Lucy, led by Natsu, finally came to the guild of wizards she had in mind: Fairy Tail.

“Is this Fairy Tail? The strongest guild? ”

Lucy looked at the relatively “quaint” guild in front of her, and her expression became subtle.

Well, in fact, the so-called quaint is also the word she tried her best to come up with, and she wants to say that this guild looks so ordinary.

“I can’t see this at all, it’s the tail of the strongest guild goblin?!”

“This is it, Lucy, our guild.”

Natsu, who didn’t know what Lucy was thinking at all, said triumphantly to Lucy.

Then, Natsu kicked viciously against the door of his guild.

“Bastards, Lao Tzu is back!”

Lucy looked at what Natsu had done to her guild, and she was stunned.

Is this really his guild?

Really not a hostile guild?


Then, Lucy felt an indescribable killing intent.


Lucy, who was just a big lady before, after feeling this killing intent, seriously, the whole person trembled, and even, she was a little about to pee.

“What! It’s Natsu! ”

“Hey, boring, I thought who called it?”


Just when Lucy was about to pee, because Natsu walked into the guild, the violent killing intent disappeared in an instant.

Then, what to do, drinking, chatting and farting, no one paid attention to Natsu, this stupid ass.

“Natsu, what did you do to the guild’s door? You compensate me!! ”

Except for Makarov.

After all, he is the guild leader, and he still cares about the guild.

“What, the repair thing, please give Miller a chance?”

I saw Natsu said to Makarov with a casual face.

If before, he might have cared about the guild’s repair, but now, since Miller showed the means to repair the guild, Natsu didn’t care at all.

No, it should be said that not only Natsu, but the rest of the guys are the same, once the fight starts, it is no longer left.

In just the past three days, the guild has been completely reduced to ruins, a full three times.

Almost once a day.

“Let me fix it for you?”

Miller’s slightly playful voice sounded, “It’s not impossible, but I may have to charge.” ”


Natsu’s eyes widened, “Miller, you don’t bring this.” ”

“What’s wrong with me? Doesn’t magic need to be used to use magic? ”

Miller gave Natsu a roll of the eyes.

Is he really a tool man?


In an instant, Natsu stopped talking.


“What, guild leader, I brought someone back today, and she said she wanted to join the guild.”

Natsu, who watched this scene, was also very witty, and directly chose to change the topic.

“Oh? Got someone new to join? ”

Makarov’s eyes lit up.

For Makarov, the addition of new people means that Fairy Tail is getting better and better, and he is naturally in a good mood.

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“Lucy, come in soon.”

Natsu, who turned his head, but did not see Lucy, shouted directly at the door.


Looking at this scene, Lucy also showed a dumbfounded expression, and subconsciously, she looked at Harpy beside her.

Now, she can only turn to this cat.

Although this cat is actually not very reliable, in Lucy’s opinion, to some extent, the other party is also an old man of the Fairy Tail Guild.

“Come on, Lucy!”

As a result, Harpy gave Lucy a thumbs up, signaling the other to rush hard.


Lucy knew that her choice to ask for help from the cat was simply a wrong choice.

“Ah, by the way, Lucy, let me help you.”

Suddenly, Harpy, who thought of something, his eyes lit up at once, and then said to Lucy.

“Huh? Help me? How to help? ”

Lucy’s eyes showed a trace of doubt.

“That’s how it helps.”

I saw that Harpy came behind Lucy without Lucy reacting, and pushed hard. [ Read more novels for free on our website: ]


Lucy, who didn’t react at all, fell towards the guild under the power of Hubpy just like that.


With the sound of a rush to the street, I saw Lucy suddenly fell to the ground under such a situation.

“Oooooh oh!!”

“This time a very powerful newcomer came, did he actually come in and give benefits?”

“Needless to say, from now on, this new person is our best partner.”

“Definitely let the other party join the guild.”


“Don’t worry.”

Makarov, who wiped away the nosebleed, gave everyone a reassuring look, “This kind of talent, of course, will join the guild.” ”

I saw Lucy on the street, because of Harpy’s actions, her short skirt turned over at once, and then, Lucy’s lace translucent pants appeared in front of everyone.

“Lucy, I didn’t expect you to actually like white?”

Harpy, who didn’t realize anything was wrong at all, flew to Lucy’s side and asked with a simple look.


Lucy was stunned for a moment, but immediately, she reacted.


Lucy, who reacted, screamed at once, quickly stood up, and then put down her skirt.

“Damn, I lost such a big person just after coming in, how can I fool around here?”

Lucy’s eyes suddenly became unfocused, and then she turned her head to look at Harpy, who was completely unaware of the problem.

“How about I kill this cat and then kill myself?”


Lucy, who felt that this was a very good idea, looked at Harpy’s eyes with a hint of killing intent.

“What’s the situation? Why do you suddenly feel a little cold? ”

Harpy, who was completely unaware of the problem, looked around, but found no surprises.

I didn’t realize that the so-called danger came from Lucy next to me.

“Lucy, is it?”

Makarov came to Lucy.

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