"Mom, this is a hen that lays eggs!"

As soon as Feng Qing'an entered the yard, he saw that his mother, Mrs. Yin, had a fat hen squealing on her hand. He couldn't help but widen his eyes and screamed.

The Yin family's attitude couldn't be more obvious. You must know that even on that day when the government sent people to announce the good news, people from all over the country came over. Their family slaughtered most of the poultry raised in captivity, and only one of them was able to stay. They are all hens that can lay eggs.

"Old hens are the ones who lay eggs. Pig, you go sit down and rest for a while. Mom will make chicken soup for you right now!"

Mrs. Yin grabbed the old hen that she usually took care of meticulously. She used the knife and dropped it without any mercy. After bleeding, she scalded and plucked the feathers with boiled water, cleaned the internal organs, chopped them cleanly, and threw them into the pot. .

Even though there was a faint fishy smell floating in the air, it still did not affect the secretion of fluids in Feng Qing'an's mouth, because he could predict that today's dinner would be sumptuous.

"It's good that big brother is back. We can eat meat again!"

Feng Qingan couldn't help but sigh.

In the feudal era with low productivity. You can count the days when you can eat meat throughout the year on your fingers. It is considered a big deal to have a few drops of meat in your bowl.

The family has become prosperous because of his brother, but don't expect it to be like what he remembers, having meat every meal from morning to night, and being able to eat meat every now and then, which is a bit of a luxury.

In this situation, how could Feng Qingan not be greedy?

"You're such a glutton, don't you eat and drink less on weekdays?"

Mrs. Yin walked out of the kitchen, happened to hear Feng Qingan's sigh, and immediately cursed.

"I haven't seen you kill a chicken for me on weekdays!"

Feng Qingan muttered.

"If you could be like your brother and come back with a top score, I would make chicken soup for you every day!"


After saying a few words, Feng Qing'an immediately shut up and asked him to take the exam for the top prize. Are you kidding me? He knows how much he weighs. He is thankful to be able to pass the exam.

Before the system was turned on, Feng Qingan's goal for himself was to be a civil servant. If he passed the exam, he would have reached the minimum standard for an official.

If you have connections and background, you can even be assigned to be a county magistrate in a remote county. It doesn't matter if you don't have anything. If you have the reputation of being a civil servant, it is not a problem to get into the yamen and become a high-ranking petty official.

This was Feng Qing'an's previous pursuit, to gain fame, become an official, become a little rich and noble, and live a peaceful life.

But now, Feng Qing'an doesn't know what his goal should be, because he hasn't figured out how much help the beast master system can give him, and how far he can go with it.

However, even if he did not consider the system, he still only aimed to be a civil servant as before. It seemed a bit low to only seek to be a minor official in a county. After all, when he passed the exam, it would not be considered as a civil servant because he had no background.

Of course, Feng Qing'an's current desire for practice is much greater than that of the imperial examination examiners. If he could fly to the sky and escape from the earth, then who would care about becoming an official? Wouldn't it be a leisurely life to travel across the sea and into the sky?


A bowl of fragrant old hen soup stopped Feng Qing'an from discussing with his eldest brother about raising a dog. Moreover, the table was not only filled with chicken soup. On the day when her eldest son returned home, Mrs. Yin wished she could eat all the good things in the house. Serving it to the table is a feast for Feng Qingan.

"Eat slowly. This is for your eldest brother. Your eldest brother is hungry after being away for so many days!"

"Mom, don't worry so much. My eldest brother has been rushing to take the exam all the way. He has tasted so many delicacies. You see, he has gained a lot of weight."

Feng Qing'an opened his mouth and came, and Yin's slap fell on the back of his head naturally, but even this did not delay Feng Qing'an from eating.

However, while eating the broth stewed by the old hen, Feng Qingan suddenly thought of something, and asked with a gossipy face:

"Brother, you are the only number one scholar since the beginning of the Jin Dynasty who won the sixth prize. I heard that after winning the number one prize, you will be paraded in the streets. After a parade in the capital, you collected many princes and noble ladies and threw them away. The sachet! How about it? Is there any noble girl that eldest brother falls in love with?"

Hearing what Feng Qing'an said, even Feng Shouli, who was eating honestly by the side, couldn't help but pricked up his ears. As for the Yin family, not to mention the Yin family, who was looking at the eldest son with expectant eyes.

The reason why she listened to her youngest son's advice and refused all marriage proposals from matchmakers was because she hoped that her son would really fall in love with a certain prince and noblewoman. Isn't this hundreds of times better than the daughters of wealthy landlords?


Being watched by his family, Feng Qingping's expression froze, and he glanced at Feng Qing'an helplessly.

"An Di!"

"Brother, can you just say yes or no? We won't ask if there are more. Anyway, you are still young, so don't be in a hurry!"

Feng Qingan smiled.


Feng Qingping read the sage's book and naturally disdained to deceive his family with lies. After a moment of silence, he gave an answer that made everyone feel happy and surprised.

"Xie'er, whose daughter in the capital are you interested in?"

Yin's heart felt as if it had been scratched by a cat's claws, and she couldn't help but ask.

Although the eldest son is less than fourteen years old, he is already old enough to get married. As a mother, how can she not care about this matter?

"Mom, UU reading www.uukanshu.net You have never been to the capital. Even though my eldest brother told you, you are blind and don't know anything!"

Before Feng Qingping could speak, Feng Qingan interrupted, and then received a fierce look from the Yin family.

"Father, mother, brother An, I have only had initial contact with that young lady Luo... and it is still early for us to talk about marriage. If we really become husband and wife, I will not hide it from my parents."

When talking about the noble lady in the capital, Feng Qingping's expression was very complicated, and he even hesitated to address her.

"makes sense!"

Hearing what her son said, although Mrs. Yin was particularly curious, she knew it was not good to continue questioning.

Moreover, she felt very weak, had no confidence, and even felt a little guilty.

Because since ancient times, people have been paying attention to being well-matched, but her son is interested in a noble girl in the capital. In terms of people, Mrs. Yin doesn't think her eldest son is worse than anyone else, but in terms of background, it is a complete drag and cannot be given to this person. An excellent son provides even a little help.

"Xu'er, you..."

Even Feng Shouli on the side was hesitant to speak at this moment. In his heart, being able to marry the daughters of those squire and landlords was what he wished for and his life was perfect.

But he also knew that the daughters of these people were not worthy of such an outstanding eldest son of his, but the prince and noble daughter his son fell in love with really made the farmer man who was digging in the fields feel guilty. Just thinking about it , and became a little restless.

How could he be able to marry the nobles in the capital? He wanted to ask his son to give up and choose a daughter from a well-to-do family, but he also knew that with the short-sightedness of a peasant man like him, How can you make decisions for your son who is the top scorer in the exam?

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