The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 191 You have to assume whatever posture I ask you to assume

"Young Master, you are lucky to have lived up to your destiny!"

However, a palm-sized turtle shell was placed in front of Feng Qingan, and not far away was Prime Minister Turtle, who was bowing his hands and seemed ready to obey orders again.

"Caught back now?"

Feng Qing'an glanced at the old turtle with some surprise, who had been out for less than two hours. Such efficiency made it difficult for people to associate him with the slow-moving turtle clan.

It can be seen that this old turtle really does not want to take over the position of Sui Lord, as if this position is a scalding potato, rather than a land that can extend life and control the power of the river.

"The His Highness you are looking for is among them right now. You only need to lift the tortoise shell to see it!"

The young man glanced at him and stretched out his hand to lift open the tortoise shell that seemed to be just two pieces joined together, even with holes. In an instant, a stream of light rose up, and the moment it landed, it transformed into the dragon girl he had seen half a day ago.

"We meet again, stay safe, little dragon girl!"

Seeing this familiar and eye-catching dragon girl, Feng Qingan couldn't help but laugh. After the dragon girl appeared, the expression on her face went from panicked and helpless to expressionless. The change in just a short moment made him find it particularly interesting.

"You want me to take over as Prince of the Wave River?"

After Jiang Yue got out of trouble, she took a look at her surroundings and determined that she was in the water palace. She forced herself to calm down. The situation may not be as bad as she imagined. The human in front of her may not be what she imagined. There is no dragon slayer. Hobby.

Just like what the old turtle said, just to capture her and take Suicune's position, although it sounds a bit weird, it is not incomprehensible considering the status and identity of the other party. The other party neither wants to do it nor wants to let go easily. So I picked her.

"Who told you?"

Hearing this, Feng Qingan's eyes immediately turned to the old turtle beside him. At this moment, the old guy with the turtle shell on his back was looking at his nose and his nose, looking like he was in a state of mind and had nothing to do with himself.

"If not, then what do you want to do by bringing me here?"

Jiang Yue took half a step back with a vigilant look on her face. She held the Xunhai sword in her hand with one hand and put the other hand on the hilt of the sword, as if she was ready to unsheath the sword at any time.

"Hahaha, of course I see your appearance..."

Feng Qing'an couldn't help but laugh. Although he knew that the other party was a great dragon demon and should not be underestimated, Feng Qing'an felt no threat from her, only found it interesting. Just when he wanted to provoke her, But when he heard a faint phoenix cry, he immediately calmed down, straightened his posture, kept a straight face, and put on a serious look.

"Getting back to the subject, the position of Suicune should not be given lightly. You are currently only one of the candidates I want to examine. Whether I want to pass it on to you or not depends on your subsequent performance!"

"Am I just one of the candidates? In that case, please choose another wise man and resign!"

Jiang Yue was also neat and tidy. After hearing what Feng Qingan said, she refused on the spot without hesitation, then handed over her hands and prepared to leave.

"Stop, what do you think this is? Come here if you want, leave if you want!"

Seeing Xiao Longnu being so uncooperative, Feng Qing'an was furious and reached out to slap the table. Dragon Girl immediately stopped obediently, turned around and faced him again, with a helpless expression and said,

"Sir, it was you who sent people to forcefully capture me here. I didn't want to come here!"

"Since you know, why do you still think you can leave here without my permission?"

Feng Qingan snorted lightly, and then stopped pretending.

"To tell you the truth, you must go all out and strive for the position of Sui Lord, and you must not pretend to be depressed, otherwise I will look better than you!"

"But I am not interested in the position of Sui Lord. Young Master should know my origin. If I were willing, I would already be in charge of a river by now!"

"That was a decision you made before, what does it have to do with now? I don't care about that!"

Feng Qing'an immediately put on an unreasonable and domineering attitude. This little dragon girl wanted to be the best in the position of Shui Lord, but she had to do it inappropriately.

This mess must be thrown out, and Feng Qingan has no interest in wasting time in this position. The dragon girl in front of him, who is close to the human race, is the best choice in his eyes.

"Sir, you don't want to be Suicune either, do you?"


Feng Qing'an glanced at the old turtle again. This old guy went out and seemed to have completely sold out his background. Sure enough, compared to the human race, this old guy was closer to the dragon clan.

"Why do you force me if you don't want to? Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you. Don't you understand this principle?"

There was also a hint of resentment in the dragon girl's red eyes. She also wanted to travel around the world, so she had no interest in spending a long life guarding a river. This would be too boring.

"It seems that you know a lot, but you are not a human being. You can only be half a human at most. Therefore, it is quite appropriate to impose things on you that I don't want to do!"


Upon hearing Feng Qing'an's words, Dragon Girl's expression suddenly showed anger for a moment, but she soon returned to her expressionless posture.

"Okay, I know you are very angry now and want to pull out the sword in your hand and chop me a few times, but I hope you can recognize the facts."

In order to prove the authenticity of his words, Feng Qing'an stretched out his hand, and a golden light flew out of the old turtle's body, wrapped around his arm, raised his head, and roared at the dragon girl,

"In this water palace, you have to put yourself in any position I want you to have. No matter how unwilling you are, you have to cooperate and please me!"

"Ahem! Young Master, please pay attention to your words and deeds!"

Hearing Feng Qing'an's impudent words, Lao Gui couldn't help but coughed dryly and reminded him.

"Hey, the old prime minister still knows how to speak. If you hadn't spoken, I would have thought you were a statue!"


The old turtle immediately became silent. He wanted to usher in a qualified Sui Lord as soon as possible, so he couldn't hold back and revealed some of his secrets to the dragon girl in advance, attracting the temporary Sui Lord. The young master is dissatisfied.

"tell me your name!"

Feng Qingan sat on the jade platform, looking down at the expressionless Dragon Girl from a high position.

In this palace built by the dragon species, the dragon girl, whose body and posture are almost the same as those of the human race, appears slender and frail, making people feel pity for her.

"Jiang Yue!"

Being in a place she didn't want to be, even being forced to do something she didn't want to do at all, Xiao Longnu's voice seemed very cold, silently reflecting her own attitude.

"Jiang Yue? Your surname is Jiang! That's not right, that old dragon isn't surnamed Jiang!"

"I take my mother's last name!"

"Take your mother's surname? Is that old dragon willing?"

The influence of the human race is reflected in all aspects. The complex relationship between the dragon clan and the human race is naturally deeply affected. Most of the children take their father's surname. Generally, only children who step in the door will take their mother's surname. Feng Qing'an does not believe in this rule. Old Long didn't know.

"I changed my name after leaving Dragon Palace!"

"Then what was your original name?"


Jiang Yue said expressionlessly.


Feng Qing'an stared at the dragon girl, even the fine scale lines on her cheeks could be seen clearly, but what he could see more clearly was the unyielding reflection in the dragon girl's red-fire-like vertical pupils.

"Is your mother a human?"


"But according to what I know, the old dragon in Cangjiang was killed by my brother because he liked to eat people. Is this news false?"

This was what surprised Feng Qing'an the most after seeing that this dragon girl was actually a human-dragon hybrid.

"No, it's true. My mother was defiled by that evil dragon just because of an accident, so I was born. And because of my existence, my mother became the only one who was not devoured by that evil dragon. Human race!”

"Then where is your grandma now?"

"Life is over!"

Dragon Girl said softly, with endless sadness in her eyes,

"She grew old in my arms before I grew up!"

Feng Qingan was stunned, and then suddenly realized.

Yes, how can a human life be compared with a dragon species? Even if he only inherited half of the dragon bloodline, his lifespan would be far longer than that of the human race. As a mother, she would not even be able to see her child grow up.

"Then you live a long life now?"

After sighing with emotion, Feng Qingan couldn't help but ask when he saw that the dragon girl in front of him didn't seem to be fully grown up yet. She looked like a twenty-eight-year-old girl in her prime.

"...less than three hundred years old!"

Dragon Girl, who originally had sadness in her eyes, suddenly ignited with real anger. She glared at Feng Qing'an and answered word by word.

"At this age, for the Dragon Clan, is it considered old or young?"

Feng Qing'an originally wanted to sigh, but after thinking about it, using human age to measure a dragon with a pure bloodline was just a hooligan.

"According to your human race's standards, you are not even close to hairpin!"

"Are you so young?"

Feng Qing'an looked at the dragon girl in astonishment. She didn't expect that she looked young, but she was actually really young. A dragon girl who was less than three hundred years old?

The innate advantages of the Dragon Clan are truly enviable!

"You said it, I can only be considered half a person!"

"Okay, then tell me how long you have lived on earth!"

"Can not remember!"

"Approximate time."

"Two to three dozen!"

"That's quite a long time."

Feng Qing'an couldn't help but tongue-tied,

"So, you lived in the underwater Dragon Palace when you were young. When your mother passed away, you also had the ability to be independent. After that, you chose to wander around the world and keep changing various identities, right?"


Xiao Longnu nodded silently,

"Okay, you go down and rest first!"

Feng Qing'an waved his hand, and there was no need to continue asking. Feng Qing'an knew the tendency and choice of this human-dragon hybrid between human and dragon races.

The Dragon Girl's attitude towards the human race is already very obvious. She calls her biological father Nielong. One can imagine her attitude towards the dragon race. As for the human race, it is also obvious.

"Old Turtle, please make arrangements for her!"

"Yes, sir!"

Prime Minister Turtle walked to Long Nu with a respectful attitude, as if he was an old housekeeper who had been dressed for a long time. This made Feng Qing'an miss his old housekeeper a little. He was not his, and after all, he was not his.

That night, a blue divine light swayed across the river and rose into the sky. However, the strong winds from all directions had just gathered, and tortoise shell patterns appeared in the sky, turning everything upside down, and the orderly strong winds dispersed instantly.

"Your Highness, it's time for you to rest!"

"Let me go, can't you?"

"This river needs a suitable master, and you are the most suitable one."

next day

Feng Qing'an looked at the cold-faced Dragon Girl happily. He had seen everything that happened last night. He had to say that he admired the little Dragon Girl's indomitable spirit of resistance. The only thing he felt a little unhappy about was This dragon girl was resisting him.

"Although it's interesting to see your little expression full of unwillingness but having to endure it, it's such a waste of time. Let me remind you of something!"

Facing Feng Qing'an's playful teasing, Jiang Yue looked over expressionlessly.

"As long as you carry the Xunhai Sword, you can't escape from my grasp. There is a connection between the divine weapons. I have already controlled two divine weapons, so no matter where you escape, I will know you." where!"


Hearing Feng Qing'an's words, Jiang Yue pursed her lips and her eyes flashed. She finally knew why she was captured so easily twice in a row.

It turns out that in her eyes, what she relied on to escape was, in the eyes of others, a weapon used to determine her location.

"As long as you carry this sword, you will never be able to escape. But if you throw away this sword, you won't even be able to escape from the Water Mansion!"

Feng Qing'an looked at this dragon girl with a unique style, and looked at the subtle changes in expressions on her face. No matter how hard she was to stay calm, it was difficult to hide some small expressions and movements. They were the result of long-term life. The accumulated subconscious actions.

"How's it going? Is it hard to make a choice? Don't know what to do?"

"What exactly do you want me to do?"

Jiang Yue felt that she couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to get angry, but she had to force herself to calm down, because she was not qualified to vent here, just like she was in Cangjiang Dragon Palace, no matter how much grievances and dissatisfaction she suffered, UU Reading www.uukanshu.ttI could only swallow it silently in my stomach.

"Hahaha, so funny!"

Feng Qing'an couldn't help but laugh. After laughing, he raised his fingers at Long Nu.

"come over!"

Such a light move made the dragon girl raise her eyebrows.

"Are you sure you want to resist me here? When the time comes, it won't be me who will be embarrassed."

Jiang Yue suppressed her anger and walked to the table in front of Feng Qing'an. She saw the young man casually pushing the jade plates piled up in front of him in front of her.

"These will all be handled by you from now on. You are my deputy, and everything in the river will be left to you to handle. If something goes wrong, I will only ask you!"

"What did you say?"

Jiang Yue was a little stunned, who is the deputy? She has been traveling in the world for so long, and she has never heard of any deputy king in any river.

"You can give all the orders you give to this old turtle, and he will pass them on for you. If there is a water tribe that doesn't obey your orders, and this old turtle can't solve it, you can tell me!"

"Didn't you say that I'm just a Suicune candidate?"

Looking at the Jade Butterfly in front of her, Jiang Yue felt unbelievable that the power to control Jiangliu was still in front of her, as if it was child's play.

"Of course, so in order to get rid of the candidate status as soon as possible, after you deal with these things, you have to take a certain amount of time every day to refine the water veins!"

While speaking, Feng Qing'an stood up and walked to the side of the Dragon Goddess. While the Dragon Goddess was in a trance, he took away the dragon sword that was pinned to her waist.

"In exchange, your sword will be kept by me for the time being!"

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