The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 230 Sword Raising Pond, Recovery

Chapter 232 Sword Raising Pond, Recovery

"This Ten Thousand Demons Prison was jointly built by two aristocratic families in the human dynasty you live in?"

Walking on the second level of the cave, Donghuang walked out of the Demon-Conquering Hall. She looked up at the Ten Thousand Demon Prison, where the evil atmosphere had turned into reality, and looked at Feng Qing'an beside her.


At this moment, Feng Qing'an's face was also full of thoughts. Originally, he had no special impressions of the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom and Ten Thousand Demon Prison in the cave.

When he first obtained the power of the cave, he only took a cursory glance at it under the guidance of the spirit of the cave. Now he took Donghuang with him and took a closer look at the two floors. With Donghuang's vision and guidance, Feng Qing'an quickly noticed something was wrong on these two floors.

"Their plans are quite big!"

Donghuang looked at this vast Ten Thousand Demons Prison. Naturally, the demons detained here were all in a state of imprisonment. The sky above his head was dim and lightless. The light source of this layer was billions of soul-sealing talismans and demon-subduing talismans. Sanskrit emanates.

"What do they want with these monsters?"

Although Feng Qing'an had read a lot of Taoist Buddhist scriptures and no longer knew anything about practice, he could only make vague guesses about this arrangement that involved a deeper level.

But now that Donghuang is by his side, if he still has any guesses, he can just ask.

"A very common arrangement, blood sacrifices to thousands of monsters, using their souls and blood to refine the magic circle, add to the family heritage, and try every means to pass on the family."

Donghuang said lightly. She looked at Feng Qingan and couldn't help laughing.

"It's a pity that they chose the wrong place. Everything they did ended up making a wedding dress for you."

"I will not take away other people's property at will."

Feng Qing'an shook his head slightly. He understood what Donghuang meant. Although the Jin royal family and the Fengtian Xiao family jointly built and arranged the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom and Ten Thousand Demon Prison, they chose to do so in the cave.

They didn't know that there was already a master like him here. When he took control of the cave, the accumulation of hundreds of years of hard work would naturally belong to him, and everything would be in vain.

"Don't you know how powerful a magic circle made from the blood of tens of thousands of demons will be?"

"How strong?"

Feng Qing'an curiously asked, in the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons, the Demon Locking Tower is the node, while in the Ten Thousand Demon Prison, the Demon Subduing Hall is the place to suppress demons.

"I don't know what the human race who set up this magic circle called it, but you should be able to see its main effect, which is to subdue demons and suppress demons. Once this magic circle is completed and falls into it, even I will It’s going to be quite tricky.”

Donghuang's tone was very solemn, without the slightest hint of joking. Although no one in this human dynasty could catch her eye, the achievements that this family had gradually completed through the collective efforts of the people and passed down from generation to generation had to be accomplished. Make her face it.

"Can it threaten you?"

Hearing Dong Huang's comments, Feng Qing'an couldn't help but look a little more serious. Dong Huang's strength was something he had never seen before. The Heavenly Dragon Monk, who could calmly retreat from the face of the Capital God, had no power under her hands. The power of resistance.

"That is indeed amazing, but under normal circumstances, you would not step into it. Besides, since it is a magic circle, it will take time to make it exert its magical power. There are too many flaws, and this is completed How much can it be?"

Although Feng Qingan took Donghuang's evaluation seriously, he still pointed out several major flaws that he considered.

Such a huge magic circle, no matter how powerful it is, can only be fixed in one place. If it faces a strong enemy, do you still expect the other party to take the initiative to walk in? impossible.

If the demon can be forcibly thrown in, it will be even more useless. With such magical power, this demon-suppressing magic array is just superfluous and tasteless.

The last point is that this huge formation, as you can tell from Donghuang's evaluation, is still in an unfinished state. How many years of accumulation will it take to reach the point where it can suppress Taoist immortals, ghosts and immortals, and Buddhist arhats?

"Almost done."


Feng Qing'an, who was still nitpicking just now, was stunned for a moment and looked at Donghuang.

"Is this almost done?"

"This Demon-Conquering Palace has been built for more than eight hundred years. With such a long time and the accumulation from generation to generation, it is not surprising that this formation will be completed."

Donghuang turned around and looked at the Demon-Conquering Hall behind him. This was a large hall made of spiritual gold refined with a special technique. It was completely black and covered with forbidden spirit talismans and Demon-Conquering Sanskrit.

Even Donghuang had to praise that the human race who set up this formation in the first place could be said to have put all their efforts into it. Whether it was Taoism or Buddhism, as long as it was useful, they all used it.

The Taoist priest would scold the bald donkey after looking at this formation, and the monk would recite Amitabha after looking at it. Of course, if we consider it from the practical point of view, it is indeed worthy of praise and commendable.

But it is difficult to cover up its biggest flaw, which is the limitations of the decorator, limited in vision and knowledge, so there are many flaws and shortcomings. Even so, the flaws cannot be concealed.

"But this is too big."

Although Feng Qing'an was moved for a moment, he also felt a headache when he saw the Demon-Suppressing Palace in front of him, which was like a giant beast from ancient times, crawling on the ground, seemingly ready to get up at any time and swallowing thousands of demons.

No matter how much Donghuang praised it, he still couldn't change it. The practicality of this thing is too poor, and its application scenarios are almost non-existent.

The demon-suppressing palace in front of you is ridiculously big, as if it is a palace prepared for giants. Even the skeletons of giants who are about to revive and shrink their heads can live in it.

This is just one of them. There are a total of seventy-two similar demon-suppressing halls, as well as thirty-six demon-locking towers. Together, these are the demon-locking and demon-suppressing formations that can make Donghuang fearful.

Just this thing, if he could move it, he could smash the opponent to death just by its weight. Why would he need to activate it and set up a magic circle?

"This is a magic circle arranged for family inheritance, so flaws like this are inevitable."

Donghuang did not change her mind because of this. The human race gathered their strength to accomplish one thing and passed it down from generation to generation. This deeply touched her.

"It's just a magic formation. I know a thing or two about it. I can make changes to this formation after it is completed."

"Can this be changed?"

"Of course you can. Rather, it would be better to say that the person who originally arranged the human race's formation was a genius. He knew that his knowledge was limited, so he left behind the foundation that could be changed."

"How do you plan to change it?"

Feng Qingan found that Donghuang was an all-rounder. There was nothing she couldn't do. No matter what it was, she was involved in it.

If the elder sister has such a talent, how can the younger sister be so bad? Unfortunately, something went wrong during Nan Ge's reincarnation, causing her true spirit to become ignorant and temporarily lose her past life memory.

"You can arrange a sword-raising pool in the Demon Locking Tower to store thirty-six demon-suppressing swords. The same can be done in the Demon-Suppressing Palace. Of course, you can also raise the refining formation flag. The effect is the same, but it will be a little less lethal. A little more power to trap the town."

Donghuang casually expressed her thoughts and ideas. She had seen similar arrangements and her thoughts were naturally clear.

"Can this still happen?"

Feng Qing'an, who just stepped into the practice world with one foot, was shocked, and then his heart skipped a beat.

Naturally, he didn't have any thoughts about the Demon Locking Tower and the Demon Subduing Palace, but if it were replaced by the Demon Suppressing Sword and the Demon Slaying Sword, it would be different. But he still had a little doubt,

"Can the same effect be achieved by setting up a sword raising pond or a sacrificial formation flag? Can it pose a threat to ghosts and immortals like you?"

"Of course you can. After the change, you can continue to sacrifice blood to monsters to enhance its power. I have seen similar ancient methods. The more monsters you kill, the stronger the power will be."

"That's it."

Feng Qing'an had to admit that he was really moved now, but one thing that made him hesitate was that after all, this was a family fortune that the two families had worked hard to save for hundreds of years. He just came up and gave it to them. Wouldn't it be a good idea to go away?

The purpose of the Xiao family's formation is also very simple, which is to ensure the inheritance of the family, so the Xiao family doesn't care at all whether it can be moved or not, as long as it can block the foundation of their Xiao family.

"What worries do you have?"

Knowing Feng Qingan's concerns, Donghuang didn't care.

"This cave has been entrusted to you. They live in the cave. If you don't expel them, you are accepting your favor. You are just using their heritage. Why not.

Moreover, after I finish arranging it, you can use it as you please. After using it, put it back in its original place, and no one in this family may be able to notice it. "


"Since ancient times, the treasures of heaven and earth, divine weapons and sharp weapons have been inhabited by virtuous people. If you still have a grudge, I can appear now and summon the head of this family to make him serve as your master. Then you can take it. With the Xiao family’s heritage, you no longer need to worry.”

Donghuang's tone was calm. She didn't think there was anything wrong with what she said. From ancient times to the present, no matter which ethnic group they belong to, the weak have always surrendered to the strong, small tribes have surrendered to the big ones, and weak countries have been vassal to strong countries.

All those who dare to disobey and want to show courage will eventually disappear in the long river of time.

Compared to the Xiao family, even if it has been passed down for thousands of years, to a being like Donghuang who combines great power, the Xiao family is absolutely weak, and accepting the Xiao family as a vassal is naturally a matter of course. To them, it is even a gift.

"I'd better do it myself."

Feng Qingan shook his head and rejected Donghuang's kindness.

He knows the secrets of the Xiao family better than anyone else in the Xiao family himself. He knows that if Donghuang shows up, the Xiao family will definitely bow to him, even if they worship a city god.

But compared to a ghost immortal who can travel between the underworld and the human world at will, the Capital God who can only show his power in Fengtian City is really too powerless.

"Well, do it yourself."

Donghuang nodded and didn't think anything was wrong. Since Feng Qing'an was willing to do it herself, she was happy to watch. It was just a family in the world, not a family in the spiritual world, so that was scary.

"Do you want to see it in the Ten Thousand Demons Prison?"

"No need to read."

After Donghuang visited all the floors, he did not stop here because, as Feng Qingan introduced, this was a very incomplete Demon Clan cave.

It can only be said that the foundation is good, and it is possible to restore its former glory, but other than that, there is nothing worthy of praise. After all, the human race has recognized this place as a blessed land, so what else is there to say.

"gone back."

Not long after Donghuang came to the world, she brought back a large amount of Taoist scriptures and Buddhist scriptures. After she survived the catastrophe, as her strength reached a new level, the ambitions of the ghost kings who surrendered to her also climbed to a new level. level, the Youhuang Ghost Kingdom is now in a period of crazy expansion, and Donghuang cannot leave for too long.

Of course, although Youhuang Ghost Kingdom has become like a roaring war machine, as the supreme ruler, Donghuang is no longer doing everything as before, but decentralizing power.

She no longer needs to hold everything in her hands. As long as her ghost king has no problem with his mind, it will be impossible for him to betray her again.

But even so, Donghuang didn't get much free time. After she slept for a long time, the newly emerged Taoist canon and Buddhist scriptures needed her to read carefully.

She needs to prepare corresponding cultivation methods for Feng Qing'an. In fact, as long as they do not lag behind the current cultivation methods, some ancient methods may not be weaker than today's methods even though they have gone through vicissitudes of time, because the creators of the methods have already used them. Streamline it to the extreme and reach a point where nothing can be changed.

The Lord of Youhuang Kingdom is preparing in advance for Feng Qing'an's arrival. She knows that Feng Qing'an will meet her requirements sooner or later, and at that time, she will no longer be able to refuse.

In December of the 30th year of Yongkang, there was a slight cold and heavy snowfall.

In the Longyin Academy where awe-inspiring aura spread across the sky, a middle-aged man full of bookish aura frowned and left the deserted courtyard. He came to catch students who skipped classes, but he never expected that he didn't even see anyone. arrive.

"Where did this kid go to have fun?"

At this moment, UU Reading gave the gentlemen of Longyin Academy a headache. Even Feng Qingan, who hated iron and steel, was standing blankly in a place where almost no one knew except him. In a realm that no one can reach, I looked up at the giant skeleton in front of me that could be as big as the mountains even if I sat down, and the sky showed a look of ecstasy.

The entire body, even the lower legs, of the giant skeleton glowed with red gold spiritual brilliance. At this moment, circles of spiritual pattern halo were rippling outward.

Although his feet were still made of rock, the spiritual flame ignited in his skull was so conspicuous, and its radiance was so bright that it even replaced the projection of the Golden Crow in the sky.


[Type: Long Bo Giant]

[Attributes: Spirit, Earth, Earth, Yin]

[Potential Level: King·Superior]

[Combat power level: Lord·Superior]

"Hahaha, it's done, I finally developed it!"

Looking at the giant skeleton that had given birth to spiritual intelligence, Feng Qing'an couldn't help but laugh, his face beaming with joy. Although the identification results were somewhat unsatisfactory, it wasn't that there were still parts that had not been given spirituality, and they were waiting to be completed. Later, there may be new changes.

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