Chapter 209 Tianlong Monk

[Species: Garuda]

[Attributes: demon, bird, gold]

[Potential Level: King·Inferior]

[Combat power level: King·Medium]

In the center of the fourth level of the cave, a bird's nest as big as a mountain is piled up with dark spiritual trees that are as thick as ten feet in diameter and glowing with gold and iron, and abundant spiritual light is rippling on it.

A ferocious bird with a golden sheen on the edge of its wings was crawling among it. Even though its eyes were closed tightly and it seemed to be sleeping, there was a monstrous aura permeating from its body, shocking all directions.

"This is the most outstanding monster clan I have trained in more than a thousand years!"

Pulling Feng Qing'an's consciousness, the nine spirits hovering above the fourth level of the cave sky were in extremely complicated moods.

The reason why it gave in to Feng Qing'an so easily today, and even relaxed the conditions repeatedly, no longer limited to the demon clan, is because it has made countless attempts in the past long years.

It has no time to waste. If it misses Feng Qingan, then only destruction awaits it. Therefore, even if the human race shows it a little possibility, it will relent.

"This is the most outstanding demon clan you have trained?"

Feng Qingan looked at the eagle nest below. He could still see the remnants of black feathers. Only the edges of the wings were golden and shiny. There was something about it. Whether it was looking at its appearance or its potential and combat power, Feng Qingan I think it's pretty good.

However, this Garuda, who is likely to only stay at the level of the Demon King, is the best demon clan that a cave spirit spent thousands of years cultivating. That is simply a joke.

If this is the case, that guy is extremely weak in cultivating monsters. No wonder it gives up its fantasy.

"I know what you are thinking, but do you know how inferior this guy's bloodline was at the beginning? It was originally the black-feathered eagle you just saw when you came in. I guided it and allowed its bloodline to transform step by step, and even let It has the possibility of transforming into a golden-winged roc!"

Seemingly knowing that he was being laughed at, Jiuling explained angrily.

The potential of the monsters it met was so low, what could it do? Even if it wants to operate, there is no room for it to perform.

It couldn't understand at first why these demon clans could be so weak. These guys were not even qualified to be the demon soldiers on duty in the cave.

Later, it slowly figured it out and figured it out. The outside was already the territory of the human race, and no demon race with potential and talent would stay here.

It would be a good thing for the demon clan to stay in the human race's territory and not be strangled. Therefore, after the human race has occupied it for a long time, the demon clan it encounters will naturally be stinky fish and shrimps that are difficult to see.

I don’t want to talk about bloodline anymore. Over the past thousand years, in its cave, there have been not only 10,000 but also 8,000 black-feathered eagles born, but none of them can compare to the golden-winged bird it has cultivated step by step until now.

But even the demon king that has been cultivated with great effort is hard to catch sight of, because this guy has difficulty discovering its existence, and thinks that it has reached this point because of its own efforts.

In fact, if it had not been secretly supported back then, its bones would have been rotted into mud, and it would not have been able to arrogantly build a nest in the cave. It was a great honor for such a thing to be on duty in the cave back then.

"Thank you for your hard work. By the way, has this guy laid an egg?"

There was no one to deal with, listening to the cave spirit complaining to himself, telling him how difficult it was to cultivate the demon clan, Feng Qing'an couldn't empathize with it, feel the same, but after it calmed down, he asked this One sentence.

If nothing else, Feng Qing'an felt that he still lacked a demon bird mount. Although both Heishan and Senmiao could fly into the sky, in terms of speed, they were definitely not as fast as the demon bird at the same level.

Although Jiu Ling disliked this guy, Feng Qingan didn't. Just look at the appearance of the golden-winged bird and he knew that there was a bloodline that had not yet awakened, and its wings were already showing signs.

"Laying eggs, I would like this guy to find more female eagles and lay more eggs, but since this guy was promoted, he has become picky and looks down on his original kin!"

When Feng Qing'an asked this question, it was as if he had stabbed something. The resentment that the cave spirit had been accumulating for an unknown amount of time suddenly burst out, and he spat at the golden-winged demon king, reducing him to nothing.

It's just that he awakened a trace of the blood of the golden-winged roc, and his vision has become extremely high. No matter what he looks at, he is picky and arrogant. He is not even willing to find a suitable partner and lay a few clutches of eggs.

If this guy is willing to cooperate and lay a few more eggs, he can find a way to cultivate them. What if there are a few outstanding demon descendants who inherit the blood of the golden-winged roc, or even go further to return to their ancestors?


Feng Qing'an stopped talking to him immediately, and instead used the power of the cave spirit to look at the Bird King wantonly.

I have to say that the feeling of being in charge of the cave is really wonderful. No creature in the cave has any secrets from him.

The Xiao family, a millennium-old family that was mysterious and feared in the eyes of outsiders, had shed all its cover in front of him and was completely naked. Feng Qingan now knew the family's heritage and reliance clearly.

The Xiao family's biggest reliance in the cave is the Golden-winged Demon King on the fourth level. Under the eagle's nest, there is an extremely well-hidden secret vault. The shining light in it makes Feng Qing'an's eyes sparkle.

"As expected of a noble family!"

Happiness came so suddenly that Feng Qingan found it difficult to adapt. Now he had the opportunity to steal the treasure trove of a thousand-year-old family.

"Can I go in and have a look?"

"Yes, but I suggest you not to do this."

Upon hearing Feng Qing'an's request to visit the Xiao family's treasure house, the Cave Heaven Spirit said that it could be done, but still warned Feng Qing'an,

"Although their talents are poor, they are not stupid. It may not be a big deal if they are missing one or two items, but if you rob their secret treasury, it will arouse their vigilance, and they will never look elsewhere again in the future. The treasures collected were put into the cave!"

"What do you think of the Xiao family?"

After hearing this guy's plan, Feng Qing'an raised his eyebrows and asked. This guy had obviously secretly looted the Xiao family's treasure house, but he did so in a very subtle way.

"I didn't treat them badly. If I hadn't let their ancestors in, how could they have developed to where they are now?"

"Since you can only look at it but not take it, then you won't go in!"

Feng Bingwen stared at the eighteen secret vaults on the third and fourth floors for a few times, and then shook his head with some regret. In fact, he didn't want anything in particular. His current net worth is not bad, and his vision is higher than ordinary. The magical treasures and spiritual objects are already hard to see.

The fifth floor, a land with a radius of hundreds of miles, mainly hills, has nothing to say. What really surprised Feng Qingan was the sixth floor. When his consciousness was introduced to it, he saw a lifelike turtle mountain at a glance. .

It was not a mountain that looked like a giant tortoise, but a giant tortoise lying on the ground. It had a head, limbs, shell, tail, everything it needed.

Even the texture on the tortoise shell, the scales on the four legs, and even the horns on the head are all present, but everything has been petrified, turning into a magnificent and majestic building that can be called The marvelous towering Turtle Mountain.

"Master, do you think you can bring this turtle back? It is the son of a heavenly demon, and its talent far exceeds that of its father. If you can revive it..."

Jiuling's voice rang out from the side, and even with the collision of consciousness, Feng Qing'an could think of the shameless look of the big snake licking its face. As for its intention, it couldn't be more obvious.

The skeletons of the dead giants were half alive under his power. Needless to say, the other Blazing Sun Tree was also recognized by this guy as the traces left after the death of a being.


Feng Qing'an stared at Guishan for a moment and rejected it without hesitation. Even though it had turned into a mountain, the traces of time on it were extremely heavy.

As an ancient monster that had fallen in ancient times, and even its body had been turned into a mountain, its size was so big that Feng Qingan had no idea of ​​giving it spirituality and making it move again.

Compared with the giant skeleton with a mountain as its base and a height of more than a hundred feet, that giant skeleton is not even comparable to the head of this turtle. It is not on the same level at all. The similarity is that these two guys died very thoroughly.

"Master, we don't have to rush for a while, we will wait until you become stronger in the future..."

"Shut up!"

"All right!"

Seeing Feng Qing'an's tough attitude, the cave spirit had no choice but to give up and led him to see the seventh floor. However, there were huge towers standing like mountains, towering, and most of their spirituality had been lost. The spiritual gold used for decoration and precious jade, reflecting the past glory of this place.

"This was a banquet place for heavenly demons in the past, but only a part of it remains!"


Feng Qing'an carefully inspected the many decorative materials used for decoration, and finally had to shake his head with regret. Under the power of time, nothing seems to be eternal, let alone immortal.

"Even if it's intact, you still don't like it!"

"How is that possible? I'm not that picky!"

"The cave is so dilapidated that it won't breed any rare treasures. If you can repair it as soon as possible, I may be able to give you some unexpected surprises!"

"Surprise? In fact, you can give me a surprise now. I heard that you still have Imperial Liquid here?"

"Do you need Imperial Ooze?"

"I don't need it, but they need it..."

"I see!"

A sneeze——

On the fifth level of Jiu Shou Cave Heaven, his consciousness was traveling all over the cave sky. At this time, Feng Qingan, who had returned, watched helplessly as a snake head came to the top of his head, a huge mouth comparable to the abyss opened, and he sneezed suddenly, Then, he saw a spectacle that countless monsters longed for.

Emperor's liquid!

It is shaped like an olive, with thousands of golden threads running through it. Just as recorded in ancient books, it hangs down from the sky.

Heishan and Bai Yao, who were originally on guard next to Feng Qing'an, were shocked and delighted to see the golden threads hanging above their heads. Without Feng Qing'an's instructions, they received the gifts from heaven and earth that condensed the essence of the sun and the moon in their own way. !


Feng Qing'an silently pushed aside the golden olive that fell on his head. He looked at Heishan and Bai Yao, but hesitated to speak. Under the watering of the emperor's liquid, the demonic and spiritual power in their bodies increased. It's almost visible to the naked eye.

"Is it enough?"

The questioning voice of the cave spirit rang in Feng Qing'an's ears, but Feng Qing'an, who already knew how the imperial liquid in this cave was produced, refused directly.

"That's it!"


The spectacular wonders of heaven and earth only lasted for a short time and then came to an abrupt end, which confused Heishan and Bai Yao. This was different from what they inherited and remembered.

They looked down at the rocky ground under their feet again. Although they had caught quite a bit of it just now, there were also a lot of golden threads that fell to the ground.

Logically speaking, there should be some monsters such as stone spirits, sand monsters, etc., but the imperial liquid that fell to the ground seemed to not exist, but the demonic power and spiritual energy growing in their bodies at this moment were so real.


Heishan looked at Feng Qing'an with doubtful eyes and told him directly that what happened just now must have something to do with the master. After all, this emperor's fluid was so abnormal and completely different from what the inheritance described.

"How to get out?"

Feng Qingan, who had walked around the cave, wanted to leave. What he saw today had a big impact on him. He had to sort it out and think about it.

"Where are you going? There are thirty-six exits to the cave, all set by your human race!"

"That's where I came in!"

"You can feel it. You control a part of the cave. From now on, you can come in and out at will!"

Under the guidance of the cave spirit, Feng Qingan quickly mastered the method of entry and exit.

"Sir, please come inside!"

The world was spinning, and Feng Qingan led the two wolves back to the familiar flying bridge plank road. Not far away, the gentle welcome sounds of the witches came, as well as the wanton teasing and heckles of the literati who came here to enjoy themselves.

"Sir, you are finally out!"

Shortly after Feng Qing'an's figure appeared, Xiao Yi, who was already anxious, immediately came over and left the Ten Thousand Monster Kingdom. Feng Qing'an, who should be in Fengtian City, disappeared midway, which frightened them. No, even if you think about it with your feet, you will feel that the Xiao family has done something inside, but it has nothing to do with them.

After being involved for a while, Feng Qingan asked questions and didn't know. Although the time of leaving and coming out did not match up, this kind of thing was actually beyond the understanding of the Xiao family.

Since the person was fine, they could only suppress the matter for the time being. Feng Qing'an was not someone they could question.

After walking out of Wanyao Tower and truly returning to the human world, he saw that it was already tilting to the west. UU Reading The sun was about to set. Feng Qingan couldn't help but stretch his back. Although the loss was not small, he Get more.

"Let's go home!"

Under the slanting sunlight, Feng Qingan no longer had the interest to wander around the city. However, just as he was leading the two wolves through the bustling crowd and walking home, a cry and a noise came from a residence. came.

Feng Qing'an glanced at it, then stopped and watched the excitement, because several tall figures cruising on the street walked towards the noisy houses.

The Buddha's light surging over the houses is so conspicuous that it is difficult for these ghosts and gods to ignore it. According to the rules agreed between ghosts and gods and practitioners, practitioners are not allowed to show their magical powers in the city.


Feng Qing'an, who was watching the fun, was stunned because he discovered that the Buddha's light restrained in the residence surged, forcing all the ghosts and gods around him to retreat.

"Where is the monk? So brave?"

Just when Feng Qing'an was puzzled, the crowd of onlookers dispersed voluntarily, and an eminent monk walked out slowly. His young and handsome face naturally met Feng Qing'an's eyes. Then, the eminent monk's expression froze and he suddenly said,

"Senior brother!?"

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