“The fruit of everyone can be eaten and turned into the fruit of mankind.”

Miller explained the fruit’s abilities to Erin.


As a result, after hearing Miller’s words, Erin was immediately confused, and then subconsciously said, “But I am ~ a human being.” ”

“This is just in case.”

Miller looked at Erin in front of him, his face was very serious, “Erin, I can’t guarantee whether I can turn into a human again after turning into a dragon, so once that happens, this fruit is very important.”

Even, this fruit is only one in the whole world, so it must not be known by others, especially Akunologkia. ”

“I see.”

Hearing Erin here, her expression immediately became serious, indicating that she knew.

“Erin, there’s something I want to talk to you about.”

After hesitating, Miller looked at Erin’s eyes and became serious, he didn’t want to hide the other party, but wanted to tell everything.

“What, what?”

Looking at Miller’s serious look, Erin also became nervous all of a sudden, afraid that Miller would say something bad.

Even, she was a little worried, will Miller say that he doesn’t like herself? Or is it all her one-sided thoughts?

If that’s the case, it’s a little too embarrassing.

Even, not just embarrassment, more, maybe despair.

The first heartbeat, the first love, if it ends here, no, it doesn’t even begin, it’s over, then Erin really even wants to die.

“Erin, I like you a lot.”

In Erin’s apprehension, Miller looked at Erin in front of him and said with a serious face.


As a result, Erin, who was apprehensive, suddenly heard such words and was stunned there.

Then, after reacting, my heart was even more sincerely happy.

“Miller !!”

Erin, who was excited, even before Miller could react, suddenly hugged Miller in front of her and hugged Miller tightly.


Looking at Erin, who was so excited, Miller’s eyes also became softer.

“I like you too, Miller.”

After hearing Miller’s words, Erin also did not hesitate to tell her love.

“So when are we going to get married?”

Immediately, Erin looked at Miller in front of her with expectant eyes, hoping to marry Miller immediately.

“There’s nothing wrong with getting married.”

After hearing Erin’s words, Miller nodded and agreed, although a little embarrassed, “It’s just that before this, there is one thing I want to explain to you Erin.” ”

“What’s going on?”

After Erin heard that Miller was willing to marry her, she also showed a very casual expression.

As long as Miller is willing to marry him, the rest is nothing.

“Erin, actually, I am from a human race four hundred years later.”

Miller looked at Erin in front of him and directly said his origin.


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Erin was dumbfounded all of a sudden, a little not very understanding Miller’s words, after all, from four hundred years later, this kind of thing is really too mysterious.

“That… Miller, you’re not kidding me, are you? ”

After a while, Erin, who reacted, couldn’t help but ask Miller.

After all, this kind of thing sounds too strange.

“No, Erin, I can’t joke with you about this kind of thing.”

When Miller heard this, he immediately shook his head, indicating that he was not joking.


To be honest, Erin was a little dumbfounded, and she didn’t know what to say. [ Read more novels for free on our website: tinyurl.com/2aa54z8b ]

“That… Miller, are you leaving? ”

Suddenly, Erin reacted, and then stared at Miller in front of her, and couldn’t help but ask.

“Sorry, but, it is.”

Although Miller is very guilty, this is indeed the truth.

“Is that so? I know. ”

Although a trace of sadness flashed in Erin’s eyes, it was more firm.

“Miller, if I live four hundred years, I will be able to meet you again, right?”

Erin looked at Miller and asked seriously.


Miller nodded, although he didn’t want to see Erin’s sad eyes, but it was true.

These four hundred years are also doomed, and Miller cannot be by her side.

The power of time is not yet something that Miller can resist now, even if his current strength is very strong.

“That… When will you leave? ”

Erin’s eyes, staring at Miller in front of her, asked cautiously.

“Just in this week or so.”

After thinking about it, Miller immediately made a decision, and then looked at Erin’s eyes, and became firm again, “Of course, before leaving, I am also ready to collide with Akuno Lokia.” ”

“It must be fine, right?”

Erin asked cautiously after hearing Miller’s decision, although worried.

“Don’t worry, there will be no problem.”

Miller gave Erin a reassuring look, signaling the other party to rest assured.

“That’s good, that’s good.”

Erin was relieved, and her eyes became firm again, “Four hundred years?” Rest assured, I’ll stick with it. ”

“Sorry, I’m going to have to wait four hundred years for such a long time.”

Miller looked at Erin’s eyes, also full of apologies.

Miller wouldn’t want Erin to wait that long if he could, but who let the gap between the two sides be so big?

“No, nothing.”

As a result, I saw that after hearing Miller’s words, Erin shook her head with a gentle face, and looked at Miller’s eyes, but full of happiness.

“Rather, for me, it is also a happiness to be able to meet you Miller, so it’s only four hundred years, I can wait.”

Erin looked at Miller’s eyes, extremely determined, and then happiness.

For her, meeting Miller is her happiness.

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