The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 271 Don’t blame yourself, blame others

"Immortal, I can't do it, I really can't do it, I'm just an incompetent waste!"

In the hall of the mansion, which is splendid and lavish with carved beams and painted pillars, Cheng Ping, who had changed into brocade clothes, had no words or deeds to match, knelt on the ground, begging a young man in white with an indifferent expression.

"So, what do you want to tell me?"

Feng Qing'an lowered his head and looked down at the boy who was kneeling at his feet, showing no kingly aura at all.

"Immortal, can you let me go back? I really can't. I can't protect everyone. I'm useless. I'm a waste."

The young man Cheng Ping raised his head, with an expression of panic, trepidation, and a bit of anticipation.

In just half a month, he had nothing to do and felt that his life was about to lose its meaning. At this moment, the heavy burden on his body made him feel like he was almost out of breath.

When he first returned to the human world, under the instructions of the immortal, he transformed into a demon and rescued the people trapped by the snake demon. These people were originally very afraid of him, but when he traveled across mountains and rivers and brought them back to the town, these people The common people regard him as a god.

People who have almost died at the mouth of demons, when they return to the familiar environment, are naturally afraid of encountering similar things again, and as for the existence that can protect them, no matter what they look like, they can treat it as gods. worship.

You know, many City Gods sit down with green-faced, fanged, ferocious Yakshas to listen to orders, but even Yakshas with this appearance still have statues in the City God's temples, which can be worshiped by the people.

Cheng Ping's appearance as a demon, although more terrifying than Yasha's, is far from ugly. It has a sense of power and violence, and a majesty that can make demons subdue. When such a existence stands in front of him, At this time, people feel a sense of security.

Therefore, under the pleading of hundreds of people, Cheng Ping agreed to their request and stayed with them in the town. What happened next was naturally simple and natural.

In the human world, demons are rampant, especially towns with a small population, which are even more vulnerable to attacks by demons. In just a few days, the young man has naturally emerged in a strange town, just as Feng Qingan said As expected.

There is always so much passion in the hearts of young people. If they are humble and weak, they can only use their words and words, which has no meaning in reality. However, young Cheng Ping has awakened an extremely powerful alien bloodline.

When he witnessed demons committing crimes and slaughtering human beings wantonly, the young man's passion was enough for him to put aside many worries and even burn his own life to activate the power he had gained.

However, there is one thing that the young man does not know. If he uses the power of Yama's bloodline to fight, what will be consumed is his life force, that is, his lifespan.

If he can win the fight with the demon and devour the demon's soul before his strength is exhausted, then not only will he not need to worry about the loss of life span, but his bloodline will further strengthen and gradually grow under the nourishment of the demon's soul.

This is a bloodline that can grow quickly in the fight with monsters. Of course, this not only requires ensuring that enough gains can be made in the fight with monsters before the life span is exhausted, but also requires ensuring one's own will. Ability to harness the power of insane growth.

At the beginning of practice, those who need to recite sutras to nourish themselves will run the risk of becoming possessed as their level gradually rises, not to mention the power that relies on the power of blood and can grow unreasonably.

With the mentality of a young man whose mind is not yet mature, to control this naturally demonic power that exudes evil energy from the inside out, under normal circumstances, even if he is immortal, he will fall into the path of demons and become a human in the world of cholera. natural disaster.

However, the existence of Feng Qing'an, or to be more precise, the existence of Qilin Beast Sen Miao, can protect the young man's mind from the demonic nature and evil spirits of his bloodline.

However, the young man did not have a rich life experience, and he did not realize the horror of his own bloodline, nor did he realize how well he was protected.

He just relied on his passion to fight monsters in a strange town for a group of humans who looked similar to him before.

However, it is precisely because of this recklessness and hard work of a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers that not only allowed him to win successively in the battles with the monsters - no matter how fierce the monster is, there is no one who can suppress it secretly, but also made the young man easily Gained recognition from urban residents.

The power of Yama's bloodline is in the fight with the demons. The number of young people is increasing day by day, and they are even promoted to the altar by the people in the towns. The first young people are intoxicated in the great vanity and cheers of being worshiped by others.

However, amidst the cheers, shouts, and requests of the people, he was pushed onto the altar in a daze and became the patron saint of a town with a population of less than a thousand households. Everything became different.

In the beginning, as long as the young man killed the demon, he would be greeted with cheers and eyes of admiration and awe from the people. However, when he agreed to protect the town, he risked his life to fight with the demon and then killed it. He was regarded as Take it for granted.

The voices of cheers and worship gradually decreased, and instead the voices of complaints, accusations, and scolds increased day by day. The people in this town no longer appreciated him for killing the demon, but instead blamed him for not coming earlier and causing his own harm. Family members and relatives died at the hands of demons.

Even if he protected everyone and didn't let anyone lose his life, there would still be people who would come out to criticize and complain about why he couldn't pay more attention when fighting, destroying houses, collapsing courtyard walls, and so on.

"You are indeed useless. I have seen everything you have experienced these days."

Feng Qing'an's cold eyes changed. He looked at the young man in front of him. Even though he didn't have much expectations for him from the beginning, he still felt a sense of sadness after seeing all he had experienced and suffered during this period of time. Unfortunately, I hate that it doesn't really feel irritating.

Feng Qingan is naturally aware of the despicable nature of human nature. It is almost instinctive to take advantage of others. If he gets a benefit for a long time, he will take it as a matter of course.

Just like the boy who sheltered the town in front of him, he would be grateful at the beginning, but it would only last for more than a month. Even he is still risking his life to fight against the demons.

But everything he did would be taken for granted. The people he protects treat him as normal, and will even make all kinds of ridiculous demands that are so harsh that people can't help but laugh.

"Immortal, do you also think that what I did is not good enough?"

Hearing Feng Qingan's voice, the look in the young man's eyes turned gloomy. He had tried his best to do his best, but he didn't expect that even the immortal who asked him to save the world would not recognize him.

"You know what you didn't do well?"


The young man looked thoughtful, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he was interrupted by Feng Qingan. The immortal in his eyes pointed at him,

"See, that's your biggest problem."

"My biggest problem?"

There was confusion in the young man's eyes, and he still hasn't reacted yet.

"You have always reflected on yourself and never blamed others!"

Feng Qing'an's words were so resounding that they struck Cheng Ping's ears like a thunderbolt from the blue.

"Your biggest mistake is that you have been accommodating that group of mortals who are pushing their limits. Haven't you ever thought about what is wrong with what they do?"

Hearing Feng Qingan's question, the young man was stunned.

"Human desires are endless, and desires are hard to satisfy. If you want to be the holy king I mentioned, you not only need to govern with virtue, but also need to establish authority. Only by applying kindness and power, and emphasizing both power and virtue, can you achieve what I said.

Now you have only kindness but no prestige for the mortals there, so they are getting more and more aggressive, making all kinds of inappropriate demands, and even denying everything you have done before. You should also punish these mortals with thunder. In troubled times, Use Chongdian! "

Feng Qing'an's words were like a bell, roaring in the young man's mind, and he recalled the many grievances and pains he had suffered in the past. Thousands of people

He was obviously fighting a bloody battle with the demon, but after he killed the demon, a woman chased him out and cursed him for trampling on the roof of her house.

As a child born in a poor family, Cheng Ping always thought that he had done something wrong, because he also knew how hard-earned bricks and tiles from poor families were.

But now under Feng Qing'an's scolding, he suddenly realized why he had to reflect on what he had done wrong. He was obviously trying to save people. Compared with human lives, what were those bricks and mud walls?

"Sage, I understand!"

The young man, who had a depressed look on his face and even wanted to escape, got up from the ground.

"What did you realize?"

"Don't blame yourself, learn to blame others!"

The young man's eyes were clear and there was no hint of depression, and what he said made Feng Qing'an couldn't help laughing.

"That's right, that's right. Children can be taught!"

"You know what to do now, right?"


The young man stood up straight with firm eyes. At this moment, a panicked voice came from outside the house,

"Oops, Cheng Ping, a spirited weasel broke into the town and carried a little doll in its mouth. Go quickly. It's too late. The goblin will eat the doll until no bones are left. .”

"You say you have enlightenment, then go and prove how much you have understood from my words, go ahead!"

Feng Qing'an waved his hand, and for the first time his eyes showed anticipation. No matter how crooked the boy was, he was confident that he could correct it and turn it into what he wanted.

"I won't disappoint the immortal!"

The young man stood up and walked, lighting a fire under his feet. The dazzling spiritual lines shone like lava, gradually clinging to his entire face. The young man who was originally less than six feet tall turned into a tall man about ten feet under the entanglement of the flames, and his whole body was burning with raging flames. The Dark Demon.

"Where is the goblin?"

When the demon walked out of the hall, he saw a strong man wearing powerful clothes and holding a fire and water stick. The man did not panic when he saw the demon. He just turned around and walked out to lead the way for the demon.

"follow me."

The man's tone did not show much respect, even though he knew that this demon could reach out and crush him like a chicken, because in his knowledge, this seemingly majestic and vicious demon would not do this. .

"Tell me where it is, you're too slow!"

The devil is not the same as before. At this moment, he no longer had many scruples in his heart, and he felt a sudden sense of enlightenment. I just feel that everything in front of me is different from before.

The pressure that had accumulated on him, making him feel like he could hardly breathe, had disappeared and no longer existed.

"In Lime House!"

The man glanced at the demon who didn't follow him and was stunned. Although he felt a little strange, saving people was important, so he didn't dare to delay. He pointed in the direction with his hand and saw the demon with a string of fire. Jumped up from the ground.


The man realized something was wrong when he saw the shallow crater the demon made on the ground when he soared into the air.

Recently, this demon has been fighting with monsters and paid special attention to everything in the town. Why is he so unscrupulous today?


There was a dull sound of landing, accompanied by the exploding fire, followed by the panicked barking of domestic animals. When the owner rushed out of the house in panic, what he saw was a statue leaping up from the ground again, UU Reading www A terrifying figure soaring low in the air.

"Cheng Ping, the man who killed a thousand swords, did you take the wrong medicine? Is this the path you can take?"

The woman who was still holding a shovel in her hand saw the traces left by the flames burning and exploding on the ground. She looked at the figure of the demon with the same lack of awe and opened her mouth to curse.


Flames steamed and fell from the sky. The demon standing on the eaves of a roof suddenly turned around, his eyes like molten metal staring at the woman who was talking obscenely.

The strong evil pressure immediately made the woman shudder, her eyes showed a look of fear involuntarily, and her body couldn't help but tremble slightly.

When weak creatures face beings that can kill them, no matter what is going on in their minds, the body's instinctive reaction is the most real.

"Cheng...Cheng Ping, what do you want to do?"

The woman took a step back and fell to the ground, her face turning pale with fear.

But the demon just glanced at him, turned around and rushed towards the place where he felt the evil spirit was filled. This time, he didn't have any scruples. He ran rampant all the way, bumped into walls, demolished houses in sight, and went on a rampage without any scruples. demon.

What does the loss of these dead things mean compared to the doll that may be killed by a demon?

The young man has understood everything.

So, accompanied by waves of scolding and cursing, the devil, who was surrounded by flames, finally found a weasel as big as a calf.

"Put the baby down!"

Looking at the child held in the mouth of the monster, the devil's eyes widened with anger, his tongue burst into thunder, he clenched his claws, waved his fist, and punched out with one punch, the evil steaming flames roared like an angry dragon.

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