The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 217 The Shinto Emperor crosses the sea by flying boat

Chapter 219 The Shinto Emperor crosses the sea by flying boat

"You really deserve to be killed!"

Even in front of the City God, Feng Qing'an showed anger. Three years ago, demons were rampant in Fengtian City. In just half a month, nearly 300 people died. Millions of people were panicked. Many people even died because of the demons. Due to the disaster, he dragged his family and fled the city.

The root cause of this is that some disciples of aristocratic families went into the mountains and occasionally saw the spiritual beasts in the mountains transforming into human forms. They had unparalleled beauty that ordinary people could not match, so they developed lustful thoughts.

If he was simply greedy for beauty, he would be fine with looking for a spirit beast to have fun with. However, the legitimate son of a noble family did not want to take the ordinary path and deceived the pure spirit fox in the mountain with sweet words. However, he had evil thoughts in his heart. It depends on the spiritual beast in the mountain falling into the path of demons because of him.

As a result, the son of the aristocratic family called his friends and used cruel methods unimaginable to ordinary people to tease the spirit fox, so that the spirit fox became unbalanced and had murderous thoughts in his heart. Moreover, because of those members of the aristocratic family who were looking for fun and entertainment, they added fuel to the fire. The dream monster appears.

Three years ago, the demon heart-eating massacre in Fengtian City was caused by this, but the demon's anger was vented on those innocent civilians.

The children of those aristocratic families have many life-saving means such as talismans, Buddhist beads and other life-saving means obtained from various Taoist temples. If they don't go out, they won't be able to use these. Even if there are demons causing trouble, they won't be able to cause trouble in the aristocratic family's mansion.

All this was unknown to the City God before he received the sword. Both the officials of Fengtian City and the patrolling ghosts and gods focused their attention on the heart-eating monster, and few cared about how this monster was born. , and went to find out how much torture he suffered before he was born.

Even if some clues are discovered, "smart" people will naturally ignore them when they think of the relationship background behind them and the last name of their immediate boss.

According to normal development, as long as the demon continues to cause trouble, it will be caught sooner or later. Fengtian Yinsi is not a free man. Although it is difficult to detect traces with the magical power of dreaming, there will eventually be traces left. If the scope is reduced step by step, the demon will definitely be killed.

When the demon was beheaded, the matter naturally came to an end. Even if hundreds of innocent people died tragically, even the victims could only admit that they were unlucky, and their relatives could only curse the demon for being cruel. I am grateful to the ghosts, gods and government for their efforts in subduing demons.

Things should have developed like this. Even if the little demon got the treasure in the dream, he could only make a small wave in Fengtian City and kill hundreds of people. Then he was captured and suppressed by ghosts and gods, and his soul was extracted and thrown into the underworld prison. In the middle, he was tortured and finally lost his soul.

Everything will get back on track, and everything that the family members have done will be buried with the demon's execution. No one will investigate how the demon was born.

Even if the demon accuses the children of the aristocratic family, it will only be regarded as crazy talk. How can one listen to the demon's words that deceive people's hearts? Just kill him.

This is how it should be, this kind of demonic tragedy will inevitably end like this, and the real culprits who caused such a tragedy will be free from the world, and may even continue to commit crimes.

However, the college examination was approaching, and students from all over the world walked into Fengtian City with the beautiful vision of being named on the gold medal list. Among them was a young man who was holding a long sword and had not yet reached the crown.

The truth that was about to be buried was completely revealed after the young man met a family member who was hanging a white flag and wailing in his heart. Even though countless people from aristocratic families, government officials, ghosts and gods wanted to hide it, they could not stop the young man. Sword in human hand.

"You know your brother's nature. He will never tolerate monsters harming people. Therefore, on the third day when he saw the people wailing, he found the one who fell asleep and harmed people before anyone else. The demon fox!"

A trace of guilt appeared on Du Chenghuang's face, but Feng Qing'an didn't know whether he was really guilty or just for show.

"My brother captured the demon fox first, so the hidden truth was revealed?"


A wry smile appeared on the rather majestic face of the Capital City God.

"That night, your brother opened the gate of the underworld with a sword, walked up to me, and accused me!"

"So, what is the final result? How to deal with those beasts that harm the spiritual beasts in the mountains?"

Feng Qing'an looked at the City God in a slightly different way. He was now only concerned about the final outcome of the tragedy three years ago.

Not only those aristocratic families who forced spirit beasts into monsters, but also those who had the opportunity to touch and reveal the truth, but chose to cover it up, as well as ghosts and gods.

"Since that night, the main line of my Xiao family has lost one branch. The culprit was executed according to family law that night, and the main line he was in was reduced to a branch. All relatives related to it have been deleted from the family tree. If you are removed from China, you will no longer be part of the Xiao family!"

When he said these words, Du Chenghuang's expression was very complicated.

With the accumulation and heritage of a thousand-year-old family, facing a young man with one sword, they have no qualifications for negotiation and dialogue. They only want to satisfy the other party. Although it is true that they did something wrong, many times in this world, they do not talk about right or wrong, only about strength. weak.

As the capital city god, he endured a sword blow in the underworld, but he had no temper. He could only reason with the other party. Ordinary families also responded to their requests. They would try their best to satisfy the other party's requests, as long as they could preserve the family temple. , there would be no hesitation at all when abandoning some of the clan members.

This is a genocide!

"That's it?"

Feng Qingan raised his eyebrows. Hearing the result of this process, he was not satisfied.

"And what about those aristocratic families who are also participating? According to what you just described, it seems that it's not just your Xiao family who are participating, right?"

"The punishments of other families are similar to those of my Xiao family. All the disciples involved will be executed that night, their souls will be extracted, and they will be sent to the Underworld Prison to be tortured!"

The City God replied.

"Are you really being tortured? Instead of going to the underworld to avoid disaster and enjoy happiness?"

At this moment, Feng Qingan looked at Du Chenghuang with something wrong.

The protection of ghosts and gods, passed down from generation to generation, what a terrifying accumulation will it be over thousands of years? Is this Fengtian City the Fengtian City of the Jin Dynasty or the Fengtian City of the aristocratic family?

"Of course they are going to be tortured. I was struck by a sword. How can they enjoy the happiness?"

The City God responded in a cold tone.

Although as an ancestor, he will protect the descendants of the family, but what problem does he have in mind to protect such a descendant who almost brings annihilation to the family?

"If you don't believe me, Master, you can go to the prison to have a look later!"

"What's so good about this? Whether they are being tortured or enjoying happiness here, aren't they all in your mind, City God?"

Feng Qing'an also knows something about the underworld. Every plant, tree, brick and tile here is controlled by the Capital God in front of him. The reason why this legal domain exists is because of this Capital God. If the ghosts and gods lose their place, And if there is no one to inherit this position, the legal domain will gradually collapse.

"It seems that the young master is also dissatisfied with what happened back then!"

"Lord City God, please tell me what happened back then, whether it was your underworld, the government, or even the five great families, what did you do to satisfy people?"

Feng Qing'an looked at the calm and proud Capital God in front of her in a leisurely manner.

"If my brother hadn't happened to pass by Fengtian City, this matter would have been covered up like this. Those innocent people would not know until their death what the real things that caused them to suffer unreasonable disasters were!"

"You're right. If it weren't for your brother, I wouldn't know what happened. I just heard that there was an evildoer in the city causing trouble, so I ordered the chief officer of the Punishment Department to inspect the matter!"

"What's the priest's last name?"

Feng Qingan opened his mouth and asked seemingly irrelevant questions.



Feng Qing'an showed an expression that was as expected, the family was intertwined, and everyone belonged to them, whether it was the government in the Yang world or the Yin justice domain.

Even if a little demon fox falls into the path of demons, it is still a plaything for people to play with and have fun. Even if the anger in its chest is overwhelming, it can only be vented on the heads of ordinary people. It will not be aggrieved to be beheaded.

But if she was the only one to be beheaded, it would be a huge injustice!

The demon fox indeed deserves to die, but the children of the aristocratic family who forced her to fall into the ways of demons deserve to die even more!

"So, apart from the fact that you took a blow from my brother, your Fengtian Yin Division didn't give any other explanation?"



"For all the underworld officials who knew the information and did not report it, and intended to cover it up, they will be dismissed from their official positions. Within ten years, they will be assigned to the Tianyin Division and the people of the aristocratic families will be one of the three!"

"Treating the symptoms but not the root cause!"

Feng Qing'an couldn't help but shake his head, but his elder brother could do this in one night, which was pretty good.

After all, after many years of accumulation by the family, it would be great to be able to force the other party to give in and bow. You can't just kill everyone from top to bottom, from people to ghosts and gods. What's the point of that?


The City God was silent when he heard Feng Qing'an's words.

That night, both Fengtian Yinsi and the five major families in Fengtian City made too many concessions. Before many people, ghosts and gods could react, they lost everything and fell into dust from the clouds.

Therefore, this matter that was enough to cause a sensation in the Jin Dynasty was concealed by the five major families in a tacit agreement. Only a handful of family leaders knew about it, and most people could only look at the main lineage of the family in bewilderment, suddenly being belittled. , or even executed.

"Lord City God, I heard someone said that you have been sitting in this position for a thousand years?"

"What do you mean, Second Young Master?"

Du Chenghuang felt something was wrong.

"Lord City God, don't you feel bored watching the same thing happening in front of your eyes for thousands of years? Don't you want to go for a walk and take a look at the wider world outside? No matter how vast Fengtian City is, to you , it’s also extremely familiar!”

Feng Qingan smiled.

"I am not bored!"

Du Chenghuang responded with a somewhat cold voice.

"Really? It seems that this Fengtian City, even if it has been a thousand years, has not made the Lord the City God tired of it. If it were me, I would be tired of it after five years. I wish I could immediately give up my position to others and go somewhere else to enjoy myself. !”

"Young Master, do you mean to ask me to abdicate my position and make way for someone more worthy?"

"It's been a thousand years, my lord, don't you think it's too long? After sitting for a long time, I'm afraid you feel that this position has always been yours, and you feel numb. Did your lord really not notice anything about what happened back then? The officials under your command, really Can I blind you so easily?"

The boy in white said with a gentle smile.

If a mortal emperor said that he was deceived by the civil and military officials under his command, Feng Qing'an would believe it, but after seeing the towering Dharma body standing tall in the air just now, Feng Qing'an would not believe that the City God did not know what happened. Things in Fengtian City.

Does he not know, or does he not want to know? He has been sitting on the throne for too long. Fengtian City is busy making a living. What do the bustling people, merchants, scholars and students in Fengtian City count in the eyes of this capital city?

"I really don't know. If I know this, I will execute your brother before he splits the gate of the underworld!"

The City God responded,

"If I really protected my son, you wouldn't be able to see me now!"

"That's true."

Feng Qingan had to admit this. The only thing that the city god could criticize was his negligence.

Apart from that, there is nothing else to say. Otherwise, his brother would have chopped the opponent into pieces long ago. Even if ghosts and gods can be resurrected with the help of incense, Feng Qing'an doesn't think it will have any effect on the sword in his brother's hand. If it works, , the Cangjiang Shuijun back then would not have fallen.

"Young master likes to travel. If you have the opportunity in the future, you can go to Dongshen Continent. The prosperity of incense on it reaches the sky, as high as the sun. There are also Shinto emperors, sitting high in the sky, overlooking hundreds of millions of people at dawn, not to mention thousands of years. , even if it lasts ten thousand years!”

Three years ago, he paid a heavy price to barely satisfy the eldest son. Now that he has welcomed the second son, he feels that he is just picking a bone.

He has only been sitting in the position of Capital City God for a thousand years. What does this mean? What a heavy price the Xiao family paid to support him in his rise to power? Now let him abdicate and make way for others?

Let what virtuous? Will the one who succeeds him do better than him? When he was alive, he held himself to the conduct of a gentleman. After his death, he ascended to the throne of God, and he was even more cautious and never did anything wrong.

Although there were some omissions that led to tragedies in the city, he was only a god who was worshiped by incense and was not omniscient and omnipotent, so how could he take good care of it?

Even a saint would not ask anyone to make no mistakes in his life!

Let me ask, between heaven and earth, who can live without any faults?

"Shinto Emperor? I will go and see it if I have the chance to open my eyes!"

Feng Qing'an thought about it and stopped picking on this person. The City God could only say that he was not perfect enough and could not say that the other party did not do well. If he was really not qualified, his eldest brother would have let him go three years ago. .

This is the way the world is. Don't always expect no regrets and perfection. You can only ask the other party to do as well as possible.

"Is it my official opinion that you want to become a disciple and practice?"

Du Chenghuang didn't want to continue to quarrel with the Second Young Master Feng on this matter, so he abruptly changed the subject. UU Reading www.uukanshu.nnet

"Lord Cheng Huang, what advice do you have?"

"Young master likes to travel around the world. If you want to join a sect, your first choice should be a sect that can maintain flying boats across the sea. You can use the convenience of the sect to travel to other continents!"

Although the conversation with Feng Qing'an was not pleasant, and even just looking at the face in front of him made him feel cold, the City God still gave his advice.

These two brothers with similar faces must not be offended, whether it is the eldest young master or the second young master in front of him who has been wooed by many real people in the Taoist sect.

"A flying boat across the sea?"

Feng Qing'an also had to admit that although it was difficult for him to get close to the most powerful ghost and god he had ever seen, what he said still expanded his horizons a lot.

Originally, this heart-eating demon plot was supposed to belong to the protagonist, allowing the protagonist to smite the city god with a sword, but I felt that the plot was too boring, so I left this section to the elder brother.

PS: I caught a cold today. I have a sore throat, dizziness, and a runny nose. I took my temperature and it was less than 36 degrees. It should be because of the hot weather. I am sweating. My skin is cold and cool. I don’t have a fever.

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