“For the time being, the only one who can kill the dragon is the dragon, so in fact, you can use additional magic to attach the dragon’s power to the magic guide.

In this way, the Magus also has the power to confront the dragon, at least break the dragon’s defenses, and even kill the dragon when there are enough numbers.

If nothing else, at least using this method, ordinary magic guides also have the power to protect themselves, so that they will not have the power to resist at all in front of the dragon. ”

Miller looked at Erin in front of him and said seriously.

“Additional magic, additional dragon power?”

After hearing Miller’s words, Erin’s eyes suddenly lit up.

Then, she felt that there were countless thoughts colliding in her mind.

“Faux pas, Mr. Miller, I’ll experiment first.”

After showing a hint of apology to Miller, Erin left here with a cigarette and ~ disappeared.

“Are you in such a hurry?”

Looking at Erin’s appearance, Miller also disappeared in place, and directly followed in Erin’s direction.

When Miller appeared in the square, he saw that Erin’s body had completed the use of additional magic, that is, from now on, Erin had become a dragon slayer-guide.

He is also the first dragon slayer in this world.

“The winds of the times have blown and humanity is about to launch a fight against the dragon.”

Looking at the successful Erin, Miller knew that the dragon’s disaster, the pitch-black dragon, would soon appear.

At that time, it will be the real disaster of the dragon.

Even knowing this, though, Miller had no idea of stopping it.

Because this is not necessary at all, even without Akunolokia, the rest of the magic dragons will appear.

After all, in this era, the sins caused by dragons are simply too great.

Even without Akunolokia, the rest of humanity will continue to evolve and sound the clarion call to counterattack the dragon.

The destruction of all the dragons was only a matter of early age.

In fact, in the following time, a large number of dragon slayer wizards appeared.

Although the strength is still weak, there are enough of them, and they are not afraid of death.

Under such circumstances, the kingdom where Erin was located was also preserved.

“Do you want to continue fighting?”

Miller looked at Erin and couldn’t help but ask.


Erin sighed and showed a rather tired expression, “Even if I don’t want to do this, there is no way, because in this era, if we don’t work hard to become stronger, it is very likely that we will become the food of the dragon in the next moment.” ”

“You guys worked hard too.”

Hearing Miller here, I have to admit that the human beings in this era are indeed too hard.

“Don’t worry, no matter what, with me sitting here, you at least don’t have to worry about any problems in your kingdom.”

Miller looked at Erin in front of him and immediately comforted.

“Thank you.”

After hearing Miller’s words, Erin’s eyes were also full of gratitude.

As Miller said, with Miller around, the safety of the kingdom is at least not to worry about.

Looking at Irene, who led the army of dragon destroyers and hunted dragons again, Miller stood there and did not move, but looked at Belselion beside him.

“Aren’t you going to follow?”

“No need, she is no longer a child, so you don’t need me to follow her, otherwise, she won’t be able to grow up.”

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Belselion shook his head.

Although she is worried, she must also let the other party grow.

“Is that so?”

After hearing Berselion’s words, Miller was silent for a while, and finally did not say anything more.

Perhaps, it is precisely because of this cruel environment, whether it is Erin or Akuno Lokia, that they can grow to such a point.

“Go back.”

Miller, who didn’t say much, went straight back to the palace, his own room.

“Almost.” [ Read more novels for free on our website: tinyurl.com/2aa54z8b ]

Miller, who was sitting in the middle of the room, took out the dragon soul of the Golden God Dragon and the magic crystal condensed by the R system, and put it in front of him.


After adjusting to his form, Miller was ready to get started.

After all, there is still a dragon king-level dragon guarding here, just think about it, there will be no problem,

“Let’s go!”

After taking a deep breath, Miller put the magic crystal in his mouth, and then directly crushed it.

“Boom !!”

The amazing magic burst out from Miller’s body at once.

The so-called infinite magic is nothing more than that.

“It’s now!”

At the moment when the magic burst out, Miller immediately picked up the dragon soul in his hand.

“Receive !!”

The power of receiving magic instantly extended from Miller’s body, wrapped the dragon soul, and then began to forcibly receive.

“Roar, roar, roar!!”

Perhaps aware of the danger, even the dragon soul rebelled at once.

Unfortunately, it is not useful at all.

If it was before, Miller might not be able to forcibly complete the reception of the dragon soul, but now, with the magic power of the R system as a support and foundation, Miller really has no fear.

There is nothing to hesitate, directly use the most barbaric and brutal force to forcibly receive the dragon soul, and do not give the other party the strength to resist at all.

“Be my food.”

Miller began the forcible reception.

“Mixed accounts!!”

The Golden God Dragon roared angrily.

Unfortunately, it is not useful at all.

In itself, it has been beaten to sleep by Erin, and then faced with Miller’s forcible reception, how can it have the power to resist?

No, soon, the golden dragon completely lost his mind, only the instinctive power of resistance remained, but also step by step, was received by Miller.

“There… What the hell is he doing? ”

Bercelion, who was hovering in the position of the highest tower, could not help but show a trace of doubt and puzzlement in his eyes after feeling the magic fluctuations there.

It can feel that the other party’s magic is rapidly increasing.

“What the hell is going on here?”

In Belselion’s eyes, there was a trace of incomprehension.

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