The Undying Mecha Emperor

235 Weak Ass Whitefrost Punk

There was no bloody way I would be able to turn around and escape in time before the enemy charged us.

If I gave the command to turn around at that moment, the time it would take for my squad to process the command and actually act on it would be more than enough for the enemy to make their move.

Plus the five hundred downed mechas around weren't completely out of the action.

In fact, the ones furthest behind which did not "die" were already standing up.

If I retreated, I would be running into a wave of furious mechas with our backs turned to even more of their brethren attacking us in formation!

I could not retreat.

My ambush had failed, and I had to lead my three hundred to fight for our survival.

What else could I do?

In times of emergencies where only a split second was available for us to make a decision, we usually fall back to our comfort zone and do what we were used to, or at least what we did before.

It was the same thing for me.

I needed to quickly make them lose their temper and break formation for my squad to even have a chance of making our way through.

So I resorted to my tried and tested method of provocation.


My squad roared with laughter at my words.

I dare say not a few of my enemies laughed as well, but most of them responded as I hoped they would.

They charged.

Proud gifted students having their mom's titties joked upon and laughed at? There was no way they would take it lying down.

The desire to teach us cocky first years daring to launch a sneak attack on them and then laugh at their mother's titties probably burst through their hearts more powerfully than a meteor crashing onto earth.

"GO BACK TO YOUR MOMMA'S HAIRY TITTIES!!" I shouted again for good measure as I crashed into my first victim.

I wanted to create as much room as possible for the rest of my team to break through their defensive line and hopefully make it to the other end, so I focused on pushed the mechas before me to the left and right, causing their comrades to lose balance and allow Eliana and Elise who were charging next to me to easily make their way through.

Thankfully, they quickly caught on to what I was doing, and did the same thing to their out of balance victims, thus making it easy for their comrades to get through as well.

I had no idea how many did as I did down the line, but all I knew that after a few intense minutes of fighting and barreling my way through, I looked back and was surprised to find that at least fifty of my men made it out!

The thousand purple trimmed gifted student mechas were a complete mess, their morale was probably in tatters, trampled by our fearless and highly effective charge down their ruined formation.

After spending so much time with their heads inflated and being treated like precious aces of the academy, to get trounced by a numerically inferior and younger enemy was probably a horrible mental blow.

Not that I cared.

All I cared about at that moment was finding out if they were going to reform and chase after us.

But thankfully, they didn't!

Their flag was still in their midst, and they knew that we had no flags with us.

Dealing with us was a complete waste of time and energy.

So they merely stayed to finish off our downed brothers and sisters.

I looked at them doing that and was tempted to charge back at them to rescue my squad.

But wiser heads prevailed.

"Leave them. Better two fifty dead than three hundred." Elise Wang said very simply.

I gritted my teeth and nodded.

"My brothers and sisters! We'll take revenge for you when the time comes. Purple mechas, you're all dead meat!" I shouted at them from a distance to boost the morale of my surviving squad members and then quickly moved away from the valley.

Everything was turning out to be rather disastrous for me.

A wise man once said, night is darkest just before the dawn. Or in other words, how much worse can it get?

That man was probably right.

It was just that for me, apparently, it wasn't dark enough yet.

I only had 50 student-troopers left, morale was kinda low, and my flag was being fought over by eight thousand mechas.

And just as I was escaping from the battlefield, my resonance tingled.

A bunch of mechas were moving towards me at high speed.

From the air!!

"Shit! Defensive formation! Prepare to be attacked from the sky!" I shouted to my squad despairingly.

If we were to be attacked by another bunch of mechas, it would be over for us. Logically speaking, there was no reason for the enemy to attack us.

I mean, what was the point? They would gain absolutely nothing by obliterating us.

Nothing... Unless of course it was personal.

Revenge was a dish best served cold. Or hot. Or warm. Whatever.

As long as it was served, it would taste awesome!

And judging by the trajectory of these flying mechas, they were going straight for me!

"They must be second graders." I said aloud as I readied my shield and spear. "Our journey today would most probably end here guys. But let's not make it easy for them! Before we go down, let us charge them a butcher's bill! No one here is to die without taking at least three of the enemy along with you! DEATH!!! TO THE DEATHHH!!!"



My passionate cry stirred a fire in the hearts of my squad and we all roared our battlecries with great zeal.

But to my great shock, a familiar voice sounded from the skies as the first airborne mechas came to view.

"So eager to die? What sort of Whitefrost are you, weak ass punk?" Came the mocking voice of James Whitefrost.

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