“You don’t need anything? So what is your purpose? You can’t always say, you want justice, do you? ”

Lieutenant General Tsuru’s eyes looked at Bucky, and immediately became indifferent.

It’s not that she thinks blindly, it’s because this kind of thing is too hard to believe.

“What do I want?”

After hearing Lieutenant General Tsuru’s inquiry, Bucky couldn’t help but sigh, and then, his expression became extremely serious, “It’s very simple, all I want is to win.” ”

“Want to win?”

Lieutenant General He’s heart revealed a trace of understanding.

Obviously, for Baki, she also knows a little, and naturally knows what the other party thinks.

“Well, you don’t need to think about it, I’m just telling you about this matter, I want you to have no worries, not let you make a decision now.”

Bucky looked at the high-ranking naval officers who were in thought, and then shook his head.

“Okay, Bucky’s affairs have already been said, then the rest is my business.”

At this moment, Miller’s voice also sounded, which instantly attracted the attention of Warring States and others.

Compared to Bucky’s only money, Miller’s man has absolute strength.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, the two people of Sengoku and Kuzan always feel that Miller’s strength is even more terrifying than 140 years ago.

“I wonder what’s going on with Mr. Miller?”

Sengoku looked at Miller, and there was a trace of solemnity in his eyes.

“The person in the Holy Land, I will solve it.”

Miller looked at the Warring States and said with a serious face.

“Are you sure?”

Sengoku couldn’t help but ask.

“I’m ninety percent sure now, but if you can help me find a devil fruit, then I can be absolutely sure.”

Miller looked at Sengoku with a hint of a smile on his face.

Not only please Bucky, but even the navy, he will also ask the other party, and then help him find the devil fruit.

“I know, we’ll help you find it.”

Sengoku nodded clearly.

Watching Borusalino send Miller and Bucky away, the rest of the people looked at Sengoku.

“The other side… Is it believable? ”

Karp looked at Sengoku and couldn’t help but ask.

“A strong person of this level, what is the need to deceive us?”

Sengoku said with a smile.

(cafe) “You trust the other person? Heartwarmed? ”

Karp was a little dumbfounded, in other words, are you really a Sengoku?

“It’s very simple, because I have a feeling that those of us joining forces are not opponents of each other.”

Sengoku briefly explained his reasons.

It should be said that the feeling of the Warring States is still very keen, and this is also the case.

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Although the strength of Sengoku and the others is not weak, they still know too little about the power of magic.

In the face of Miller’s sudden burst of magic, it is also very possible to be directly killed on the spot.

“Who knows if this kind of thing has not been fought?”

Sakaski was a little angry about this, not very willing to admit it.

“Don’t be careless, Sakaski, we’ve seen each other’s strength.”

Kuzan looked at Sakaski, his face was very serious, “The two strong people in the Holy Land, whose strength will not be weaker than ours, are in the hands of the other party, and they were solved in just a few minutes, doesn’t this prove the strength of the other party?” ”

Very good, the reasons of the Warring States are very good and very strong, at least they are completely unable to refute it.

“Nabaki Chamber of Commerce there…”

Seriously, the faces of Karp, Kuzan, Sakaski, Zefa and others were clearly moved.

They have long seen that those guys in the world government are unhappy, that is, they have no confidence, otherwise, they would have ignored each other long ago.

Now, they seem to have an opportunity. [ Read more novels for free on our website: tinyurl.com/2aa54z8b ]

“Without a doubt, this is an opportunity.”

Warring States said with a serious face, “But it is precisely because it is an opportunity, so we must seize it well, the opportunity is only once, once it fails, it will never be again.”

And now, the most important thing is to solve the problem of pirates first, and after that, see if we want to continue. ”

“Got it.”

Karp and the others nodded one after another, and a trace of heat flashed in their eyes.

After a long absence, the whole person became enthusiastic, even old people like Warring States, Karp and Zefa.

They suddenly had a feeling that the justice that had been lost for a long time seemed to be being practiced in their hands.

“This time, the matter must be kept secret, and no one is allowed to know except us.”

Sengoku said with an extremely serious face.

“Don’t worry, Sengoku, please believe in our justice.”

After Zefa saw this, a smile immediately appeared on his face, signaling the Warring States to rest assured.

In the future, they may not be able to guarantee it, but at least what their generation of navies has, that is true justice.


Holy Land, Mary Joa.

It has been a full ten years since the last Holy Land War, and the Holy Land that had basically become a ruin, after ten years, it has long been restored to its original state, and even more brilliant.

However, unlike before, most of the current holy land is inhabited by world government officials, and only Pangu City is the territory of the Draco.

No way, the Draco, who could have reached more than three hundred people, were directly killed by Miller during the previous battle of the Holy Land, and only two digits remained, and even two families were directly declared extinct.

Under such circumstances, how can it continue to occupy a huge amount of land?

What’s more, those Draco who survived felt that it was too dangerous outside, and it was safer to hide inside Pangu City.

Under such circumstances, the remaining Draco naturally chose to hide in Pangu City, and then Gao Le inside.

By the way, it is said that the remaining Draco, because they are too afraid of death, have chosen to use sea lou stones to protect themselves.

Yes, you read it right, those Draco who survived, because they were too afraid of dying, chose to tear down their villas and rebuild them.

Then, all of them were built with sea lou stone, protecting themselves in all aspects.

I can only say that I am really afraid of death.

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