The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 275 God of Punishment? God damns the Dragon King!

Roar! ! !

A group of people who had already delivered the sacrifices were walking down the mountain happily. Suddenly, a roar that was about to tear their souls apart and shatter their bodies sounded deep in the mountain behind them.

"what's going on?"

The sound that was more frightening than the roar of thunder echoed in the mountains. Everyone who had originally guessed what the gods would give after delivering the sacrifices immediately turned around.

Then, the demons among this group of people who were addicted to the gifts of the gods saw a winged tiger that was bigger than the mountains, riding on the black wind, rising from the sword peak they had just seen, and the mighty wind and torrents , blowing away the clouds and mist lingering on the mountainside.

"what is that?"

The moment the evil god who had fallen into the path of demons revealed his true form without concealment, the group of "people" who offered sacrifices were immediately frightened to the point where their faces turned pale because they had never seen him before. The true appearance of the deity one worships.


"That's Lord Celestial God!"

"Kneel down for me now."

"Kowtow quickly, don't disrespect the Lord God."

This group of demons in human skin soon realized that this evil tiger with wings growing out of its back and as huge as a mountain was the mountain god they had been offering sacrifices to for all these years.

Originally, many people in the village were wondering what the god on the mountain looked like. Now, the confusion was finally solved. It turned out to be a tiger with wings. No wonder he had to eat a pair of boys and girls every day.

Evil tiger eats people!

Even though they understand this, and even the smell of fishy wind blows in their faces, these "people" who have already received the blessings from the gods are still prostrate on the ground, kneeling down one after another, and praying to the people entrenched in the group with pious faces. Worship the evil god on the mountain.

"God bless me! Let me get more wives and give birth to two fat boys so that my family will be prosperous."

"May God bless the village with good weather and peace throughout the seasons!"

"I want divine power, I want to be an enemy of a thousand people, I want to be a general."

Suddenly seeing God, the greedy and endless desires in human nature also burst out at this moment, but at this time, the mountain god had no intention to take care of them.

But I saw the God of Heaven roaring, the mighty soul river rushing in the sky, and countless evil ghosts crawling across the sky. However, this scene, which was like the arrival of hell, only existed for a short two or three breaths, and was destroyed by an indescribable, but But the unparalleled magnificent power was wiped out, like an illusion.

"what is that?"

"God, be killed!"

"How is this going?"

These people, whose hearts have been affected by greed and blinded by greed, cannot see the awe-inspiring righteousness surging in the sky. People who have been given divine power by the so-called gods suddenly feel that their bodies have suddenly become weak. They were originally able to tear apart with their hands. The divine power of tigers, leopards and jackals is gone.

They could only see the gods that their village had offered sacrifices to for generations, and in recent years had enshrined countless boys and girls, roaring in panic and panic in the air, and finally, the head as big as a hill suddenly fell from its neck. .

The rich blood spurted out from the broken neck and turned into a long rainbow across the sky. Just a glance at it made the god's body tremble with fear and dare not look directly, and fell from the sky powerlessly. The "god" showed his true form, and the evil spirit that filled the air had been wiped away by a majestic and powerful force.

Witnessing the fall of the "god" with their own eyes, these villagers in the mountains who had become minions of the evil god looked at the sky blankly, not knowing what to do for a while.

After a period of sluggishness, what emerged in their hearts was fear, panic, powerlessness and pain. Many strong men looked at the billowing smoke and dust stirred up by the gods falling in the mountains and forests, the flocks of flying birds and the fleeing beasts. He threw himself on the ground and cried bitterly, as if his whole family had died.

They had known for a long time that the world outside the mountains had changed drastically, and it was different from what they knew. There were man-eating monsters raging outside, and there were continuous military disasters. Many refugees had to flee the world they knew because of military disasters. hometown.

Because of the existence of "gods", these people have a schadenfreude mentality towards the chaotic world that has changed greatly outside, wishing that the outside would be as chaotic as possible.

In chaotic times, they, protected by mountain gods, can use people who have fled nearby as sacrifices and bring them back to the village. The men will be slaves and the women will be prostitutes. As for the children, they will be used as sacrifices to the "god". , to protect their villages from prosperity and incense.

But now, I saw with my own eyes that the god they worshiped was cut down from the sky by an inexplicable and invisible existence with a sword, and perished without any strength to struggle and resist. It fell into the mountain with no sign of rising again.

The body that has become weak after losing the blessing of the gods makes them understand that the gods have fallen, the backing they rely on has collapsed, and they can no longer rely on the power of the gods to do evil and bully their fellow humans.

From today on, they are the same as those refugees who are displaced, fleeing demons, and war, and have nowhere to escape. In essence, they will no longer be different.

Those demons wandering around and snooping outside the village will not have any scruples, and they have no power to resist the invasion of demons. Everyone will change from hunters to prey.

"Let's go, don't stay here. The beast tide is coming. If you don't want to die, go back to the village and take your tribe out of here!"

While everyone was panicking, some people were finally able to recover from the great sadness and despair of the god's death. The ground beneath their feet was shaking slightly, and one could even see trees with lush branches not far away being hit one after another. , and then was crushed and trampled by the beasts.

The god fell from the sky, not only causing a devastating impact on the area beneath him and the surrounding areas, but also the aftermath, and when he finally fell, he let out a roar full of despair, panicking the mountains that stretched for hundreds of miles.

All the beasts and birds in the mountain fled like crazy to the outside of the mountain. This is the instinct of wild animals to seek good luck and avoid disaster. The cruelty and cruelty of the gods in the mountain are only directed at the outside of the mountain.

For the creatures in the mountains, the mountain gods are like their parents, caring for the mountains. Now that this god has died, all beasts have naturally fled in panic.

The resulting beast tide will have a devastating impact on the villages and human settlements around the mountain. Naturally, the first to bear the brunt are these villagers who have lost the blessing and protection of the mountain god and have not yet left the mountain.

These experienced mountain people who have lived in the mountains for generations know that if they and others fail to evade in time and run into a tide of beasts, they will all be crushed into a pulp without being bitten by the beasts. It will just be a collision and trampling.

"Let's go back to the village quickly."

After receiving the reminder, everyone recovered from panic and despair. Looking at the roaring tide of beasts, they stood up from the ground one after another. They looked panicked and wanted to leave here and escape back to the place they felt was safest. In the village, they hid in the arms of the women they captured.


However, the sky was filled with wind and clouds, and the originally not good weather suddenly changed drastically. Thousands of thunder snakes were swimming in the clouds. Suddenly, a thunderbolt as thick as a human body crashed straight down from the sky, exploding in a place they were very familiar with. in the direction.

Huge thunder roared, falling to the ground, splashing smoke and dust, and vaguely, there seemed to be the sound of women crying and men howling miserably.

The scene of a lightning strike from the sky immediately frightened the group of people who were about to flee back to the village. After living in this land for decades, they could not recognize it. The place where the lightning struck was clearly the village where they came from.

"What on earth is going on? Who can tell me the reason for all this inexplicable happening?"

"Have we killed too many people, so God is angry?"

As the words fell, dozens of thunderbolts landed on their very familiar positions, which made those who subconsciously wanted to refute tightly shut their mouths and did not dare to say any more words.

"We have done so many evil things that even God can't stand it anymore!"

"Hahaha, this is God's punishment, this is God's punishment!"

I couldn't see the awe-inspiring righteousness that was still surging in the sky at this moment. I just felt that the gods had fallen inexplicably. I also witnessed the scene of the village being bombarded by thunder one after another. The group of villagers who brought the sacrifices up the mountain suddenly felt uneasy. If you don't take care of yourself, you will become crazy.

They were frightened by this sudden change. Many people were in despair. They sat on the ground and kowtowed to the turbulent sky with lightning and thunder. They cried bitterly, sincerely repented and prayed. God, give me another chance to change my mind.

"God, I have realized my mistake. If you give me another chance, I will do good deeds and never do evil again!"

When the demon in the crowd showed its ugly face, the mighty and majestic dragon roar sounded from the sky, and then we saw clouds falling from the sky, gathering into the shape of a dragon's head, looking down from the sky, eyes flashing with thunder , keep an eye on them.

Like the Tianhe River rolling back, the infinite power frightened the mountain people who were still kneeling on the ground and kowtowed. They collapsed on the ground, their limbs trembling, and a fishy and foul smell emanated.

"Lord Dragon, spare your life!"

Seeing the Yunlong that was completely made of clouds and embellished with thunder, so lifelike that even its scales were clearly visible, the mountain people, who had been frightened by many changes, were so frightened that they could only kowtow. He didn't even care about the rocks and gravel in the soil, blood was flowing out and stained with blood.


However, Yunlong, whose head was hanging down from the sky, completely ignored their humble and insect-like appearance at this moment. The majestic dragon's head opened, and dazzling thunder poured out from its mouth. The mighty thunder killed these unknown groups in an instant. The scraps of so many lives were burned to cokes.

hold head high!

After destroying all the villagers who offered sacrifices, the cloud dragon head suddenly collapsed, and in the clouds, a golden dragon shadow was still meandering around, endless electric light rushing around its body, surrounded by thousands of wind mist .


Physical characteristics·Zhengtianshen

The armor was originally made from the remains of the dragon clan, and with the blessing of Minglong, which had swallowed three dragon clan magic weapons, the power of heaven burst out, even the demon king had to avoid its edge.

At this moment, Minglong, who had received Feng Qing'an's permission to carry out punishment on behalf of Heaven, turned his attention to the large and small villages dotted around the mountain.

Once the majestic mountain god chooses to fall and associate with demons, how can he be satisfied with eating only a pair of boys and girls every day? That is the goal he has set for the surrounding villages. Each village must offer a pair of boys and girls. Therefore, the number of people this evil god eats every day is far more than this.

These people who succumbed to the lustful power of the evil god, hunted for blood for the evil god, became his minions, and harmed the villages of their own race are all targets of Minglong. When the brilliant sky thunder falls, every time there are people who become monsters. In the thunder, Turned into fly ash.

"Hahaha, good kill!"

In a village on the edge of the mountains, a man was in a cage, his flesh and blood were blurred, and he could hardly see the human figure. He was looking at the thunder that kept roaring and falling in the terrifyingly gloomy dark sky, laughing and laughing. Slapping on the wooden fence, blood scabs broke, mixed with tears, dripping from the corners of his eyes.

"God, your eyes are finally opened! Or is it that some passing god can't stand it?! What a good kill! What a good kill! I kowtow to you."

Even though his body was covered with scars, the half-invalid man still staggered to his feet and knelt down to the sky where thunder kept falling. This was without any desire, just pure gratitude.

Wisps of invisible pure willpower rose into the sky and surrounded the bright dragon riding the wind in the sky. Feng Qing'an, who was preparing to leave and was preparing the corpse of the evil god, saw this scene, and his eyes suddenly showed surprise.

"The power of incense and desire!"


He thought of Qi, a country where demons and demons were everywhere, mourners were everywhere, and hell was everywhere. If a monk stepped forward at this moment and showed a miracle, he could save all the people from the fire and water, and gain the will and power of all the people to build a divine body.

So can gods whose followers are spread all over the country be exempted from geographical restrictions? Wherever its believers walk, they can manifest themselves, UU Reading However, what are these gods?

Titles such as Fuchenghuang and Zhouchenghuang can no longer be explained. The so-called Duchenghuang seems to have a high status, but in fact, if it is far away from the capital, the surrounding areas will still worship whoever they should worship. After all, the mountains are high and the emperor is far away. How can the current official compare? Do you need to be admitted to the current administration?

"Minglong, how do you feel?"

Feng Qingan asked as he looked at Minglong, whose body was wrapped with wisps of will power.


It was only when the little guy heard Feng Qing'an's inquiry that he noticed something strange about himself. He lowered his head to look at the wish power wrapped around his body, and curiously stretched out his little paw to hook a thread of wish power that was as transparent as a spider's silk.

The thoughts in it were immediately introduced into its consciousness, including sincere gratitude and obeisance, as well as a prayer for it to rain down more thunder and punish the evildoers. m

Listening to this little guy's description and seeing the source of these wishes, Feng Qing'an had a strange look on his face.

What would be the result if this guy manifested himself in the sky and let the group of saved refugees see the existence of falling thunder?

Think of it as a real dragon in charge of heavenly punishment?

After all, the dragon itself has divinity. Wherever there are water veins, there must be a dragon species Sui Lord. There is nothing wrong with worshiping the real dragon. If this is the case, what will be the name of the god it is given?

God of Punishment?

The Dragon King of Heaven’s Punishment?

Feng Qing'an was a little curious about how powerful such a god would be if his followers were all over the world.

However, Feng Qing'an also knew how heavy the power of incense wishes was. When he traveled around Qi, he also saw many incense gods who were unable to protect the people and were backfired by the power of incense wishes. Their bodies collapsed and their souls were scattered. It was too much. miserable.

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