The Undying Mecha Emperor

169 Ten Freaking Kilometers

The new sniper rifle was a sleek, 1.5 meter long black beauty that radiated a silent but bone chilling confidence.

As soon as it took form, the atmosphere grew strangely reverent.

Bruce Pang opened and closed his mouth several times, and looked like he had things to say, but somehow, each time he closed his mouth with a shake of his head.

The Ancestor merely stared at the weapon as though he was looking at his long lost wife who had suddenly appeared once more, looking drop dead gorgeous like the day they got married.

He swallowed his saliva once, then twice, then thrice.

"Well?" It was my turn to be smug.

That particular rifle was particularly difficult to manifest, but it was still well within my ability.

Manifesting a massive hundred meter or even two hundred meter tall white mecha was difficult, but it was in the sense that it was heavy lifting.

It would take a huge chunk of my red energy to manifest a full strength two hundred meter tall heavy white mecha at that moment.

However, that sleek and small 1.5 meter long black rifle was a different type of difficult. It was the kind of difficulty that made nanotech engineers much more valuable than civil engineers.

The difficulty laid in how small and how insanely complex the rifle was! It was so small that the precision I needed to employ to manifest that particular rifle had to go down nearly to the atomic level.

I could understand why the Ancestor was so taken by that rifle.

Even creating a fifteen meter mecha version of that rifle would take at least one full year with the technology available at that time.

And I had made a 1.5 meter human version within a split second!

It was a miracle that the main emotion on his face was not jealousy!

"Ehm." The Ancestor cleared his throat. "We need a much stronger testing range for this particular weapon."

"Yes, a much, much stronger one." I quickly agreed. I had seen and completely understood the design of the rifle.

And by the Gods, I would never want to pull that trigger if I was not protected by a full god damn nuclear bunker.

Of course it wasn't a nuclear rifle in that it could fire nuclear bombs. If that's the case, it would not be called a rifle, it would be called at the very least, a bazooka. Though it would still be a ridiculous thought for a bazooka to be able to launch nuclear bombs.

How the hell would the bazooka operator survive the blast of his own attack?

However, although it did not fire a nuclear bomb, it would single fire ridiculously heavy heavy bullets at such ridiculous speeds that the impact generated by that bullet would create a mini nuclear explosion.

The bullet itself weighed a full ton and would leave the rifle bore at over twenty kilometers per second.

A horizontal attack from level ground towards any enemy that was not a white mecha or an equally armored object would simply rip it apart. The bullet would not even lose much speed.

Against an object that could stop its forward motion, a fearsome explosion would ensue and would, more often than not, kill its target as cleanly as a pierce through would.

Anti weight and anti sonic boom technologies were also in place to give it the light weight and silence it requires to be a fully functional sniper rifle.

It was the King of all Earth Based Sniper Rifles, and it sat completely unchallenged at the peak of Gold Grade Weapons.

None other in its class could bring to bear a power that was anywhere close to what it was able to do.

"A stronger testing ground? Do you want to move to the white mecha practice ground?" Bruce Pang asked the Ancestor politely but in an obviously intrigued voice.

"No. Let's go to the desert testing ground." The Ancestor said.

"Desert??" Bruce Pang asked with great surprise and great excitement. "Alright! Let's go!!"

My eyes gleamed in excitement, and I turned around to face the door.

I didn't even think about it.

I mean, we're going to the desert, right? So we have to leave the room, get into some sort of transport and go to the desert... right?


Bruce Pang merely pressed several buttons on his communicator and immediately, a soft hum sounded from somewhere in the room.


The ground near us suddenly opened up, and a small, sleek elevator that could only fit five popped out from the hole.

"Let's go." The Ancestor didn't bother to explain what the heck and how the heck it happened, and stepped into the elevator eagerly.

We followed suit.

Haven't I mentioned this before?

The greatest part of the National Mecha Pilot Academy is its transportation system. Its Elevators.

They truly could go ANYWHERE and at TOP speed!

We stood silently in the elevator for exactly one minute and three seconds.

And when the doors opened after that, we were in the desert.

And it wasn't just any mini desert that was at the fringes of a city.

No, it was a real, full blown desert with nothing but sand all around us!

The wind howled powerfully and blew gusts of sand towards us.

I winced lightly in shock and instantly produced a thin but sturdy wall right right next to me that blocked the wind and the sand.

"Very useful trick." Bruce Pang said to me in deep approval as he brushed the sand away from his clothes.

"Set up here and shoot at that target in the distance. Can you detect it?" The Ancestor said loudly over the howling wind and pointed into the darkness.

I waved my hand and produced a powerful radar system that instantly detected the target the Ancestor was referring to.

It was a fifty meter tall lump of metal around ten kilometers away.

Ten. Freaking. Kilometers. Away.

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