The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 78 I would like to spend a lifetime with you

Montenegro finally left the yard with his tail between his legs.

Feng Qing'an had something serious to do, but he couldn't let Heishanchu stand there and delay his important matter. Moreover, it would be too much for a boy and girl to be alone in a room with a dog.

Therefore, it is best for Montenegro to go to the mountains to pursue its little she-wolf. If you work hard, you can bring back the beautiful wolf, and you can also have a big demon to back you up. Why not? If they each work hard, they can have a bright future.

"Nan Ge, let's go into the house!"

"What's going on between you and Montenegro?"

But when the Yin spirit girl heard Feng Qingan's call, not only did she not move, but she tilted her head and looked at him with confusion.

"What's going on?"

Feng Qingan was stunned and didn't react for a moment.

"Can you and Montenegro communicate alone? You were communicating just now, right?"

Although the girl asked questions, her tone was extremely affirmative.

Obviously before Heishan entered the Netherworld, Feng Qing'an didn't know the situation there, but when she came back today, Feng Qing'an actually knew that Heishan had been running all night and couldn't find food.

But Heishan stayed with her before returning to the human world. Nange could be sure that during this period, Feng Qingan did not come to look for it.


Hearing the girl's question, Feng Qing'an couldn't help but marvel at Nan Ge's keen insight. He had a deeper understanding of the girl in front of him. She was not the so-called stupid girl, she was just attracted by that sister. Protected so well, so little has been seen.

"How did you do it? This shouldn't have anything to do with blood, right!"

Nan Ge's eyes lit up and he couldn't wait to ask. This is not her speculation, but her expectation.

"It has nothing to do with blood, this is a secret technique I have mastered!"

Feng Qing'an told the truth. He looked at the girl in front of him and realized something in his heart. Maybe he didn't need to rack his brains to figure out how to get the girl to contract with him.

"Can that be used between us?"

The girl's bright eyes reflected the winter stars and moon, as if a vast starry sky was conceived within them.

"Yes, but this secret technique has requirements. Only by completing the requirements can you be like me and Heishan, ignoring distance and communicating anytime and anywhere!"

"Can we communicate anytime and anywhere?"

The girl's eyes became brighter and brighter, and her temperament also became brighter and more attractive.

"Even if I am in the underworld and you are in the human world, is it okay?"

"I have no problem with Montenegro. I can understand everything I see through Montenegro at any time!"

Feng Qingan still answered truthfully.

"Then I want it too!"

The girl's voice became softer and softer to the bone.

"Feng Qing'an, I want it too!"

The girl repeated it again.


Feng Qing'an was silent for a while. He always felt that something was wrong, as if there was something reversed. Who was attacking whom? He should obviously take the initiative.

"There are prerequisites for the use of secret techniques. I need to make a contract with your soul. Only by relying on the contract can we communicate anytime and anywhere!"

When the girl acted like this, Feng Qingan stated his interests seriously. In this kind of matter, he must not do any deception, let alone deceive.

"Once I make a contract, it means that we will always be connected and share weal and woe!"

"Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and make a contract with me!"

The girl urged impatiently.

"Don't you think about it? This is a major event that will affect your future!"

Feng Qingan really didn't know how to do it, so he reminded him again.

"Feng Qing'an!"

The girl's expression suddenly became a little sad, with a little sadness.


"Don't you want to stay with me forever?"

"How is that possible! Of course I am willing to spend my life with you!"

Feng Qingan shook his head. At this moment, he probably understood the girl's thoughts and what was going on.

"But I also want you to think it over carefully so that you won't regret it in the future!"

"Then will you make me regret it?"

A soft smile bloomed on the girl's face, and at this moment, the sky and the earth were eclipsed.

"of course not!"

Feng Qing'an's tone was sonorous and powerful, and his eyes became firm at this moment. Maybe the girl wanted to communicate with him all the time because of her loneliness.

But he doesn't have to worry or feel any burden because of this. Feng Qing'an is confident that he can return ten or even a hundred times what Nan Ge can give him.

The relationship between a beast master and a pet is like this. They achieve each other and promote each other. It is not just a matter of one person plundering and demanding from the other.

"This will be the most correct choice in your life!"

The boy assured the girl.

"Then let's start the contract with our souls. What do I need to do?"

The girl looked at Feng Qingan's body curiously, as if expecting him to take out something new and special.

"You don't need to prepare anything, just don't resist. Come on, follow me into the room. The contract process requires a quiet and undisturbed environment!"

This time the girl did not refuse. Instead, she took the initiative to reach out and took Feng Qingan's arm, leaning on his shoulder. Her body as light as a feather was half-dragged into the room by Feng Qingan. UU Reading www.uuukanshu.nett

"Sit on the bed!"

Feng Qingan pressed the girl on the bed.

"Do I need to lie down?"

The girl blinked her clear and bright eyes and asked proactively.

"No, just sit down and I'll start later. When the time comes, as long as you don't resist, it will be completed soon. We will be connected and become an inseparable body. Then, we can communicate anytime and anywhere." ”


The girl sat obediently on the bed, her back straight, looking very solemn.

Seeing the girl like this, Feng Qingan was a little bit dumbfounded, but he didn't correct her. Anyway, she could put on any pose. The important thing was not to resist.

"Then I'll start!"

Under the girl's expectant gaze, Feng Qing'an stretched out his palm and pressed it on the girl's chest. Azure light emerged from his palm, then turned into a bright halo, gradually spreading, surrounding the girl's figure. In the meantime.

Nan Ge felt a binding force gradually integrating into her body, and a force she was familiar with was approaching her soul, trying to leave a mark.

This made her instinctively feel a little uncomfortable, but when she thought of what Feng Qingan said, she suppressed everything and actively cooperated, allowing the light of azure soul power to blend into her body extremely softly.

The second soul contract, Nan Ge!

The contract is established!

At the moment when the two souls were connected, Feng Qingan felt a cold and warm power flow into his soul. At this moment, he felt that his thinking was clearer than ever before, and the soul power in his body was even more active. .

At this moment, he officially became a veritable Earth Beast General!

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