“If you want to return to your human form, go find Jelf, who has the magic to restore the Dragon Slayer to a human.”

Miller gave Akuno Lokia advice.

“…… Thanks. ”

After a moment of silence, Akunolokia thanked Miller.

In any case, this news is very important to him.

Therefore, this thank you is also deserved.

“In other words, may I ask? What is your purpose now? ”

Miller looked at Akuno Lokia in front of him and couldn’t help but ask curiously.

“It’s simple, destroy all the dragons.”

Speaking of this, the expression on Akunolokia’s face immediately became vicious, “Now, add the dragon slaying wizards, and finally all the magic guides.” ”


After hearing Akunolokia’s words, Miller couldn’t help but be stunned there, with a trace of doubt and 08 puzzlement in his eyes.

“I can understand the dragon slayer, but why do you want to destroy the dragon slaying wizard and all the magic guides?”

Miller couldn’t help but ask.

“Because the Dragon Slayer can turn into a dragon, it should be killed. And the magic guide may learn dragon killing magic, so he should also kill. ”

Speaking of Akuno Lokia here, it has become completely crazy.


After hearing this, Miller also seemed to realize that after killing too many dragons, Akunolokia was eventually affected by the grudges before the dragon’s death, and then became a confused existence.

Otherwise, half of the normal people would not have done such a thing.

“So that’s it, you’re crazy.”

Hearing this, Miller couldn’t help but sigh.

“I went crazy a long time ago.”

A crazy smile appeared on Akunolokia’s face, “Ah, it’s decided, let’s kill you from now on.” ”


Looking at Akuno Lokia’s serious book and saying such crazy words, Miller also sighed helplessly.

“Sure enough, the brain is still broken? But that’s fine, in this way, it seems that I can do it directly to you, and I don’t need to look for any more reasons. ”

Thinking of this, Miller looked at Akuno Lokia’s eyes, and immediately became serious.


Akunolokia roared, and in Miller’s direction, he grabbed it fiercely.

The sharp claws, as if to tear the air, killed Miller here.

“Golden Sword!”

Jin’s power formed a sword in Miller’s hand, directly resisting in front of him.

“Boom !!”

Under the furious power, Miller did not take a step back, but steadily blocked the power of Akuno Lokia.

“Blocked it?”

Miller’s face showed a smile.

His “Ace” had long been crushed in the previous battle with the dragon.

This is true even with domineering defenses.

But now, Miller has gained even greater power.

The sharp and sturdy gold element, which has a stronger power than the supreme fast knife, can also carry his current power.

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“Break the void!”

After a sword blocked Akunolokia’s claws, Miller directly swung the longsword in his hand and slashed at Akunolokia.

“Boom !!”

The sky-rushing sword qi drowned Akuno Lokia with one move.

In the face of Miller’s pure attack, without the slightest magical attack, even with the almost magical immunity of Akunolokia’s defense, it could not be defended at all.

No, the dragon scales on his body were directly torn apart. [ Read more novels for free on our website: tinyurl.com/2aa54z8b ]

“Break the void!”

Seeing that his attack was effective, Miller did not hesitate at all, and once again the three swords were cut.

The blood like a lake was directly spilled, like a rain of blood, spilled out.

“Dragon Roar!”

Akuno Lokia, who felt the pain, did not have the slightest hesitation, and faced Miller with a crazy roar.

The torrent of magic rushed to drown Miller at once.

But, before he was hit, Miller had disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, he had already appeared behind Akunolokia.

“Golden Soul Destroyer!”

The ten-meter-tall great sword formed in the air, and then, under Miller’s control, fell from the sky and slashed at Akunologia.

“Roar, roar, roar!!”

At the moment of being hit, even Akuno Lokia wailed because of the pain caused by the tearing of his soul.

After all, the pain caused by the soul being torn apart is completely hellish.

No, even Akunolokia is unbearable.

“Boom !!”

The next moment, Akuno Lokia soared into the sky and flew into the air at once.

“Dragon’s Claw!”

Like a dive fighter, it rushed at great speed towards Miller’s position.

“Can’t stop it!”

Looking at this scene, Miller did not have the slightest hesitation, and chose to dodge.

“Boom !!”

Miller dodged it, but the ground was solid enough to withstand Miller’s blow.

That furious force directly shattered the ground.

“Is it still recovering?”

Miller, who was dodging the coming, looked at the injury he had just caused to Akuno Lokia, and after he had recovered, his face immediately became ugly.

But in terms of strength, in fact, his strength will not be weaker than Akuno Lokia, but the problem is that the opponent’s advantage is a little too much.

Whether it’s defense or resilience, that’s far beyond Miller’s.

In a situation where the battle between the two sides is bound to reach a stalemate, then the bonus of these two abilities of Akuno Lokia is a bit bad for Miller.

So, it’s a bit tricky.

“In other words, if I continue to fight, will I definitely not be the opponent’s opponent?”

Miller fell into thought, “Do you want to summon the doppelganger mind body and then surround Akuno Lokia?” ”

But almost instantly, Miller shook his head, because it was simply impractical.

In itself, he is weaker than Akunolokia in terms of strength, and if he still disperses his own power, isn’t it funny? .

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