
In the mountain forest, wolves howled one after another. A huge black wolf, as big as a pavilion, ran rampant in the mountain forest. Wherever it passed, trees fell, vines broke, beasts ran around in panic, and birds flew in fear.

Behind the Wolf King, the wolf demon, as small as a bullock and as big as a giant elephant, merged with the clouds and turned into black clouds. It stretched for several miles and was so powerful that even tigers and wolves were frightened when they saw it. Trembling, feces and urine burst out.

And more than that, wherever this demonic wolf pack passes, the howls of wolves continue to sound, and the mountain wolves living in the continuous mountains continue to merge into it, following their leader. This also makes this wolf The size of the swarm became increasingly terrifying, with numbers exceeding a hundred and nearly a thousand.


Just when the wolves were about to rush out of the forest, a sound that sounded plain at first, but could be heard like thunder, the ubiquitous chanting of Buddha's name sounded, and the Buddha's light soared into the sky, like a solid and insurmountable barrier, standing in the sky. The direction the wolves are heading.

The dark cloud formed by the demonic energy immediately began to collapse under the Buddha's light. However, as the blue flames on the black wolf's body ignited, the demonic cloud that stretched for several miles suddenly stabilized again, and the overwhelming pressure To an old monk in sackcloth smiling while standing among flowers and grass! 166

It was an old monk who looked very simple. The wrinkles on his face were like the ravines on the loess plain, crisscrossing each other, silently expressing the vicissitudes and ruthlessness of the years.

However, for such an old monk, his back was straight and he was holding a string of sandalwood beads. Facing the wolf king who came to control the wolves in the mountains, not only did he not have the slightest panic on his face, but he had a calm smile on his face. .

Next to him, there were three mountain wolves as big as calves squatting, looking uneasy and frightened, with panic and fear in their eyes.

It was the three wolf demons who were absent from the Wolf Valley after being summoned by Black Mountain.

"Wolf King, please calm down!"

The old monk faced the group of monster wolves in front of him, which even an ordinary army would be crushed by. He was calm and collected, and was not at all frightened by the monsters in front of him, both in number and appearance, which were beyond the cognition of ordinary people.

"Heishan, don't be impulsive, wait for me to come!"

Feng Qing'an had always maintained the "Spirit Art" and placed his consciousness on Heishan. Naturally, he also saw the old monk blocking the road and the mighty Buddha's light rising from his body.

Just by being alone, the Buddha's light bursting out from his body has the potential to compete with the demonic clouds that stretch for miles. Although Black Mountain did not contribute much, the demonic clouds above his head were just the natural result of the gathering of wolves. The vision came true, but the old monk didn't take it seriously.

Feng Qing'an once took a look at the newly built Buddhist temple from a distance. It was majestic and majestic. When it was completed, the Buddha's light burst out into the sky and was much stronger than what he saw in front of him.


Heishan let out a low roar and led the wolves to confront the old monk. His ice blue eyes glanced at the three wolf demons beside the old monk indifferently, and then his eyes fell on the old monk. The wild intuition tempered by bloody battles made him know that the old monk in front of him was something special.

"Last night, a poor monk preached in the mountains, attracting birds and animals from the mountains to come and listen. Among them, the three under your command, Wolf King, were undoubtedly the most Buddha-like. They were so fascinated by what they heard that they forgot about the time and ignored you. The summons!"

The old monk's tone was very calm, even humble. When he spoke, he pointed at the three wolf demons beside him. After praising them, he interceded for them.

"So after the poor monk finished his sermon, they realized that they had not obeyed your order. They were very frightened and came to seek help from the poor monk. This was the poor monk's fault. The poor monk is willing to inherit the cause and effect and ask the Wolf King for forgiveness!"

"This monk!"

Not only Heishan couldn't help baring his teeth when he heard these words, but Feng Qing'an also frowned when he heard these words. The old monk's words sounded very humble, but what was revealed in his words was indeed a kind of humility. Invisible deterrence and declaration.

He lectures in the mountains and attracts birds and beasts. What kind of realm is this? What he says can attract monsters and beasts. Even birds and beasts that have not even opened their minds can listen.

As for listening to his sermons and ignoring the Wolf King's orders, this is a provocation to any monarch with a little ambition. The so-called request for forgiveness is even more of a demonstration!

See, I didn't do it deliberately. I was just sitting in the mountains and forests preaching scriptures. Your subordinates would ignore or even ignore your orders in order to listen to me preaching scriptures.

Ask for forgiveness?

This is already a face-riding output!

"Wolf King, this was an unintentional act by the poor monk, but it almost caused the destruction of all life outside the mountain. The poor monk would like to recite a volume of the Sutra of the Holy King of Wheels to appease the wolf king's anger and repay the sins of the poor monk!"

The old monk seemed not to have seen Heishan's angry attack. He was sitting cross-legged on the ground, turning the beads in his hands, and the pure and peaceful Zen sound sounded.

"The Buddha told the bhikkhu that there is a holy wheel-turning king in the world who has achieved the seven treasures and has four divine virtues. How can the holy wheel-turning king achieve the seven treasures, one golden wheel treasure, two white elephant treasures, and three-cyanated horse treasure..."

The invisible Buddhist rhyme enveloped the mountain forest as the sound of the sermon sounded. Next to the old monk, the three-headed wolf demon, who was terrified because he was afraid of the wolf king's questioning, also became calm at this moment.

Above the heads of the demon wolves, the demon cloud that stretches for miles can no longer stop collapsing, because as the wolf king, Heishan no longer has the intention to maintain the system to control the demon energy.

It heard the Buddhist sound of the old monk's sermon, and its feeling was completely different from that of all wolf demons. It saw a golden wheel that radiated thousands of rays of light, and there was a glorious and majestic figure standing in front of the golden wheel, but it But I can't see it clearly.

Heishan subconsciously wanted to see the true face of this figure, even if he could only see it once, but no matter how many claws scratched his heart, he could not see the truth. Only when the sound of the sermon reached his ears, the figure gradually became clear, and he could see the true face of the figure. Manifest.


Feng Qing'an, who was running on the field ridge in the early morning, saw this scene and felt the change in Heishan's mood. His face suddenly darkened. This old monk was not ordinary!

Because not only Black Mountain, but also the demon wolves behind it, and even the ordinary mountain wolves that were inspired by the wolf demon's aura and gathered together, either sitting cross-legged, sitting, or lying down, all lost their attacking posture at this moment, and listened lazily. The old monk lectures.

Not only Heishan, but also Feng Qingan, who projected his consciousness on Heishan, was affected at this moment, and the sound of Zen singing with clear enunciation echoed in his mind.

He saw a land that was clean and upright, without thorns, ruins, pits, latrines, stinky rubble, etc. The climate was mild and the people were happy. There was also the so-called Holy King of the Wheel who held the Seven Treasures, and there was even more than one. !

"This old monk!"

Neither the sword in his hand nor the jade pendant on his waist had any reaction to this, because this was a solemn Buddhist scripture. Feng Qingan even seemed to have some enlightenment and vaguely realized something.

"Tai Shang Tai Xing, constantly responding to emergencies..."

Although Feng Qing'an did not notice anything strange and felt that he had received some indescribable benefits, he still subconsciously rejected it and recited the Taoist Heart Purification Mantra he learned from Dong Huang in his heart.

After protecting his thoughts, Feng Qingan stepped into the mountain forest. When there was no one around, the sun's fire spurted out from behind and turned into four wings. The young man with a slender and tall body suddenly rose from the ground and stood in the forest. Flying by deftly.

Within a moment, Feng Qing'an had already seen the vast and ethereal Buddha's light, as well as the clear enunciation of the Zen sound, which attracted the birds and animals in the forest to listen.

Feng Qing'an lowered his head and saw a gray fox beneath him. It moved swiftly through the bushes and rushed towards the old monk's lecture, ignoring his unusual figure in the forest.


Feng Qing'an fell from the sky and walked on the ground. Just as he was striding forward, he suddenly stopped and turned his head. He immediately saw an elegant scholar in a green shirt floating in the forest wind. He had one hand behind his back and a sapphire in the other. , with a leisurely attitude.

Mountain God!

Yes, there is an old monk with such magical powers coming from outside the mountain. As a mountain god, how could he not know about it, and how could he turn a blind eye?

"Master Feng, are you here to listen to the scriptures?"

Noticing Feng Qing'an's gaze, the elegant scholar with a flawless and handsome face turned his head and asked with a smile.

"Is the Lord also interested in Buddhist scriptures?"

Feng Qingan frowned. He was able to resist the influence of Zen sounds on him. There was no reason that the mountain god couldn't. And judging from the mountain god's appearance, he was obviously not affected by the scriptures.

"I will not refuse anyone who is of benefit to me!"

The mountain god replied quite calmly that his meaning was obvious and that this scripture was good for him, so he came to listen to it and had no other intention.

"Honored God, does this monk lecture in the mountains disrupt the order of the mountains?"

Feng Qing'an wanted to know the mountain god's attitude towards the old monk at this moment. This was very important.

"Snake and rat live in the same nest, fox and rabbit live together, and hawks and birds share branches. Naturally, the normal order of the mountain is disrupted!"

The mountain god looked at the place where the Buddha's light was mighty and replied.

He could see the scene around the old monk, because the monk was in his territory, the mountain was his domain, and nothing that happened in it could escape his eyes.

"Then why hasn't the mountain god expelled this monk?"

"Master Feng!"

The elegant scholar in blue shirt is still looking at the place where the Buddha's light reaches the sky.

"He is teaching the Dharma!"

"Teach the Dharma!?"

Feng Qingan's frown deepened.

All he knew was that there would be no such thing as a pie in the sky. This old monk came to this remote country and went into the forest to impart his teachings to beasts and monsters selflessly?

At this glance, you can tell that there is something wrong with it. How can you let it go? leave it alone!

"There's nothing wrong with the teachings he taught?"

"From what I've heard so far, there's no problem!"

The mountain god replied that this was why he was here.

"There is no problem, that's the biggest problem. This monk must have something up his sleeve!"

Feng Qing'an did not fear the most malicious speculation that the old monk really wanted to spread the Dharma and accumulate merit. The world is so big and there are so many places, why did he come all the way here to spread the Dharma?

"I knew he had something up his sleeve."

The mountain god agreed with Feng Qing'an's point of view, and glanced at the young man vaguely, and then continued,

"If you practice the method taught by this monk, there is no problem. However, the method itself contains the meaning of salvation. However, it is not the monk who is causing trouble, but the commonality of Buddhist methods. If you practice Buddhism to the highest depths, you will surely enter the realm in the future. Buddhism!”

"Honored God, since you know the shortcomings of Buddhism, why do you indulge it?"

Feng Qing'an felt that if the mountain god in front of him was willing to take action, he would be able to save trouble.

"He's teaching the Dharma!"

Same question, but still the same answer.

"Even if it is a method that will lead practitioners to Buddhism?"

"Of course!"

Feng Qingan suddenly understood why the mountain god let it go. The mountain god's next words also confirmed the thoughts that emerged in his mind.

"Master Feng, you are different from us. You and your brother are no different from being born divine. We cultivate the Dharma by ourselves. But I was just a wild snake in the mountains back then. You don't know how difficult it is to practice and how difficult it is to seek the way. But I know it!"

Feng Qing'an now understood the mountain god's position and choice, and also understood his choice.

He once sought dharma from the mountain god on behalf of Heishan, and the mountain god gave him a method. According to the mountain god himself, it was a method he learned after observing the rotation of the four seasons, the change of the sun and the moon, and the movement of the stars.

At first glance, one feels astonished as a heavenly being, praising the mountain god for his high level of understanding and being able to understand the secrets of cultivation from the movements of heaven and earth.

But now Feng Qingan understands the helplessness and despair contained in this seemingly heaven-defying method of self-enlightenment!

No one teaches the Dharma! Nowhere to seek enlightenment!

What he sees now is the Green Python Mountain God who has existed for thousands of years, but this mountain god was a little snake demon with no origins and no roots and horns. In the desperate situation, he could only choose to enlighten himself. This way.

If someone had taught the Dharma to this little snake demon back then, he would probably not be able to see the mountain god in front of him now. It was precisely because he learned the Dharma from the mountain that the mountain god chose to become a mountain god.

"Even if it is Buddhism, it is also Dharma. This is one of the few clear and righteous paths in the world. I will not prevent the creatures in the mountains from obtaining the Dharma. Since I am the mountain god, I will naturally not cut off their opportunities!"

Speaking of this, the mountain god suddenly showed a faint smile,

"Besides, it doesn't matter if it's Buddhism. As long as you don't practice to the highest and deepest levels, you can change your practice and walk on another path!"

"I understand. I'm ashamed to say such ridiculous things as why I shouldn't eat minced meat!"

At this moment, Feng Qing'an completely understood the reason for the mountain god's inaction. If he were the mountain god, he would probably make the same choice.

"It doesn't matter. If you are willing to look down at the living beings in the mountains, and if you are more willing to benevolent the mountains and forests, enlightening the beasts, you are already stronger than those holy beings who are born to be aloof!"

The mountain god said sincerely that he saw every move Feng Qingan made in the mountains and forests, so he tolerated the appearance of such a large group of demon wolves that had even disrupted the order of the mountains.

"I take these words of honor to God as words of praise!"

Feng Qing'an laughed, frowned, and moved forward with his sword.

"Master Feng!"

"Do you have any advice from God?"

Feng Qingan looked back.

After the endless coma, Shi Yu suddenly stood up from the bed. If you want to see the latest chapter content, please download the Star app, which has no ads and free latest chapter content. The latest chapter content is no longer updated on the website, but the latest chapter content is updated on the Star APP.

He took a big breath of fresh air, his chest trembling.

Confused, confused, and all kinds of emotions came to my mind.

Where is this?

Afterwards, Shi Yu subconsciously observed his surroundings, and then became even more confused.

A single dormitory?

Even if he was successfully rescued, he should be in the ward now.

And my body...how could I not have any injuries at all?

With doubts, Shi Yu's eyes quickly swept across the room, and finally his eyes rested on a mirror beside the bed.

The mirror showed his current appearance. He was about seventeen or eighteen years old, and he looked very handsome.

But the problem is, this is not him! Download the Star app, the latest chapter content is free of ads and free of charge

My previous self was a handsome young man in his twenties who had been working for a while.

And now, no matter how you look, this appearance is that of a high school student...

This change made Shi Yu stunned for a long time.

Don't tell him that the operation was successful...

The body and appearance have changed. This is not a matter of surgery or not, but magic.

He turned into a completely different person!

Could it be...that he traveled through time?

In addition to the mirror placed by the bedside, which was obviously not feng shui-friendly, Shi Yu also found three books next to it.

Shi Yu picked it up and took a look. The title of the book instantly silenced him.

"Essential Animal Breeding Manual for Beginner Breeders"

"Postpartum Care of Pet Pets"

"Evaluation Guide for Interracial Beast-Eared Girls"

Shi Yu:? ? ?

The names of the first two books are pretty normal. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net What happened to the last one?


Shi Yu looked solemnly and stretched out his hand, but his arm soon stiffened.

Just when he was about to open the third book and see what it was about, his brain suddenly felt a sharp pain, and a large number of memories came flooding back.

Icefield City.

Pet animal breeding base.

Intern pet breeder. The website is about to be closed. Download the Star app to provide you with the only beast master in the world of immortality.

Beast master?

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