"Am I dreaming?"

Feng Qingan looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief and couldn't help but murmur to himself.

He clearly remembered that he was lying on the bed and fell asleep, but when he opened his eyes, what appeared in front of him was such a magnificent and mysterious scene.

What you see is colorful and endless purple. The sky seems to be dyed with purple. The color of the distant sky is more intense, almost like ink.

But with such a dark color, what appeared in front of Feng Qingan's eyes was a brilliant and gorgeous spectacle, because the leaves, veins and even rhizomes of the plants in front of him were all refracting different shades of purple light, and the objects near him were nearby. Everything is reflected very clearly.

A faint mist floats among the branches and leaves, and countless dense leaves are intertwined. These leaves are large and thin, like transparent purple gauze. Looking down, you can see shrubs growing unknown and strange fruits, plants with dense branches and leaves, lush and thick grass vines...layers upon layers, intricately formed, forming A world of lush and gorgeous plants.

It was precisely because he had seen such a strange scene with his own eyes that Feng Qingan couldn't help but question whether he was dreaming at this moment, but his consciousness at this moment was sober.

So Feng Qing'an stretched out his hand and pulled his cheek, but felt nothing. Then he increased the intensity, but still felt no pain.

"Lucid dream!?"

"No, that's not right!"

Feng Qingan's brows furrowed. He remembered that he heard it in a daze,

"Netherworld, right time!"

However, Feng Qing'an raised his hand and looked at his very real palm, still unable to make a judgment.

He remembered the scene when the mountain god invited him over for tea not long ago. The mountain god once said that the nature of his soul was very similar to that of the Taoist Yin God, only much weaker.

Yin Shen Night Tour!

These words suddenly appeared in Feng Qing'an's mind. This was not impossible for him, but his current soul was still weak and needed the guidance of external forces.

"Am I dreaming now?"

Feng Qingan was a little unsure of his own state. This was the first time he had experienced such a thing.

However, just at this moment, a beautiful song came from the gaps in the dense jungle. The song reminded Feng Qingan of the light moonlight, the flowing breeze, and the water flowing in the stream. This was what Feng Qingan heard. Yes, the most beautiful sound.

After listening for a moment, he came to his senses. Then, Feng Qingan began to pursue the direction of the singing, trudging through the dense jungle.

Even though there were dense vegetation in the jungle, the wind was clear and tireless at the moment, and the dense vegetation did not harm his body at all. It seemed that he would not be hurt here.

After arduously walking for a distance that was actually not that far, when Feng Qingan stretched out his hand to open a wide blade, he immediately saw an unforgettable scene.

It was a clear pool in the forest. There were many flowers and grass beside the pool. A girl sat sideways on the soft grass, her feet dipped into the pool water. Her silky-smooth black hair fell from the back of her neck, sticking to her body. On the skin that is as crystal clear as mutton fat and as delicate as jade, the red lips are lightly opened, singing softly, just like the sounds of nature.

It was not that Feng Qing'an had never seen beauties, and he was not really a country boy. Even so, he was still deeply amazed by the delicate facial features of the girl in front of him, which were like jade carvings.

She turned her face sideways, the tip of her beautiful nose was slightly raised, her long eyelashes flickered, her bright eyes were like water, clear and clear, with thousands of waves of light, and between the opening and closing of her beautiful red lips, it seemed like starlight was flowing on the lip line.

The girl in front of her was as pure and flawless as white snow. The moment she first saw her, her heart fluttered, and she felt an urge to hold her in her arms.


Feng Qing'an's palm that was pushing away the leaves froze. He couldn't even bear to make the slightest noise at this moment to break this extremely beautiful scene.

Of course, what's more important is that the innocent girl in front of him is only wearing a close-fitting dress. Her silky black hair is hanging down, but Feng Qing'an can still see her slender waist that can be grasped. Limbs, and long shiny legs soaked in the spring, stirring up a string of water splashes from time to time.

In this world dominated by purple, the dazzling white girl in front of him was so dazzling that Feng Qingan was reluctant to look away.

However, when he looked at the girl in front of him who was so beautiful that she didn't look like someone who should be in the world, Feng Qing'an felt something strange, or it could be said that he was blessed in his heart.


[Type: Innate Yin Spirit]

[Attributes: Yin, Heaven, Spirit]

[Potential Level: King·Medium]

[Combat power level: Qiling·Superior]

"It's really a dream!"

Seeing the identification results, Feng Qing'an couldn't help but sigh, then he completely pushed the blades in front of him and walked out.

A perfect contract partner with king-level potential but only Qiling-level combat power. This was something he had once thought about, but now it was something he would never dream of.

Because this is unrealistic, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net But now, the girl who was so perfect that he couldn't find any flaws appeared in front of him, even looking so weak.

So weak that he didn't even need Montenegro's help, Feng Qing'an felt that he alone could force the girl in front of him to make a contract with him.

However, Feng Qing'an remembered the process of establishing a soul contract with Heishan. He and Heishan got along so intimately that he could make Heishan completely trust him. In this way, the contract was successfully completed.

It is absolutely undesirable to use violent means to force a pet to make a contract with it. It may be possible to complete the contract, but it is impossible to perform secret techniques that require the cooperation of the pet.

And as Feng Qingan stepped out of the jungle and stepped onto the grass, the grass blades emitting a faint lavender light suddenly covered his feet. At the same moment, the singing stopped, and the girl who was singing suddenly tilted her head and looked curiously at them. The wind coming from the forest is peaceful.

Feng Qing'an looked at the girl and felt that she was soft and easy to push down. But at this moment, in the girl's eyes, he was like this. A half-grown boy with a childish look on his face really couldn't afford to be wary.

"Who are you?"

The girl's clear eyes were full of curiosity, and her voice was just like a song, soft and melodious.

"How did you get here?"

"My name is Feng Qing'an. I heard the song you sang and followed the guidance of the song and came here."

Feng Qingan answered very straightforwardly.

At this moment, the throb in his heart because the girl did not look like the peerless face she should have in this world gradually subsided. He walked straight to the girl and sat down. Then, following the girl's example, he took off his shoes. Socks and immerse your feet directly into the seemingly clear water.

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