The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 130: You can invite eminent monks to enter the underworld

"How do you feel? Is there anything strange?"

After taking Heishan back, Feng Qing'an asked him that although he felt there was nothing wrong after his investigation, Heishan's own feelings should prevail.


Heishan let out a whimper, and his head arched. Qing'an liked the feeling of being cared for, but he didn't feel any discomfort. On the contrary, he felt that his mind was particularly clear and his body was much lighter than before, as if Breaking free from certain constraints and shackles.

"Is that so?"

Hearing what Heishan said, Feng Qing'an stopped immediately and made him squat on the spot, holding his chest with one hand and holding his chin with the other, looking at the demon wolf up and down.

"Speaking of which, you do look a lot more pleasing to the eye than yesterday, not so fierce!"

As a beast master, Feng Qing'an knew it even better than Heishan himself. This guy's demonic body, demonic power, and even soul had not changed much, but only his temperament had changed a lot.

In the Netherworld, because of the bloody battles, Heishan developed a blood-evil spirit, coupled with thick black hair without any variegation.

Even if it just squatted there without making any ferocious gestures, it still made the summoned wolf monsters fear and admire it. The monsters were like this, not to mention the power of Montenegro to intimidate ordinary people.

If it showed its true form, it wouldn't even have to do anything. Its huge size and ferocious temperament might scare a group of people to death.

However, today's Heishan is a little less ferocious, and his eyes seem to be much clearer than when he just returned from the netherworld. His reduced size now makes Feng Qing'an feel naive.

The change in temperament occurred after listening to the old monk's sermon in Heishan. Feng Qing'an couldn't say what impact this change would have, because it was beyond his cognitive scope, but it didn't matter.

"Donghuang, do you have time now? I have something to ask you!"

When you are in doubt, you can ask the king. After all, she was once an immortal. Although Donghuang thinks that his previous knowledge is outdated now, his vision is there, and there is definitely no general direction. question.

"you say!"

A cold voice sounded in Feng Qing'an's heart. With the existence of a soul bond, the two could communicate even across two realms. However, Feng Qing'an was also very sensible and would not bother Dong Huang, the lord of a country, who knew. How much to deal with.

Moreover, unlike her clingy sister Nan Ge, her sister Dong Huang has a different personality, and Feng Qingan will not go to her to chat. Although every time he asks Dong Huang, the king will respond seriously, but chatting with her , and there is no fun at all.

"Heishan met that old monk today..."

Feng Qingan told Donghuang what had just happened, and finally, he asked

"Is this change good or bad for Montenegro? What impact will it have?"

"Good thing!"

The Lord of Youhuang Kingdom answered Feng Qingan’s question clearly,

"Ghost wolves can swallow ghosts to grow, and the soul-eating ghost fire derived from their blood can remove the madness and evil resentment contained in ghosts.

But this can only remove a large part, and there will still be residue. If a large number of ghosts are swallowed in a short period of time, even a ghost wolf will not feel well, and may even become confused, fall into madness, and turn into an evil beast. "

"It turns out that the ghost wolf's magical bloodline power also lurks such hidden dangers!"

Feng Qingan glanced at Heishan, who seemed to have regained his childhood innocence and was wagging his tail at him.

"This is a problem that eating ghosts must face. The magical powers of eating ghosts derived from the blood of the ghost wolf are already superior. As long as the number and time interval of devouring ghosts are controlled, they can grow much faster than ordinary monsters. , and there are almost no hidden dangers.”

"I see."

Feng Qingan seemed to have some realization.

"Purifying evil spirits, clearing away resentments, and resolving evil spirits are what Buddhism is best at. It was a small chance that Heishan could meet an old monk giving a lecture. The evil resentments and madness accumulated by the ghost eaters during this period should all be wiped out. Used up."

"So, I still have to thank him?"

The young man's expression suddenly became a little strange.

"As the master of Montenegro, you should indeed thank the old monk for giving lectures. However, you don't have to worry about this matter. I will personally thank the eminent monk on your behalf!"

The voice of the king sitting on the throne was still cold, and Feng Qingan did not hear any changes. But at this moment, in the ghost kingdom, under the throne, there were many ghost generals reporting to the king the progress of annexing other ghost kingdoms, but the officials were at this moment. It's frightening.

They couldn't understand that there was nothing wrong with the work they were doing, but the king suddenly became angry.

Even as a ghost in the netherworld, Yinxie felt the icy cold power filling the majestic palace. Even the king's demeanor did not change significantly. They also knew that the king was furious at this moment. , otherwise the power would not be released in such a way.

"Your Majesty, calm down!"

Although he couldn't figure out what he had done wrong, the ghost general who was reporting quickly knelt down and apologized to the king. There would definitely be no problem with the king, and only his subordinates would have problems.

It felt that there was nothing wrong with what it was doing, but in the eyes of the king, it must be that its progress was too slow, and it could indeed be done faster. It was because it was slacking off in the process.

"After the general returns, he must supervise, no, lead them personally, clear out all disloyal subjects, and annex the Qiongyu Seventeen Cities to your country as soon as possible!"

"Have you ever heard Buddhist monks preach scriptures?"

Just when many ghost generals and ministers were panicking because of the king's sudden burst of anger, they heard the king on the throne suddenly ask, but it was a question that had nothing to do with the annexation of surrounding ghost countries just mentioned.

Of course, even if they are irrelevant, they are relevant at this time. When the king asks, they will naturally answer.

"Never heard of it!"

Quite a uniform answer, of course no ghost here has encountered a preaching monk. This is the netherworld, and monks only exist in large numbers in the human world. If they do encounter one, they will only find a way to devour their flesh and blood, or be killed by the opponent. If you surrender, how can you have the chance to listen to the other party's sermon?

"Buddhist scriptures have a miraculous effect in resolving the resentment in your hearts. If you can often listen to Buddhist monks' sermons, you can take a step further!"

Many mainstays in the Youhuang Ghost Kingdom looked at each other, wondering why the king suddenly said such words to them.

Most of them were born as ghosts, and only a few were transformed into underworld beasts. The difference was not big, but as ghosts, they had fatal flaws when they were born.

Ghosts are born out of resentment and unwillingness. When they are born, they are classified as evil and unknown, because ghosts absorb the evil energy between heaven and earth, and are born with great evil thoughts and murderous intentions towards all living things in nature.

Therefore, the vast majority of ghosts do not even have complete rationality when they are born. They completely obey their instincts as ghosts, harm one party, and then disappear into ashes in a very short period of time. How can a brainless thing live for a long time?

However, there are also a small number of ghosts who retain complete sanity due to various reasons and have the possibility to go further. But even so, these ghosts who have the opportunity to step into a higher realm will always face the possibility that their sanity will be swallowed up by evil and resentment. risks of.

In every place in the Netherworld, almost all the time there are ghosts that go crazy and lose control due to the stimulation of certain things. Ghosts that lose their reason often end up not being good.

However, even if they knew that Buddhist scriptures had miraculous effects on resolving evil grudges, it was difficult for the ghosts who assisted Donghuang in ruling the ghost kingdom to show any joy or excitement.

Therefore, as far as they know, when Buddhist monks purify the evil grievances of ghosts, they often don't mind purifying the ghosts where these evil grievances are entrusted.

Unless this eminent monk has other plans, the ghosts will basically have no way to survive.

Well, although none of them have ever seen an eminent Buddhist monk, as high-level officials in the Ghost Kingdom, they have heard of them all. M.

Those monks who recite scriptures, glowing with golden light all over their bodies, like the sun shining brightly, will occasionally appear in the netherworld.

However, a monk who can take the initiative to enter the Netherworld is no less than the most terrifying natural disaster to the ghosts that breed and fight in the Netherworld. Even the ghost kingdom will be completely destroyed, and there are even rumors of ghosts and immortals being captured.

They don't know whether the rumors are true or false, but no ghost here wants to listen to the eminent monk's lecture, because no ghost wants to be saved in the golden light of Buddhism and seek so-called liberation. Only the weakest ghosts will do this.

"In a few days, I should be able to invite an eminent Buddhist monk. At that time, you all can come and listen to him preach the scriptures!"

Donghuang turned a blind eye to the confusion and strange expressions of his subordinates below.

Of course it will be extremely painful for ghosts to listen to Buddhist scriptures, because the foundation of their birth will be disintegrated and cleared away. However, just because they are ghosts, the foundation that creates them is also a hidden danger that will destroy everything.

Therefore, as long as the scriptures preached by the eminent monks persist and are not purified, the ghosts listening to the scriptures can use this to purify the Yin body, and it is natural to go one step further.

However, in the past, eminent monks who entered the Netherworld would not care whether the ghosts in the Netherworld could survive their Buddhist chants, but it was different now.


Although they did not understand the reason and had many thoughts in their hearts, these ghost generals all responded to the orders one after another because they were also curious in their hearts as to how the king of their country could invite an eminent Buddhist monk. Could it be that he was the legendary ghost monk?

"Where did you say just now? Keep talking!"

After already thinking about how to arrange the monk who dared to show up next to Feng Qingen, the leader of the Youhuang Kingdom returned to normal, restrained the power that had just exploded out of control, and continued to deal with the things that the leader of the kingdom should do.

"The last general..."

The ghost general who had already consciously admitted his mistake just now had a stiff expression on his face, and then he knelt on the ground and continued to report.

But at this moment, Donghuang was listening to the important matters of the ghost country that she should be focusing on, but her mind was wandering to the human world.

Buddhist monk!

She had already noticed the Bodhi Temple when it was erected, but she did not take action. Although she had concluded that the monk came from Feng Qing'an, she still wanted to see what actions the other party would make.

But she didn't expect that she had been waiting for such a long time, but she got such news. After so many years, Buddhism still used this method to bait people.

However, even the leader of Youhuang Kingdom has to admit that methods such as Buddhism are just as useful in the past as they are now.

Proclaim the meaning of the sutras and directly present the Buddhist methods that can lead to the attainment of righteousness. For most practitioners in the world, this is a temptation that is difficult to resist.

How many people in this world can resist the scriptures that can achieve the right fruition, achieve the status of Arhat Bodhisattva, and even the status of Buddha, gain supreme Dharma power, and live forever? Even an immortal can't help but stop and listen.

But this method seems to be of no use to Feng Qingan, but it is normal. After all, he is the reincarnation of the Immortal Lord. It is normal for him to be able to resist the temptation of Buddhist scriptures.

Since Feng Qingan resisted, he could do it without any worries. The monk would not bother him, and she would naturally handle it properly.

How to deal with it, of course, she should listen to Feng Qing'an's suggestion. Anyway, she thinks it's pretty good.

"I wonder if Donghuang will adopt my suggestion!"

After finishing communicating with Donghuang, Feng Qingan returned to his room and muttered softly.

It wasn't that he was narcissistic. Feng Qing'an felt that the old monk was most likely here for him. After all, when he led Heishan away, the old monk's behavior was too calm!

Normally, ordinary practitioners would be stunned when they saw him training a terrifying monster that was about to become a great monster to be like a domestic dog. How could he still lecture so calmly?

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster!

The old monk had already investigated him, so he was calm and composed as he was completely different from ordinary people and even ordinary practitioners.

Although he didn't have any malicious intentions, he probably didn't have any good intentions either. He probably just wanted to lure him into the temple, eat fast, recite Buddha's scriptures and sing sutras, but he had no interest in becoming a monk.

Therefore, when Feng Qing'an knew that the old monk could actually help Heishan digest it quickly, an idea emerged uncontrollably.

Why not invite this master into the underworld as a guest of the ghost kingdom?

Doesn’t this master have the heart to save all sentient beings? He is not stingy in the face of the birds and beasts in the mountains and forests. When he preaches the scriptures, he must also be compassionate towards the many ghosts struggling in the netherworld and be willing to do his best.

Therefore, Feng Qing'an made a proposal to the Lord of Youhuang. The other party came with the heart of spreading profound scriptures. He should lend a helping hand to the master and invite him to enter the Netherworld to help him spread the law. He should not let the master return empty-handed and leave disappointed.

Of course, although his idea is good, it must be adopted by the Lord of Youhuang. If Donghuang listens to his suggestion and is willing to help the master, the master will surely be extremely happy. After all, this is a meritorious practice. great opportunity.

If he had achieved Zhengguo in his cultivation, he would probably have shed tears if he knew it was his advice. I would be very grateful!

After the endless coma, Shi Yu suddenly stood up from the bed. If you want to see the latest chapter content, please download the Star app, which has no ads and free latest chapter content. The latest chapter content is no longer updated on the website, but the latest chapter content is updated on the Star APP.

He took a big breath of fresh air, his chest trembling.

Confused, confused, and all kinds of emotions came to my mind.

Where is this?

Afterwards, Shi Yu subconsciously observed his surroundings, and then became even more confused.

A single dormitory?

Even if he was successfully rescued, he should be in the ward now.

And my could I not have any injuries at all?

With doubts, Shi Yu's eyes quickly swept across the room, and finally his eyes rested on a mirror beside the bed.

The mirror showed his current appearance. He was about seventeen or eighteen years old, and he looked very handsome.

But the problem is, this is not him! Download the Star app, the latest chapter content is free of ads and free of charge

My previous self was a handsome young man in his twenties who had been working for a while.

And now, no matter how you look, this appearance is that of a high school student...

This change made Shi Yu stunned for a long time.

Don't tell him that the operation was successful...

The body and appearance have changed. This is not a matter of surgery or not, but magic.

He turned into a completely different person!

Could it be...that he traveled through time?

In addition to the mirror placed by the bedside, which was obviously not feng shui-friendly, Shi Yu also found three books next to it.

Shi Yu picked it up and took a look. The title of the book instantly silenced him.

"Essential Animal Breeding Manual for Beginner Breeders"

"Postpartum Care of Pet Pets"

"Evaluation Guide for Interracial Beast-Eared Girls"

Shi Yu:? ? ?

The names of the first two books are pretty normal. UU Reading www.uukanshu.nett What happened to the last one?


Shi Yu looked solemnly and stretched out his hand, but his arm soon stiffened.

Just when he was about to open the third book and see what it was about, his brain suddenly felt a sharp pain, and a large number of memories came flooding back.

Icefield City.

Pet animal breeding base.

Intern pet breeder. The website is about to be closed. Download the Star app to provide you with the only beast master in the world of immortality.


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