“What about an R system my size? Why is it gone? ”

The so-called happiness is sad, and that’s it.

Jalal this guy, at this moment, deeply realized what is called happiness and sorrow.

Obviously, he had prepared everything, but now, he watched as such a large R system, an R system that had been completely completed, disappeared in front of him.

Isn’t that a joke!

Jalal felt like he was going completely crazy.

“It was taken by the wizard of Fairy Tail, the guy named Miller. If you still want to continue, then go and take back the R in the hands of the other party. ”

Urrutia’s mind body appeared beside Jellal, and then reminded.

“I see.”

Jellal, who was originally a little crazy, instantly calmed down after hearing Urrutia’s words, and then, quickly ~ acted.

“Hand over the R to me, or all of you will die here.”

Receiving a reminder from Urrutia, Jellal rushed to Miller and Elusa at once, and then prepared to snatch R-Tong back from Miller’s hands.

However, for Jellal’s defeated dog, Miller didn’t look at the other party and directly chose to ignore it.

“Your opponent is me.”

Elusha blocked Jellal, and her eyes became serious.

Everything will end today.


Jellal looked at Elusa who was blocking in front of him, and a trace of complexity flashed in his eyes.

But immediately, his eyes became firm.

“Then here, for the final conclusion.”


Not to mention the battle between Jellal and Elusa, the council at this time has also completely fallen into chaos.

After discovering the failure of the magic wizard power, and then the completion of the R system, plus Zikrein is Jalal, the councillors realized that they and the others were fooled.

But now, even regret is too late.

After seeing this, Urrutia also realized that even if he stayed, it would be useless, so after razing the council to ruins, he disappeared in place.

Leaving behind a dilapidated and chaotic council, and then, taking advantage of the chaos, it left here.

Watching the two saints of Zikreyin and Urrutia leave one after another, to be honest, even if none of the councilors present suffered any accidents, but… It was still inevitable in my heart, and there was a despair.

They realized that their path as a parliamentarian should end there.

With such a big accident, it was no longer possible for them to continue as parliamentarians.

Stepping down or light, that is, going to prison, is a normal thing.

But immediately, the faces of several parliamentarians became even more desperate.

Because they suddenly thought that if they did not have the identity of the councilor, then at that time, once the news of the persecution of the members of the demon tail was leaked, what would be the consequences for them?

“With the crazy level of the group of people in the demon tail, it is completely possible to kill us, right?”

Such thoughts flashed in the hearts of several people at the same time, and then fell into a deep haze.


The entrance to the small town of Magnolia.

Joseph, Aliyah, and a Gagiru appeared here.

“The mission is already known, right? Gagiru? ”

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Joseph looked at Gagiru in front of him and asked with a grim face.

“Don’t worry, I know it.”

Gagiru nodded and responded expressionlessly.


Looking at Gagiru’s reluctant, but still nodding in agreement, Joseph also nodded in satisfaction.

He doesn’t care about the other party’s attitude, all he wants is a result.

As long as the other party does what he asks, he doesn’t care about the other party’s attitude.

Looking at Joseph and Alia who left, Gagiru’s face immediately became ugly. [ Read more novels for free on our website: tinyurl.com/2aa54z8b ]

“It seems that after this time, I will leave this guild.”

Such a thought flashed in Gagiru’s heart.

In the end, the reason why he joined this guild was just because there was no place to stay, and now, since this guild did not meet his ideas, then he just left.

“Don’t worry, Fairy Tail, I won’t kill you, at most I will beat you.”

Gagiru looked in the direction of the Fairy Tail Guild with a maniacal smile on his face.

As for not being able to beat?

In Gagiru’s view, that simply does not exist.

What time is this? It’s already early in the morning, how many people can still exist in the guild? Therefore, the rest of the people definitely cannot be his opponents.

Of course, if he opened the door and saw a group of people, it would be as if he hadn’t said anything.

Then he must admit that his luck is really not good.

But is this possible?

Anyway, in Gagiru’s opinion, it is impossible.

Fairy Tail Guild doorway.

After getting lost for a while, Gagiru finally came to the door of Fairy Tail.

“Hey, hey, hey!”

Looking at the ancient (dilapidated) guild in front of him, Gagiru kicked the guild’s door flying.


With Gagiru’s actions, in the guild, Wakaba and the others, who were staying up late playing cards, instantly looked over.

Then, he saw an arrogant Gagiru, maintaining the posture of kicking the door.


Gagiru, who originally wanted to speak ruthlessly, looked at the eight tables of people playing cards in the Demon Tail Guild, and cold sweat suddenly dripped down.

Is his luck really so bad?

“What time is it, you guys are still playing cards here?” Don’t you have to do the task tomorrow?! ”

Gagiru couldn’t help but complain.

“I want you to take care of it, stinky boy.”

Waqaba was like a social boss, holding a cigar in his mouth, and then stood up, looking at Gagiru in front of him.

“Also, who are you? Dare to kick the door of our guild, do you kid know what this means? ”

With Wakaba’s actions, several people dropped the cards in their hands at the first time, and then swept up the cards on the table, and then stared at Gagiru together.

“Hey, hey, I’m going to win soon…”

The rest of the people, after seeing this scene, the corners of their mouths couldn’t help but twitch for ten.

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