“Okay, Mr. Miller, let’s talk about what’s the point, shall we?”

Mad San immediately looked at Miller with a curious expression.

“As far as the current situation is concerned, Mad San you traveled fifteen years ago, this is not a big problem.”

Speaking of this, Miller paused before continuing, “But the question is, even if Mad San you appear in front of the Origin Elf, are you really the opponent of the other party?” Are you absolutely sure of defeating the other side? ”


Mad San was stunned there, and for a while, he couldn’t help but fall silent.

His face was gloomy.

It was a question she hadn’t thought about.

If before today, she could definitely say that she had a lot of confidence that she could definitely solve the Origin Elf guy.

However, after experiencing the fiasco against the DEM Society, Mad San realized that this did not seem to be a simple matter.

Her strength, it seems to be a little weaker?

That’s a bit embarrassing!

“The ontology is silent?”

“Yes, doesn’t that mean that the ontology is not at all sure?”

“It’s embarrassing, so what are you going back to?”

“Give away people’s heads!”

The words of the Four Heavenly Kings also made Mad San more and more silent.

“Although I don’t want to admit it, the problem now is that I really don’t seem to be the opponent’s opponent.”

Mad San, who returned to reason, had a self-deprecating smile on his face.

Although she is confident, she is not stupid, and naturally knows that if she can’t beat it, she can’t beat it.

Seriously, at this time, Mad San can’t help but start to wonder, did his previous self have water in his brain?

Otherwise, how could she have made the decision to rely on her own power, go back in time, and then stop the Origin Elves from appearing?

If nothing else, just relying on her own strength, she has successfully returned to the past, and she has no strength to deal with the Origin Elves.

“So, without Miller, my plan would have failed in the first place?” Impossible? ”

Mad San, who realized this, suddenly became silent.

Seriously, the blow was a little big.

After realizing this, Mad San couldn’t help but fall silent, not knowing what to do next?

So, if she is not a match for the origin elves, then it is to go back in time, what is the use?

Or, as the doppelganger said, to give away people’s heads?

She won’t be stupid like this.

“So what should I do now? What to do? ”

Mad San’s eyes revealed a trace of confusion.

This look, too, looks a little pitiful.

It’s like a confused deer, which makes people feel distressed.

“Mad San, I want to know what you want to do back to fifteen years ago?”

Looking at the confused Mad San, Miller also asked.

“My purpose? It is to prevent the appearance of the origin elves. ”

Mad San answered Miller’s inquiry blankly.

“What is the essential purpose of preventing the appearance of the Origin Spirit?”

Miller continued to inquire.

“The most fundamental purpose?”

Mad San was silent for a while, and the whole person fell into memories, she thought a lot, and also thought of the friend who was accidentally killed by herself.

“I want to save my friend.”

After realizing his most fundamental purpose, Mad San raised his head and looked at Miller, and his eyes no longer hesitated.

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As for preventing the appearance of elves, avoiding such pain, and passing it on to other people again…

Sorry, Mad San said that he is not so great, where can he manage so much?

It’s good that she can manage herself now.

“I decide, Mr. Miller, and please help me.”

Mad San, who had made the decision, immediately turned to Miller.

“Leave it to me with confidence.”

Miller smiled and nodded.

The next day, after resting for a night, Mad San adjusted his state to a perfect state.

“I’m all ready to start, Mr. Miller.”

Mad San, who was ready, looked at Miller with a hint of praise in his eyes.

“Let’s go, the next movement will definitely not be small, let’s find a remote place and get ready.”

At random, the two people came to the suburban location.

At least here, the movement can be smaller.


Miller’s four doppelgangers had already appeared around in advance and then guarded there.

As for Mad Three’s words… He has also taken back all his doppelgangers to ensure that he can have enough combat power at that time.

“‘Ready?’ [ Read more novels for free on our website: tinyurl.com/2aa54z8b ]

Miller asked Mad San.

“I’m ready.”

Mad San nodded, signaling that he could start at any time.

“Then let’s get started.”

Miller nodded, and the magic on his body suddenly surged.


The magic power in Miller’s body completely exploded and rushed straight into the sky.

The furious magic power suddenly stirred the wind and clouds, and the clouds formed a huge whirlpool.

In the center of the whirlpool, the power of time is brewing.

“What a force.”

Mad San looked at the power Miller displayed, and couldn’t help but blink, revealing a trace of shock.

Then, his eyes revealed a different look.

“Sahe, you have to wait for me, I will come to rescue you soon.”

“Here we go!”

At this moment, the time magic controlled by Miller had opened the door of time, and a passage to fifteen years ago (Li Zhao Zhao) began to form.

“Mad San, go.”

Miller reminded Mad San.

The central position of the vortex is the passage of time and space.

“Thank you, Miller, when I get back.”

After dropping this sentence, Mad San flew into the sky and disappeared into the vortex at once.

At the moment when Mad San entered, the passage of time and space was closed, and Mad San disappeared in front of Miller.

“Let’s hope everything goes well.”

Miller looked at the disappearing Mad San, and such a thought flashed in his heart.

“But… The time of this world is really fragile, with my strength, I can actually make a leap of fifteen years? And still the kind that gives away? ”

Realizing this, Miller also showed a hint of surprise on his face.

You know, he had already prepared a lot, but there was no way, and he didn’t use it? .

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