"Attack!! Knock it out!" I shouted and immediately manifested a thousand Horse Gavarel long distance rifles and shot at the Blue Dragon with awesome power.

"What the hell?? Lord Blue Dragon, it isn't me! It's an impostor trying to get us to fight each other!" The horsey shouted in panic as it started to shoot its many weapons at me.

"Good shot, My Lord, keep attacking!" I shouted as I tried to stab the Blue Dragon with my spears once more while dodging the horsey's attacks.

Thankfully, by that time, the Blue Dragon was thrashing wildly, and many of the horsey's shots actually fell upon the Blue Dragon!

"You say its an impostor, but you're shooting at me? Bastard! I will devour your entire Horse Gavarel Race!" The Blue Dragon howled in anger.

"Yes!!" I thought triumphantly to myself and stabbed at the dragon once more, pumping in a huge amount of highly advanced paralyzing toxins into it.

The Blue Dragon turned its head very agilely and tried to bite me. At the same time, it unleashed massive amounts of Dragon Saliva from EVERY part of its body!

Whoever named that substance "Dragon Saliva" was a complete dumbass.

However, I had left my weak stealth mode and was in the form of a Horse Gavarel Mecha which boasted my full defensive power.

I was not afraid of its damned saliva.

And after successfully killing a Wyrm Queen from the inside, I was not afraid of its bite too. In fact, I was looking forward to do the same thing I did to the Wyrm Queen to it!

But as it turned out, I was wrong on both counts.

The saliva that I experienced earlier in stealth mode was merely in amounts which the Blue Dragon SUBCONSCIOUSLY released. It was in trace amounts, and much like a tiny drop of diluted hydrochloric acid dropping on an adults hand.

It tingled.

However, in its rage, the Blue Dragon was unleashing intensely concentrated Dragon Saliva in the HUNDREDS of gallons!!

And apparently, it wasn't trying to bite me. It was angling to fire its dragon breath at me!!

Crackle! Crackle! Crackle!!

"Warning. Defensive integrity at 84 percent." The damned AI shouted calmly.

"Warning. Energy beam attack imminent." The damned AI shouted calmly again.

"HOLY SMOKES!! GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!!" I shouted and unleashed a mega torrent of raw energy out of my mecha and launched myself away from its back in an instant!

However, although I was able to get out of the immediate vicinity of its concentrated Dragon Saliva, I was unable to escape its Dragon Breath.


The Blue Dragon's breath exploded from its mouth and shot after me.


"Warning! Defensive integrity at 74 percent!" The damned AI continued its irritating announcement of my impending doom.

The dragon breath was so powerful that it was able to bring down my defenses by a full 10 percent with just a single moment's worth of direct hit!

"Wouldn't that mean that it could kill me in ten seconds?" I thought to myself as I directed all of my energy towards enhancing my defences at the spot where the dragon breath was impacting me.

"Defensive integrity stabilizing at 70 percent." The AI shouted calmly.

After concentrating almost all of my defensive power to the particular spot resist the dragon breath, I was barely able to match its power output.

Barring any increase in its dragon breath power, I would be able to indefinitely resist it!

"But at the cost of almost sacrificing my other defenses." I thought grimly. "It would be bad if the horsey attacks now."

Of course, after thinking such a thing and jinxing it, it would be strange if the horsey did not attack.


The damned horsey had split itself into three and had launched themselves at me!

"Great! It's not only a stupidly powerful being, it's also a fiendishly competent fighter!" I shouted with exasperation as six highly accurate and skillful spear attacks came at me.

Please note that this was in a situation where I was escaping at top speed, with the dragon breath following me!

That horsey was indeed the top fighter among its race.

I was only able to dodge three, and the other three smashed onto my body, left arm and right leg with fearsome power.

With most of my energy spent to resist the dragon breath, the spears ripped my arm and leg cleanly off.

On the grand scheme of things, it was negligible damage. I was able to regrow those limbs with but a single thought.

But if I did that, I would be revealing my existence as a wielder of Devour!

The body attack, however, was not a negligible attack. The spear was lodged into my body, AND it was interfering with my red energy!

The experimental mecha core wielded by the Horse Gavarel Leader produced energy which was on the same level as my red energy, and was able to resist and influence its movements!

That moment was one of the most dangerous moments I had ever experienced.

It was almost on the same level as the time where three gang members held a knife at my throat as they robbed me. My life was completely in their hands, and I could die at any moment.

There was no knife at my throat then, but the spectre of death was approaching very quickly.

Another hit by any of the three fiendishly capable horseys could end my life.

Thankfully, the same thing that saved me from the gang members back when I was a kid, saved me again then.

It was the greed of my enemies.

The gang members did not kill me because they thought they could make me their personal slave.

The horsey did not kill me because it wanted whatever secret I had that allowed me to take the form a Horse Gavarel so perfectly, and of course to find out whatever insanity that led me to attack that Blue Dragon that way.

And like the gang members, he would regret his decision dearly.

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