we faced that day were such assassins.

Their overpowered rifles, absurdly thick armor and extremely high mobility were very clear indications that their mechas were tuned to sit at the very peak of blue mechas, and maybe even approach the power of white mechas!

They could unleash an incredible amount of damage on their targets while they were stealthed. And even after being knocked out of stealth, they were still able to stand their ground and fight whatever forces were thrown their way.

The two instructors were caught by surprise by the sheer power that the blue mecha in the Wolf Sector brought to bear during that fight, and both ended up fighting for their lives.

The only reason they did not die was because I had weakened the enemy's mecha and the many surprising malfunctions threw him completely off balance.

In the Fox Sector after I had disabled one of the enemy mechas, I was instantly placed on the defensive back foot as the second enemy mecha charged at me and unleashed a literal torrent of attacks on me!

Wham! Bam! Bam! Boom!

His massive rifle was a triple function weapon, serving as a spear and a massive blade at the same time.

And against me, he swung it like a gunblade, smashing into me and causing me to fall to the ground!

"Damn it! He is much stronger than I thought! Damn you and your mom! No more pulling punches!!" I shouted loudly in my heart.

However, even though his power took me by surprise, the fact that his wild sword swings at me failed to crush my mecha took him by even greater surprise.

"What the f*ck are you? You're no student of the academy!" He snarled half in anger and half in pure disbelief.

"I'm the dude that will take your momma's milk and feed it to my puppies!" I shouted at him and threw the vilest curse I could think of at him as I pushed his sword off me and tried to stand up.

"What the f*ck? My momma's milk?? Why the f*ck are you talking about my momma's milk?" He growled in even more disbelief. "And what the f*ck are puppies here in this case? You sick pervert!"

"What sick pervert? What's wrong with giving my puppies milk?" I shouted at him as we started to engage in high speed close quarters combat.


My overhead hand blocked his sword swing easily.

Bam! Bam!

My other two hands swung towards him in a dangerous sequence of attacks.

But the enemy pilot was extremely skilled and managed to catch both swings with his shoulder and arm at an angle, and avoided a fatal attack.

"You f*cking asshole! You're a goddamn instructor pretending to be a student, aren't you? And your f*cking mecha is a bare bones white mecha disguised as a f*cking piece of junk isn't it? F*ck you and your f*cking Federation!" The enemy mecha pilot snarled angrily as he leapt back and started to circle me warily.

"You milk deprived idiot! Did your momma not have enough milk for you or something? Why are you so angry and so vulgar?" I shouted at him and pointed my middle fingers at him to piss him off.

But he wasn't some amateur who would fall for my petty tricks.

He knew that the window to kill as many kids as possible was fast closing, and he didn't have time to deal with me.

But after our quick exchange, he also knew that I wasn't someone he could leave alive. In fact, I could already see his mind weighing the value of killing me against killing a bunch of kids.

It was a no brainer.

He pressed a button on his rifle, and separated it into twin blades.

"You must be a new breed of shock troopers the Federation is training up. I will capture you." He said softly and a strange green glow started to appear at the edges of his twin blades.

However, having fallen victim to it once before, I knew extremely intimately what that strange green glow signified.

"Mecha Virus." I said softly to him. "No, my friend. You will not capture me. It is I who will capture you."

"You know what I am carrying? There's a mole in our ranks??" His shock was so great that I could even hear it very clearly in his voice. "You truly are a very valuable target. With you in our hands, we will find out who the mole is who leaked our secret. Just lay down obediently and die!"

He leapt ahead suddenly and swung both swords in a wide arc at me.

The green glow suddenly intensified and released a massive puff of green gas that shot out towards me at high speed!

"I won't fall to such petty tricks any more. I know your damned virus is airborne." I scoffed at him as I exploded backwards with all of my might to avoid his attack.

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