The Undying Mecha Emperor

200 Big Fat Cocky Little Fox

As soon as the Black Pearl left the main wife's maw, it was like she aged a hundred years in an instant. Her vitality dropped low and the deeply horrific aura that surrounded her dropped a few notches in intensity.

Her majesty and regalness remained untouched, however.

"Life force." I instantly noticed the clue.

"Indeed. Don't devour it. Keep up appearances and continue to act like a king." Bruce Pang cautioned me.

I moved the Blue Dragon dude's claw and grabbed the Black Pearl. After that, I stared deep into the main wife's eyes for a few seconds before giving her the tiniest of nods.

"HAHAHA! Now that we're on the same page, I am at ease! I am at ease!! Guards! Prepare the Royal Mating Ground!! My dear husband, I will be waiting for you there to give you the best time of your life!!" The main wife roared loudly before leaving with her personal guards.

"Ro-Royal Mating Ground?! That stupid witch!! Guards!! Prepare my Love Nest Paradise!! My dearest and handsomest husband, I will be waiting for you at our usual place. Don't think that you've already experienced all the pleasures that I could offer. I recently learned a new mating position that will drive you insane with pleasure!! Come to me!! I will wait for you there!!" The concubine said in a sultry and what must be a draconic version of charm before leaving with her guards and two kids.

The third and final kid remained.

"Hahahahahaha!! Wonderful!! What a lucky dragon! He actually can pick between two females everyday? Which one would you choose Justin?" Bruce Pang laughed out loud before realizing that he was talking to a ten year old little virgin boy.

"Ah nevermind I said that." Bruce Pang waved his own words away as he stared at the Black Pearl in extreme interest.

I ignored his words for the moment, but quietly filed them in my mind to use in blackmail against him one day when I need to.

I could already see it.

"Give me that!"

"No! I won't"

"You won't? Well, why don't I tell big sister in law about the time when you said that having two females to choose from every night was something super wonderful?"

"You bastard!!! Here!! Take it! Take it!!!"


But that was delayed gratification. I decided to bide my time before using it.

At that moment I did my own intense study of the Black Pearl as well as the third dragonling who was staring at us with deeply suspicious eyes.

"You are not my father." The dragonling announced. "I know it."

"Ignore that little kiddo." Bruce Pang said immediately. "Let's go to the Circle Trove."

I did as he said and fired my thrusters. The little dragonling followed us stubbornly.

I ignored him and brought in the Black Pearl so that I could touch it with my bare hands.


As soon as I touched it, my red mecha core nearly exploded in happiness!

"What the hell is going on?" I asked even as pure ecstacy coursed through my veins.

The Black Pearl glowed lightly and gave out a sensation of rightness as it sat there on my hand like the most beautiful stone in existence.



It started to vibrate lightly.

After a few seconds, I realized that the resonance my red mecha core was giving out was slowly syncing with the Black Pearl!

"What are you doing?" Bruce Pang asked me in a tone of surprise.

"What do you mean? I am not doing anything." I immediately replied in confusion.

Bruce Pang merely pointed at my body.

I glanced down and got the biggest shock of my life!

My entire body was covered in some sort of ethereal black flames!

"What are you doing to the Black Pearl? I can sense its aura changing!" The little dragonling shouted from behind us.

"He seems to know a lot about the Black Pearl. Maybe we should capture him and interrogate him." I said with a frown.

My mind raced at top speed as I tried to make sense of the situation. But there was a complete lack of information.

I could not make heads or tails out of it.

"Or maybe we can negotiate with him. He seems like a pretty smart kid. He knows the adult dragons are not going to listen to him anyway. Let's see what he wants and what is his price." Bruce Pang said wisely.

"Ok. To do that, I will capture him anyway." I said and quickly manifested a powerful cage around the little dragonling before establishing a communication bridge with it.

The little dragonling did not struggle, and merely settled down in the cage as though he had expected it to happen all along.

As a little dragon, it was rather impressive. It was a full thirty meters long, and probably the height of two double decker buses stacked on top of each other.

If you can imagine three double decker buses lined up in a line, and you make two such lines, and then stack another six double decker buses on top of them, you will get the approximate size of that little dragonling.

It was pretty scary facing it as a mere human being, even with a thick layer of white mecha armor between us.

"Little dragon, you seem to know a lot about the Black Pearl." Bruce Pang began, and spoke into the communication device which quickly translated his words into ancient dragon language and relayed them into the cage.

"You can skip the chit chat. I want half of the Black Pearl. In exchange, I will let you absorb the other half and gain access to the entire Circle Trove." The little dragonling immediately said without missing a beat.

My big bro and I shared a look of pleasant surprise before grinning widely like two wolves coming to an agreement to not only rob but also completely manipulate a young, innocent, cocky little fox.

A big, fat, cocky little fox with access to a dragon clan's riches.

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