Just when Natsu and Hubby were dazed, Lucina absorbed enough spit energy, and the magic that finally formed burst out at once.

“Boom !!”

“Boom !!”

The golden arrow, formed by the spitting energy, hit the ground in front of Natsu and Harpy, and then exploded directly.

That furious force, but in the blink of an eye, it blew Natsu and Harpy out.

A large hole suddenly appeared in the ceiling, and the air became much circulated.

“This, this, this… Did I cause it? ”

Lucy’s eyes widened and she looked at the scene in front of her in disbelief.

Natsu’s strength, she knows, it can be said, is definitely not something she can deal with.

Even, even when the other party is careless, she can’t beat the other party.

As a result, now, she really flew the other party, in other words, isn’t this a little too surprising.

“My guild!!”

And just when Lucy was shocked because of the results she had caused, Makarov’s wail suddenly sounded.

I saw Makarov rushing into the hall, looking at the big hole in the ceiling, and his eyes became 15 and became unfocused.


Looking at Makarov’s appearance, Lucy, who was originally surprised by her burst of power, suddenly became embarrassed.


Makarov looked at Lucy’s eyes and became dangerous, “You shouldn’t be the kind of person who breaks the guild and then doesn’t pay for repairs, right?” ”

“I, I, I…”

Lucy is going to cry!

“Of course I’ll pay for the repairs.”

Does she dare not pay?

Lucy felt that if she dared to say a word, Makarov’s fist was estimated to be hit.


In an instant, Makarov, who had a majestic face, suddenly became kind.

Rubbing his hands, he looked at Lucy in front of him with a smile and stretched out his hand.

“Card or cash?”

“Swipe your card.”

Lucy could only choose to swipe the card and paid 30,000 J as the repair fee.

“It’s really not easy!”

At the moment of turning around, Makarov burst into tears, “This is really rare, when did I ever get repair money from this group of guys?” ”

In order to commemorate this exciting moment, he decided that the 30,000 J must be kept as a memorial.

Immediately, Makarov, who had just pitted Lucy, came to Miller with a fawning expression on his face.

“Miller, can you help fix the guild?”

“There’s a fee.”

Miller said seriously.

“Give, one and a half.”

Seeing this, Makarov was also quite atmospheric, and directly took out half of the compensation, and then handed it to Miller in front of him.

“Okay, it’s going to be magnificent.”

Looking at Makarov’s arrogant appearance, Miller did not talk nonsense, and directly activated the magic of time, returning the time of the guild ceiling to five minutes ago.


Looking at the ceiling that was originally damaged by herself, under one of Miller’s magic, it returned to its original appearance, and Lucy didn’t know what kind of expression to make for a while.

“President, aren’t you going a little too far? Is it even pit for this money? ”

Lucy complained.

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The golden light shone on her body again.


Makarov, who was originally a little happy, couldn’t help but blink his eyes and revealed an embarrassed expression.


Makarov coughed, and then, looking at Lucy in front of him seriously, “Lucy, you did it to break the guild, right?” ”

“That’s right.”

Lucy nodded, and at this point, she still admitted.

“In that case, wouldn’t it be normal for you to ask for 30,000 J as compensation for your damage to the guild?”

Makarov asked seriously.

“It’s like… Also. ”

Lucy was stunned for a moment, but then nodded.

Although it is her own guild, she damaged the guild’s facilities after all, so compensation is also a matter of course.

“Isn’t that the end of it?”

Makarov laughed, “As for me going to find a repairman or something, it has nothing to do with you.” ”

“It’s like… Also? ”

Lucy blinked, always feeling that what Makarov said made sense.

But I don’t know why, she just thinks something is a little strange? [ Read more novels for free on our website: tinyurl.com/2aa54z8b ]

So, what’s so strange?

It’s just that for a while, she really can’t think of what the problem is.

“Lucy, how? Have you ever felt the power of the spit magic? ”

Miller looked at Lucy at this moment and asked with a smile.

“Very strong.”

Lucy nodded and said with a serious face.

“So, do you want to learn spit magic now?”

Miller asked with a smile.


Lucy’s face suddenly showed a tangled expression.

I kind of want to learn, but I always feel that I can’t save my face.

You think, go out and fight people, and both sides report the names of the magic they have learned in 903 at the same time.

“I’m the Star Spirit Wizard, how about you?”

“I… I am a wizard who spits on magic. ”

The thought of having to admit to others that she was a wizard who complained about magic made her feel a little like dying.

“Lucy, how are you thinking about it?”

Miller asked with a smile.

“I, I’ll think again.”

Lucy’s eyes also became drifting, and she was a little afraid to look at Miller.


Although Lucy did not directly agree, Miller looked at Lucy’s expression and knew that the other party was just a little unable to pull off now, and sooner or later, the other party would still use spit magic.

After all, for Lucy, spitting on magic, that’s really fragrant.

Hearing Miller’s laughter, Lucy didn’t dare to look at Miller at all, because even she didn’t think that she would hold back and not use this magic at all.

So, sooner or later, she will be punched in the face.

However, being slapped in the face is also a matter of later, at least for now, she still has to take care of her own face.

“Ah, yes, I almost forgot.”

At this moment, Lucy suddenly thought of something, and then looked at Miller, showing a curious expression, “Mr. Miller, you still haven’t told me what happened to Loki.” “。

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